How do the STS dvds compare with Gym Style Series?


I just started working out again after a long time. I ordered the STS dvds but was wondering if, while waiting, I could or should order the Gym style series. Are they very similar? Thanks
That's like comparing apples and oranges.

Gym Styles is a three-DVD split.

STS is a 41 (?) DVD system: a three-month program divided into three mesocycles, each with a different training goal. Meso 1 is for endurance. Meso 2 for hypertrophy (muscle building) and Meso 3 for strength.

The similarities are that both GS and STS are three-day splits. Also, GS is probably similar to one of the mesocycles (1 or 2 : I forget how many reps we do for most exercises in GS).
I think GS is like Mesocycle #2 in theory.

Benman, your wait for STS probably won't be for much longer. That said, the GS series is a forum favorite, and if you can afford it, it would be a nice addition to your Cathe collection. :) Even with STS, I'd still want my GS, Slow and Heavy, and Pyramids.

Here's a snippet from Cathe's STS explanation:

"MESOCYCLE #2 Hypertrophy (70% to 80% of 1RM) is where we build LEAN muscle mass, break plateus, define our muscles, stimulate our metabolism....these workouts will feel similar to our Gym Style Workouts in lifting nature except with a whole new approach, various techniques, and slightly less reps (8reps to 12 reps) "
Hi Benman: I ordered STS before I ordered any of Cathe's other DVD's but needed something to do in the mean time... I have the three day split of GymStyles: Back, Shoulder, Bi's; Chest & Tri's; and Legs... and LOVE them! My guess is that they probably won't be here much before STS right now, but they would (like Laughingwater & Kathryn said) would still be a great addition to your library! :)
gym style vs. muscle max?

I'm trying not to spend too much money. I already have the Muscle Max and am waiting for the STS series. Are the Gym Style trio overkill (actually, all of these workouts are overkill for me:p)? I very much like to lift weights but don't want to buy unnecessarily. Lynn
Hi Lynn:

I looked at the DVD's you have listed, and you have some good ones but not any really strength training oriented ones... Pyramids or GymStyles would be a nice addition to your library, but IMHO STS might be a palce to start with the weight training since it's already on the way, and I doubt you would have much time to spend on any new DVD before STS is anticipated to arrive... I would give it a few more days and see if SNM/Cathe update their release date and do a rotation with what you have for now... you can always make the determination as to whether or not you want more strength training once you start with STS... most of Cathe's weight workouts are killer for me, but I just do what I can and adjust my weights and eventually, with enough "practice", I get through them! ;)

But agree with Katie, that they are worth getting someday... My guess is that they won't get used much during STS, so I'd wait...
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Thanks, everyone! Your suggestions were very helpful. I think that I will splurge and get the Gym Style and the Drill Max if it's going to be a while longer for the STS. I am so weak, and although I could lift some weights on my own w/o the dvds, they are so much more inspiring and I think that I will try harder to push myself........."if they can do THAT, at least I can do THIS.....(even if it is half the weight.)":)

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