How did you find out about Cathe?

I got sort of burned out with running all the time so dragged out my Step and Kathy Smith Great Buns and Thighs step tape that had been shoved aside for years. I had forgotten until then what a good workout you can get from doing step and decided I needed more than Kathy Smith. I went to the Collagae website and came across Cathe. I ordered Interval Max and was blown away! I was utterly speechless (and breathless). It took a few tries to get all the way through it and a few months before I didn't need to do any of the modifications on the blasts.

I'm wondering how you other Cathe lovers found her.
My neighbor started me on the firm and cathe. She gave me my first firm tape and I did those for 2 years. She started cathe and let me borrow MIC/MIS. Eventually she gave me Bodymax, and the PS series. And I am glad that I found cathe. Her workouts can change you physically and mentally.

Collage Also. I had ordered from Collage since 1987 and I always saw Cathe tapes but they were always more expensive and I never heard of her or knew if I would like her. In February, I decided to splurge and placed an order of High Step Challenge (beginner) and Basic Step & Body Fusion (I was too scared to order Imax 2 at the time). After I got them and did them once, I saw where she mentioned the website and when I saw how many DVDs she had out, it was only a matter of a couple of months before I owned everything from Pure Strength to Hardcore. My hundreds of other DVD's/videos are collecting dust. I've been doing Cathe rotations since February. I suppose I'll eventually use them for Recovery Workouts. The funny thing is that I used to think I was an advanced exerciser until I found Cathe's DVD's. Her workouts are the hardest ones I've ever done and I'm totally hooked.
Elaine, I found out about Cathe the same way you did. Got hopelessly bored with Kathy Smith and was wanting a bigger challenge. Found out about Collage from a fitness magazine. Went on the web site and ordered Cardio Hits. The rest, as they say, is history.;-)

I think I'm like a lot of the others. Found Collage through a search engine and read reviews on Cathe. Needless to say, me & my credit card are hooked!!!

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

I found her on fittv. Then i realized the complete work outs weren't there so I started ordering he dvd's. I love working out more then ever since cathe.

I have doing the Firm since they begun filming, I was bored with that, I tried Mindy Mylrea, Janiss Saffell, Beachbody, etc. I was tired of the workouts once again and I went to Collage and found Cathe, and after buying the first DVd which was KPC & L&G I was hooked, I bought the entire Intensity series, the terminator, and all of the Hardcore series.
I bought some new Firms that came with the 30 day membership to their fitness boards. Everyone there was talking about Cathe, so I migrated over here! I'm so glad I did!

I discovered Cathe on FitTv as well. In the beginning, I never finished the workouts. I just couldn't and even though I do now, she still leaves me breathless each and everytime.

Totally bored with all the Kathy Smith and Firm. I still liked the Firm for the weights, but needed something else. So off to Collage to see what else was available. Soon I found this forum and was hooked on the people here before I was hooked on Cathe. The knowledge and the support was amazing and I could not wait to jump in with everyone here....Intensity Series was my baptism by DOMS, and soon enough I owned everything else!!
In 1999 or 2000, I was bored of doing Buns of Steel workouts and somehow found the video fitness site. Cathe had really good reviews so I ordered the Cardio Hits DVD. Um, needless to say, I got rid of the BOS videos and my credit card has never forgiven me! :D
I found her in the College catalog way back when! It was MIS, and the description sounded like what I was looking for, so I bought it! The rest is history! :D
I discovered Cathe when I purchased my step, it came with Cathe's All Step video and I was hooked from day 1.:) :) :)

Shape magazine used to do a yearly review of fitness videos (no DVD's back in the day!), and Cathe's Step in Motion III was very highly rated, so I went to Collage video (also discovered through Shape) and bought my first Cathe workout around 1992.
I found Cathe on FitTV. I used to work out with Tamilee Webb and Petra Kolber on FitTV, then early last year, they started with this new show called Cardio Blast that slipped into the timeslot that Tamilee and Petra used to be in. I was like, "HEY! What happened to my workouts???!!!" I can't remember which workout of Cathe's I saw that first day, but it must have made an impression, because I started taping all of them. The first workout I did was Step Blast, and I remember struggling just to get through the warmup and the first combo. The first time I made it all the way through FitTV's version (which is missing about 15-20 minutes from the REAL workout), I was soooo excited. I was like, "Honey! I made it all the way through without stopping!" I ran through the house - all ecstatic.

It took me several months to finally visit the website, but after I did, it wasn't long before my DVD library of Cathe workouts began to grow. I've got all the Hardcore on DVD, and several other workouts...and I just bought two more DVD's. Now, if Rhythmic Step would just get off of backorder, I'd be one happy camper!
FitTv. I was watching one day and looked at my DH and said I like her. I placed an order for the DVD's and I preordered the Hardcore series.:)
I actually found her through another Women's Weightlifting board over on ivillage. The moderator for that board recommended Cathe for workouts related to weight lifting. So I checked out the website and bought Power Hour and Circuit Max as my first 2 Cathe tapes.:D Been hooked ever since!:D
>I bought some new Firms that came with the 30 day membership
>to their fitness boards. Everyone there was talking about
>Cathe, so I migrated over here! I'm so glad I did!


Same here. I got tired of always running on the treadmill and my weight work out was a work out I tore out of M&F for her. I would alternate cardio (treadmill) and weight days. That definitely helped me get back in shape after having the babies, but I was bored out of my mind. One day I was channel surfing and came across Fit Tv and BC was on. I jumped in on the work out and was like this woman is crazy! No, I really thought that! But I taped the work out when it came on again and started liking BC. Now 6 months and 11 DVD's later.....I'm hooked! And to think my dh said that I have enough videos! Geez, what is he thinking!? :)
He really does think I'm nuts, that's why I'm glad I have you. You guys are the only one who really understands.


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