How did everyone hear about Cathe?

I found her on Collage. It took me quite some time to work up the nerve to order a work out but once I did, I was hooked!}(
All Step came with the step that my husband bought me for Christmas 2 years ago. It took me a couple of weeks to get it down, and once I did I was hooked.

When I started working out to Denise Austin after I had my second son, I saw Cathe on Fit TV doing a step, and was like no way could I ever do that!
Then I just decided to try a one of her steps one day and was instantly hooked. It took me awhile to work up to doing weights, but now... I only work out to her. I know I would be nowhere near the level fitness I am today without her.

Maeghan AKA megadoo[/img] [/url]
I saw Cathe in Collage this past year, tried a few workouts, now I have most of hers and I'm selling a lot of my other workouts. I am totally hooked!
I found her on Fittv also. I was thrilled! She was like no other class offered at the gym. I gave up my gym membership and the rest is history. My three daughters love her too.

I keep trying other workouts and they just wind up collecting dust. I always return to Cathe.

Thanks Cathe!!!
I saw her reviews on and noted how "tough" her workouts were rated. I bought her PH workout along with RS intending to sell RS as I love weights, until the fateful day when I popped RS into the VCR and began to attempt it before I sold it on ebay. Needless to say...I was at it for 4 hours and hooked ever since. Cathe "stepped" into my life and it has never been the same...thanks Cathe.

Hi Randi,

I posted but it didn't seem to register. So here it goes again.

I bought a vhs from a second hand store. It was MIC, and it was Cathe's. From then on I was hooked.


"If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all."
-My mother, Mary Cooper-
I found Cathe early in the FIRM Forums. I think there were around 200 posts total on Cathe's site. My first purchase was Power Max. I loved it. I just kept adding to my collection.
Diane Sue
Carole, we must have discovered her at the same time! I think it was sometime in 1993 and Mega Step Blast was my first. Gosh, has it already been 13 years! Wow! I know others discovered her way before that! :)

Video Fitness! Noticed her rave reviews, but didn't dare buy her tapes retail price, in case it wasn't for me. Somebody gave me a Power Max, and WOW! No going back!
I found Cathe many years ago when I was a fitness/aerobics instructor. But my crazy life left her by the wayside until about 1-1/2 years ago when I "remembered" her. And I am very glad that memory kicked in!:)
I was a Firm believer and learned about Cathe on the FIRM forum several years ago. After reading comments about Cathe and doing the FIRM for a few years, I got up the nerve to advance to the Cathe workouts and have been doing Cathe for the last 3 years.
My sister-in-law told me about her a year and a half ago, my first was PLB/PUB. I was hooked after that. Now my husband wants to smack his sister because I just can't get enough of Cathe's workouts:7. I'll have them all before I'm done. WOOHOO, can't wait!

Video Fitness....I used to do step when I was a in junior high at a club in my home town. So, I have loved step for a long time. Now I live in the country and there is no health club out here. My first home workout since (not counting Jane Fonda and Body electric on tv in then early 80's)I had children, was Kathy Smith. I needed something new and found Video fitness. I spent hours reading reviews and found Power Max. I have been hooked ever since.
I found her on the firm site.
It kept having women talking about her and the die hard firmies cut on her bad,,Then i decided to check it out. Been on them since and wanting more.
I liked the firm when anna benson designed the workouts.They are no where as good as the originals.Firm 3 with Sndall bergman was the toughest back then,and #1 was my favorite with Susan Harris.Janet Jones Gretsky has grace.
But Cathe blows them away.

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