How did you find out about Cathe?

I found her workouts on Collage about a year ago, but did not order them. I had tons of videos and dvds just sitting around because I kept falling for the lie "next week I'll be really motivated."
Then I saw her workouts on FITV and went nuts. Most of the other workouts have been given away and my Cathe stash is steadily growing.
About 30 minutes before it's time for me to get off work, I start twitching like I am seriously on something and my co-workers stay out of my path because they know I'm ready to get home and get my workout on.

Last week, a friend asked if I wanted to go shoe shopping after work. She almost passed out when I said "No, I have to go home to workout." (I've got a small shoe habit.)}(
>Last week, a friend asked if I wanted to go shoe shopping
>after work. She almost passed out when I said "No, I have to
>go home to workout." (I've got a small shoe habit.)}(

Too cute Desi!

I found Cathe on Fit TV. I came across her in the 9pm time slot that was listed as Peak Performance. She was doing the Slow and Heavy series and I was soooo impressed.

At the beginning, I really thought her program was called Peak Performance (and I have the video tapes to prove it). Then one night, I watched the ending credits and saw it say

I've been here for over a year now (mostly lurking) and I love it. Of course, I have purchased a number of DVD's. I am in better shape at 41 than ever before and I have a place to "visit" with women who I enjoy and admire. Thank you all.
I also found her on FitTV and then came here and saw what a great place this is and then got on video.. then another, then
I discovered Cathe through the Tae Bo boards, in an indirect, round about way. I struck up a friendship with a woman who like myself likes to push a little harder than most of the others on the Tae Bo boards. She discovered Cathe through Fit TV, then told me about her. I sent my friend Circuit Max as a thank you! Now even the "Advanced" Tae Bo tapes seem too easy. I use them as my "light" workouts. Amazing... Cathe is the best.
I discovered her through Collage videos as well, about 8 years ago. Love her! Imagine my suprise last year when I saw her on Fitv. Cathe's videos are in a league all their own!!:D
I was introduced to cathe from my very good friend and fitness guru,(on this site she is luvmylbb). I can't thank her or Cathe enough! My fitness goals are closer and closer everyday thanks to them both!
:) :)
I found Cathe workouts at the local library - Step Max and Mega Step Blast. I loved them so much and didn't want to do any other instructor's videos after that. I did them over and over again for months until I broke down and finally placed my first order from SNM!

I read about Cathe on the old Firm Forums (pre-YaYas). I was hooked on those Firm tapes, but once I started taking an interest in the Cathe threads, I've been here ever since!

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