Reading all this makes me wonder....what are YOUR reasons for wanting kids?
I mean, what is it really? To pass on our genes? To have something to take care of? To live a fuller life? To see a greater meaning in things?
In my mind, if these are the reasons, well, can't I get that from something else? (OK, not the genes one). I mean, I have cats. I love them to death. They sleep on my pillow. I feed them treats. I worry about them when it rains and they are outside. I have a hard time even going on vacation because I know they will be all alone and be wondering where I am. (I know, I am a dork

) They cost very little. They don't make any noise or complain, I don't have to take them along with me wherever I go, I can still love them and go out to dinner or spontaneously go out of town for the weekend. That said, sometimes I wish I didn't even have cats because I worry so much about them and dote on them so much. I assume I would be the same with a child, which is good I guess.
When I said my husband made the comments about "dealing" with kids, I know he said it meaning he knows he could and he would make the sacrafices necessary. But, like you all said, you can't prepare for it and he probably isn't prepared. I am a realist, he is living in the clouds. That scares me too. Because he is so unprepared, would it ruin our relationship?
The reasons I think I may not want to have kids:
1. No desire to pass on my genes, although a little bit since my father died and my brother is hopeless.;(
2. My sister's kids have effectively scared the piss out me and I would rather have my arm gnawed off than spawn crazy kids. (Ok, I DO love them to death). I see my sister tired and exhausted (3 kids, 2 yrs apart) and unappreciated too. Maybe being around them has gotten me my "fix" I don't know. That said, I do see having one child manageable and knowing what I know now if I had more they would be ATLEAST three years apart, if not more.
3. I like my life. I like the quietness of my home. I like the fact I can come home from work turn off my phone and take a nap. I like the fact that I can actually watch TV uninterrupted. I really dislike noise, I mean A LOT.
4. I am going into a helping profession and see myself being able to give to others what I otherwise would be giving to a child. I don't think I would be missing anything in terms of giving of myself. Can't all the personal satisfaction you gain from having kids be achieved with something else? Heck, even charity work??
5. I had a negative childhood and I suppose those old feelings are shining through. I was told all my life I was incompetent and I suppose deep down I fear that as a mother, even though logically I know that is not true.
I never dreamed of getting married, having kids, a successful career because I think my dreams were robbed from me. I learned to not even have them, I guess. They weren't important, so to this day I have no clue.
But when you ask people why they wanted kids, what do they say? "Oh, I always wanted to be a mother" or "I love being around them". Again, two feelings you can get somewhere else and spare yourself the monetary drain and the lifetime of responsibility.
I love having my fur animals but I have considered not having anymore after mine die because it is just devastating to me when I lose one. I take it really, really hard. I think if I had kids and worried constantly (like moms do) I would be a nervous wreck!!! More so than I am now, lol!!!
Plus, my husband wants all these "things". He comes up with a new thing every week he wished he could get. A new Jeep, A Harley Davidson. This week it is an ATV. We are in debt and working to pay that off, and he comes to me asking if he can get an ATV?? 4000.00?? AND he wants to charge it on a low interest CC!!!! WHAT??????? I mean, he works hard and probably deserves it, but c'mon? (We are currently at odds on this issue, lol)..We had a common goal of paying down our bills but I guess it is just MY goal. That worries me. I tell him, how will he ever live without these things? And furthermore, my does he want all these "things" and can't be happy just with what he has. We have a very comfortable life. We are not deprived... Would he be able to sacrifice all the crap you want (ok, the high $$ stuff) "one day" for a child? I don't know if he has any clue!! It has been a long, hard road for both of us while I have been in school but I tell him you have to look to the future, that it won't always be this tight, but you know, IMMEDIATE GRATIFICATION is everything!
Oh well, great conversation you guys! I am really learning a lot. Your personal experiences are helping a lot and it is good to know I am not alone! Thanks all!:7