Hoppin babies and their hot mommas! 4/4-4/10

Melanie- I think I am pretty much back to normal now. I have a little cough but that's it. Glad the bread turned out! I might ww pizza crust this weekend when I find more time.

Susan- You are quite the busy bee!

A Reese's easter egg attacked me after lunch and now I feel fat. I HAVE to do Insanity now tonight!
Ladies, I need your prayers. One of my really good friends is in pre-term labor at 25 weeks. She is in another state and at the hospital with no family or friends around, her husband is deployed. They have given her two meds to stop contractions (she's 2 cm dialated) and she says it doesn't look hopeful. Please send up prayers that God allows this baby to cook longer. Thank you!
Prayers going up! 24 weeks is the "cut off" for viability in pregnancy....this is not where she wants to be....but not impossible. Keep us posted!
oh no, i will keep her in my thoughts and prayers. our goddaughter was delivered at 30 weeks, same thing happened to the mom at 26 weeks i think. I hope she has a good outcome! :(
Some updated information on Charlene Johnson's Turbofire:

We know that it will be released next month... In May.

Chalene is traveling down to the big Beachbody conference
in California this month to help with the big release.

The workout is looking like it will be a 10 DVD set and possibly
a 15 DVD set for the Deluxe version... YEAH BABY!!!!

We have seen some clips of the workout and let me tell you...
this workout is going to be HIGH ENERGY and FAST!
I saw a brief clip somewhere and it looks GOOD!

Still no news on my friend but thank you so much for the prayers! I am hoping no news is good news. I don't want to bug her for an update but I am soooo worried.

Mel-Here's the ww pizza recipe but I haven't tried it yet. Check out the reviews because the ingredients call for all purp flour but there are modifications in the reviews with ww flour that I plan on using.
Hi ladies!
I am so sorry I missed out on chatting today. Kara napped about 30 min total....we did major grocery shopping and stuff around the house. I feel like I get nothing done anymore! Just to prep the food for a pot of soup is a chore now...Kara likes my total attention! She has starting reaching up for me to pick her up..its the cutest thing. Dh was hold her the other night on the couch and I sat down..she practically jumped toward me....she loves her mama!
Jen-my prayers are going out to your friend! Sunday I snuck a few of Haley's Reeses eggs!
Melanie-sex is the not the business I was doing today LOL...a little kelly coffey business. I havent made another batch of the lactation cookies..they are TOO good! Hope you get more sleep tonight. Its great your dh is such a big help at night!
Christine-I wil be thinking about you and the boys..Im sure it will go well! John is a tough cookie! Did you find clementines? I just love those suckers! I had 4 today. I think the tiny ones are the best!
I know I have forgoteen someone or something and I am sorry. I am headed to bed! Burn Circuit 2 in the morning! Im going h-e-a-v-y!
No worries, Susan,....we are happy when you can make it.

Christine~ I"m a bad friend. I always mix up John & Jimmy's names. John is littlest one? He's the tough one! I'm sure Jimmy can hold his own....but John's one tough dude!

My Dad is having a feeding tube surgically put in tomorrow. This is so he doesn't literally starve to death. I hope he's strong enough to survive surgery....I'd like to see him at least one more time (we're planning a visit at end of this month). *sigh* it's all in God's timing. I don't want to see him in any more pain either.

Jen, thanks for the receipe link. I work tomorrow & have Friday off, then work Sat & have Sunday off. It'll probably need to wait until next week....maybe you can give it a whirl first. ;)

Lisa, how did your day fair out?

I was kinda beat during todays run, I have just a 3 miler on Friday, but 11 miles scheduled on Sunday. My running partner might run with me. :) That'd be really neat.

Alrighty, I'm off to bed soon. Nighty Night ladies. Catch ya'll on Friday.
Jen-any update from your friend? That would be so scary..and to be going through it without her husband must be awful.
Melanie-sending lotsof prayers to your dad!! My first few days back have gone well. Reese seemed to do well at day care yeserday. A 2 year old had a breakdown when Reese was leaving. He was crying and screaming 'my baby, my baby!'.
Susan-awww..Kara is so sweet! Caden is a daddy's boy, so I'm hoping Reese is mommy's girl.
Christine-let us know how the appt goes today. I'll be thinking of you!
Allison and Priscilla-how's work this week?
Hello Kendra!
I HAVE to finally get a workout after work tonight. 2 of 4lbs have creeped back on, and I am so ticked off by it. Should have known it was too good to be true.
Not sure what happened....but I had some of the worst insomnia last night...which really sucks on the night before work. I'm all out of Tylenol PM (not sure it'd work anyway) & I don't take Ambien when I nurse (although I might need to). So...got very little sleep last night and need some stay awake vibes for the day (especially for my three hours of driving). Urgh!!!

Tomorrow is my eldest boy's bday. Jory is going to be SIXTEEN!!! OMG!! I don't feel old enough to have a child that old!! YIKES! I'm so proud of him, he's such a good boy. It was really hard to buy for him this year. I get him a year's worth of unlimited texting & e-mail on his phone & a foof chair. I saw a foof chair at my running partner's house yesterday. It's an AMAZING bean bag chair that two 6 feet people can go on. He's going to love it! It'll probably be a couple days late though...so hard to decide on what to get the kiddo!

Lisa, that's cute about the daycare kids really liking Reese. I can't believe she slept so well for you! Ya! Did that effect your breastmilk at all? Were you really engorged in AM?

Susan, sleeping in? You used to be first one here. LOL Your moma role is much more important than forum role. Enjoy K!

Christine, you are amazing!

Jen, I'm so glad you're so strong again. How is STS going for you? Are you doing any cardio?

Precila~ are you following CharLEAN rotation to the tee? Did you figure out what an exersaucer was? I was going to post a picture...I know you'd know what it was once you saw it.

Kendra~ you still with us? Those kids letting you sleep at all? lol

Allison~ did you fall of the face of the earth? we miss you!

Waves to all! Will catch up with ya'll tomorrow! Off to work now...
I am having some coffee and 1/2 a banana..about to workout. I did sleep in a bit until 6...I have missed the day lol. K got up at 1 and then 4..not too bad. I am glad I went back to sleep though. I almost got up when I put her donw at 5....realized I was really tired..and got back in bed..ahhh..it will be a better day because of it!
Melanie-soooo sorry you are tired. I"ll send you some vibes today ok! Awww Jory will love his gifts! You are such an awesome mom!
Ok..I will be back to chat to everyone!
Hello!!!! John slept from 7-am and ate, then up for the day at 4:30. Susan, can you move in with me and you can hang out with him since you are both bats? I am so proud of DH, he got up and did KPC at 4:30 this morning. He is really taking this seriosuly. I am so proud of him. I am going to do KPC later, if the shots are not a train wreck adn then revabs. Today is supposed to be my rest day, but I think I will take tomorrow off so I am rested for saturday which is 16 miles.
Jen- SO glad you are feeling better. Any more insanity for you?
Mel- I am so sorry, you are so strong adn are dealing with so many emotions, no wonder you are not sleeping. THe excitement of JOry's birthday, your dad, work, running, twins, yikes. Be careful today on the roads. I am putting my mom's DVD in your box and I am going to throw in the caffeinated Gu chews and jelly beans. Do you like ProMax bars? I adore them. I can put some in there as well. Let me know. I know you are nota sugar person, though. I liek them when I run a lot. I cut them up and eat pieces in addition to Gu. Isn't it funny how we eat when we run?
Prscilla- Exersaucers are great. I am not sure if john is ready for his yet, I need to get it out of the garage. They are LIFESAVERS. Jimmy lived in his for months, those weird months when they no longer want their play mat, but cannot move adn squirm in your arms. We called Jimmy's exersaucer his "office". I might do that today. John loves his bumbo chair, do you have one? He sat in it outside for a half hour watchign jimmy play yesterday, while I tested every stinking disc from teh project to make sure i did them right.
If any of your discs do not work, just tell me and I will re-d them.
Allison- We are eating dog food over here, I need your culinary genius.
Kendra- Hi
Lisa- so sweet that Reese is adapting so well. I am very jealous of her sleeping. How are you doing with lunches? What workout are you going to do when you get the time? If you want to try to kill y ourself, INsanity will do it, but I think that it might be bad for yoru joints. Wish I coudl get this package to you in quicker time.
Okay, got to get coffee, get ready. Not looking forward to today, and I am not confident that I wll exercise, so that is hangign over my head.
Cross your fingers for no bleeds!
Burn circut 2 done...I feel MUCH more satisfied this time. I went heavy and then did 20 min on the treadmil. I feel complete now! I am gong to be sooo sore tomorrow! For those that have done Clx.....in the push phase are the movements compound??

Mel-I will be praying for your dad!
Christine-I will be praying for John today!
Jen-have a great day! Im going to try; your crust recipe! How is your friend?
Hi LIsa, Pricilla, Allison..have great days!
K is up squirmy..bb
you snuck in on me Christine! Im packing my bags lol. Yayy for dh! Let us know how today goes! big john will be just fine!
susan- yes, she compounds the moves. keep using heavy weight and you will love the results. promise! i will set up the guest room for you!
mel- i forgot, costco is just like sans. i love it. we go through so much chicken and fruits and veggies, we actually have an extra fridge and freezer in the garage! i go once every two weeks. i vacuum seal meats and stuff, so it is easy to have dinner size portions ready to defrost...
Thank you thank you friends for the prayers! The baby is staying put for now but the meds have made her sick. Her mom is with her (thank the lord) so I feel so much better.

Christine- I did Insanity again last night. The third disc (cant remember the name) but had more upper body. Wasnt AS hard but still pretty challenging. Also did cardio abs. Can you do any of those jumps? I totally suck at them. I do like the floor work though. James loves his exersaucer now. Its so funny to see him spin around to the different toys.

Susan- Thats funny that we all assumed you were having sex. :p That is adorable that Kara wants her mommy now. I'm glad you liked the burn circuit workout. Are you supposed to do Charlean in any particular order? Can't wait to hear how the crust turns out. I have been searching for a good recipe and thought that one looked pretty good.

Melanie- I am sorry to hear about your father. Prayers headed your way. It sucks that you didn't get any sleep. You have so much going on that your poor little brain needs a rest. I hope you make it through your day okay!

Lisa- DOn't worry, you will drop those pounds fast! I promise! I'm glad things are going well for you with working and daycare.

I was at our softball tournament during the morning and just got back to work. I am so sleepy now after being out in the sun. But I got a little color and look a little healthier. I have never been this white in my life! Probably no workout tonight, rest day. I will start Week 4 of Meso 1 on Friday. Ok off to get some typing done.

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