How did you find out about Cathe?

I was on the Firm Forums for years. I had heard people talk about her being the next step but didn't pay attention. I came over one day to the site one day and was totally astonished by what I saw. I thought I was advanced because I was lifting 15's and 20's with the Firm. I got All Step and learned it pretty quickly and then thought, well she might not be that hard. I then preordered the Hardcore Series, and ordered the Body Blast series because of the free shipping offer. I tried Step Blast first and almost died trying to do it. LOL! I had never heard of blasts, and definitely had never done them, and still don't like to hear them!!!! But I LOVE her and thank those fearless souls who mentioned her on the Firm boards. I can't wait till we settle on a house, because the Intensity Series is mine as soon as we do!
From the Firm YaYa's...there's a bunch of Cathe fans over there! I've known about her for years, but was satisfied with my Firm/Fitprime/TLP. I caved and bought some Cathe this year and I'm loving it...just got tired of the same old and trying to kick up the intensity a notch.
Tired of Kathy Smith and needed some variety. A friend recommended Collage Video - I ordered Cardio Hits then later visited and began my quest to own every workout she's ever produced. I'm getting there!

I had been doing the Firm and Kathy Smith for years and just needed something with more of a kick to it. I got the Collage catalog one day in the mail, saw Step Heat and have never looked back! At one point, around 1998, I became a Firm fanatic again, but since then have gotten rid of every tape I own except for Cathe!
I bought The Step from WalMart and it had the All Step VHS in it. After I got over the shock of trying to do that thing the first time, I kept practicing and grew to love step aerobics.
I ordered my first Cathe, a vhs version of Maxium Intensity Cardio, from Collage yrs ago...about 11 yrs ago I guess.

After that, I stayed scared of Cathe for years. Last year, I ordered Step,Jump and Pump...and the madness began. I ordered and ordered and ordered! :D
I can't remember how I found out about Cathe. I just remember people talking about her somewhere. I do remember the first time I saw a picture of her, though. She was making this terrible face and lifting something the size of a freight train and she scared me to death! I was so surprised when I got my video (yes, I ordered, anyway). She was so sweet, so feminine, and she made me actually want to lift a freight train, too.

fittv....I couldn't believe how many reps she was during with so much weight. I was like this is something I can get into and sure enough...I'm hooked :)
After spending time on various Firm message boards, and hearing people talk about this "Cathe person", I finally decided to check it out for myself. First I joined the Cathe forums and started chatting with you folks for a while. Then I started building my DVD collection by acquiring them through the Ya-Ya swap. And now, I'm hooked. ;)
Same story - found her on Collage website and found the link to this website. I ordered HSTA in December 2004 for a Christmas gift to myself and by January 15 had ordered the Intensity Series, and I have been accumulating ever since............getting ready to buy the CTX soon :) I LOVE THESE WORKOUTS!!!!! My other 75 dvds/videos are collecting dust as well, minus my Brian Kest yoga tapes - he is great!
I also found her through Collage, years ago -- I ordered MIS even though I wasn't sure I was ready for it. I'm so glad I took the chance!
I kept reading about her on the Weight Watches fitness challenge board and decided to give her a try. I ordered VHS tapes of MIS & PH off ebay. That was 2 years and about 25 workout ago : )
I saw Cathe on Fittv. At first I thought she was a sadist - because she was always smiling and laughing while I was dying. I could barely get through the warm ups at first, but I kept coming back every day and gradually improved. I started bidding on tapes and dvds on ebay and then ordered the hard core series. Now I'm addicted. :)
I purchased a HRM and found that I wasn't getting into my target range with the Firm cardio tapes I owned. Went to collage video and searched for something 'advanced' and Cathe popped up. I bought Cardio Hits and my HRM has been humming along quite well ever since! In fact, my credit card has been humming along quite well too!
I used the firm but was looking for something new. Read a review of MIS on VideoFitness and decided to order it. Now an entire shelf of my bookcase is devoted to Cathe :+
Collage. When I started looking for advanced tapes.


"If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning" - Mahatma Ghandi
There was a link to the Video Fitness site from the Well Trained Mind board (a classical homeschool education site) and feeling discouraged and fat I followed it and poking around I found a link to Cathe's site. Placed an order, received my order, modified a lot in the beginning because I was fat and out of shape and the rest is history. Lost lots of weight and hardly have to modify at all now, except that I am pregnant again, so...Oh who cares. I am so long winded today.

I am an addict. I am ready to buy whatever she puts out next the minute the presale notice goes up.


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