Hoppin babies and their hot mommas! 4/4-4/10

Mel- I agree baby jogger is the best. I got the bob bc the baby jogger double did not have the infant car seat adapter for the double. Baby jogger has better suspension and wheels...
Glad to hear. I've never had anything but Baby Jogger brand....alot of people have Bobs and I have often wondered how they would be. I find my Baby Jogger to be very durable and smooth. We even used it at DisneyWorld, airports, and everywhere in between. My boys could STILL fit in it at 4 & 6 years old & I wouldn't think anything of pushing them during a jog. It amazes my friends they think I'm crazy, but it doesn't really feel much different than running alone (except I can't swing my arms).
Lisa- I noticed that you combined the names....:p When I have my second, will you help me name him/her? :p Sorry, I do stuff like that all the time, shorten words and make my own that I think its cute. I think I am trying to save time talking. Yes, WW pizza crust. I didn't make one yet but I had some from Super Target that were actually pretty good. I sauteed red, grn, and yellow bell peppers, some onion, spread bbq sauce on crust, put peppers on it, sliced chicken and then lf mont/jack chz on top. They were a hit with DH!

Christine- How rude of them not to thank you! Do they just walk around with their hand out? Sorry but I'm pretty easy going until people are are plain rude! :mad: For some reason my back is bothering me this AM. I might wait til afternoon to try Insanity. If you challenge me, I just might do max cardio. Or double dare me....;)

Good morning Susan! Enjoying your coffee?? I always think of you when I am drinkng mine wondering if we are enjoying it together. :D

I remembered James's monitor last night. :p He slept 9 hours even after a four hour nap. Oh well....off to clean up and then wake DH up to hit some garage sales before it gets too hot here. Have a great one!
Jen-yes, having my coffee with you right now! Yayy for James sleeping!
K is waking up so this will be quick!
Mom is here so we have been chatting and being entertained by Haley.
Ok k is up..I will be back in a few
That pizza sounds so good. Mmmm.
YEs, the bil and sil are like that, hence, we do not have them often!
BBL, got to go for the big run!
No workout today. Tomoorow is burn cir 3. We are going shopping in bit and picnic at the park..gorgeous weather today!
Hi everyone..

So, I am now recovering from a terrible virus (I think), I had chills, fever, the runs and could not eat anything all day yesterday. Even my skin was sensitive. I spent the whole day in bed. I feel much better today, lost almost 3 pounds (must be water weight). My stomach is still sensitive but at least I can tolerate food. I wonder what caused it. I haven't been able to workout at all for the past 3 days and I think I messed up my lower back lifting heavy during CLX, my wrist are a bit sore too. I never lifted heavy before. I'm considering taking a break from CLX but I don't want to start the rotation from scratch again.

I went to baby's R us and found a Baby Einstein around the world discovery center for Daniel. I love but I think my poor baby is not strong enough for it yet. Got him in and he tends to tilt forward.I may wait another month.

Christine and Allison, your babies are big and healthy! I think Daniel weights around 14 pounds now, I'll now for sure on Monday (his 4 mo check up and more shots :()

Susan, I'm glad you're enjoying CLX, Burn Intervals is a thight burner doesn't it?

Jen, my thoughts and prayers are with your friends. Please keep us posted.
Jen, I'm not ready for an hour long Insanity w/o either. Is it so hard but I think it takes your body to another level.

Melanie, I like the idea of running outside during the summer. Now, CLX w/o are very short you may be able to do both. That's one of the things that kept me going when i felt like giving up. So, when is the big day again?

Hi Lisa and Kendra,
Well no great finds at the garage sales. But it was nice out and nice to get out. Went to lunch at Crispers and then took a nap. But darn it, the sitter told me the last two days that J sleeps 4 hours for her during the day but I'll be darned if he does it for me! 40 min...tops!

Trying to get some water in me and then will do an Insanity.

Hi Priscila! Sorry you got the stomach bug. I hope it has passed quickly for you. I still put James in the exersaucer even though he leaned forward it, he liked it that much. Plus it entertains while I get stuff done.

Christine- High five on the run!
hi girls
just haning with mom
Jen-I can count on 40 min naps from K too.......10:30-11:10...then 2-2:40..thats it
Priclla-so sorry you were sick!
Chrisitine-great run!
Insanity Pure Cardio done! I really liked that one cause it wasn't the same drills over and over. Nice change....I was really sleepy and now that I am finished, I have so much energy!

Have fun with Mom Susan!
Priscilla-bummer on the sickness! Glad you are on the mend. For the exersaucer, could you put some blankets around to support his body a bit?

Jen-I thought the exact same thing about not repeating when I was doing Pure Cardio.

Christina-I can't believe your in-laws!! When do they leave?

I did CLX Extreme Abs after my Pure Cardio. Haven't had the best day of eats....slice of leftover pizza and 2 cookies. low carbing it the rest of the day so that I don't feel like crap tomorrow. I have thekids tonight, as DH is working. Could be interesting because Caden has been a mini terror lately--he's cutting another tooth, which is his 5th since Reese was born. Wish they were born with teeth...though they'd probably look a bit strange and nursing would kill....but it would make the first 2 years much easier.

Priscilla- I am so sorry. THat is the pits. Feel better soon, stay hydrated adn get some hugs and rest. ALso, I have that same exersaucer from Jimmy. I almost pulled it out this weekend. I think John needs a few more weeks, too. Like LIsa said, you can put blankets in it, but give it a few weeks, Daniel will have it mastered in no time. I hope you feel better.
Susan, glad you have your mom there today, hooray!
Lisa- Sounds like you had some good workouts today. The HRM is good for insanity, you will not believe how high it gets. I get into the 180s! So sad about the teeth for poor Caden. Motrin? That always made such a difference to Jimmy. Such a bummer that JOhn can never have it, I am dreading his teeth!
Jen- Bummer about the garage sales, but glad that you had a great workout and lunch. I love the cardio ones. I cannot love those workouts enough. Even though they are repetitive, the results are "insane"!
I did my run. I woke up with some basement problems today, maybe even the stomach flu. I thought I had cleared things out, but mile 4 presented me with a quick pit stop in the bushes. I did the run in good time, but just was not feeling like myself. I was so happy to get away from bil and sil. Sil had the nerveg to look at the pictures that I recently had printed and framed and comment that they do not look good. Huh? I just opened a beer and asked how her 15 year old is doing in school (I know that her daughter is getting Fs, just thought I would spar with her, since she started it... I am a baby!). Jimmy is having fun though. We went up the street and had a greasy yummy lunch and a pitcher of Blue Moon. Yumm. I came home adn told DH I was takign a nap. I do nto even remember my head hitting the pillow. It was a delight. ANyhow, JOhn is asleep on me, need to transfer him so I can make some enchiladas.
Jen- JOhn usually gives me 45 minutes at a time. I can get longer if he is in his miracle blanket... How does your sitter get 4 hours? I want her to come put that spell on my house. JOhn was up at 2, 3, and 4 last night. Pooped at 4:30 and was ready to party.
Almost done with my workshift....it's slow so I thought I'd hope on here quick.

Precila, hope you feel better. I laughed at your description of Daniel in exersaucer. hee hee. All my kids start off that way. I did what lisa suggested...prop them up a bit to help. Bebe pods are awesome too...and are great for feeding time too. have you looked at those?

My girls were up hourly again last night. I got 7 hours of sleep though...our system works so well (quick latch on at night). Growing spurt like crazy though...the girls have almost outgrown 0-3mos clothes...and haven't even had a chance to wear all their clothes in this size. :eek::eek:

Jen, great job on your workout. You are making me crave Insanity!

Christine, I carry kleenex with me on my runs now. Just in case I get the urge. You are amazing!

Guess what? I have my feelers out for a triple Baby Jogger for just $200!!! It's just like my double...same color and everything. Oh man, this would be such a blessing. I should know in a couple of days if we can make it happen (it's in TN...so shipping is issue). Keeping my fingers crossed!

Susan, find any good deals?

lisa, do you work monday thru friday?

Anyone try Eziekel bread? My good friend is bringing me a loaf (after listening to me speak about my bread). It's made with lentils & other beans. :confused: Hmmmm. Kinda scary.

Eleven miles on tap tomorrow. It looks like I may have a group of FIVE people to run with. :D I told them I wouldn't run if it's too windy. I'm such a wimp! It's like a tornado outside today!!!

Waves to all!
Christine-I LOVE extreme abs! It quickly became one of my favorites. Motrin andTylenol help, but it seems that orajel works the best for him. Hisfirst 8 teeth didn't cause too much of a prblem, but these molars are a pain...

Melanie- I generally work M-F..one night a week..but work a weekend day here and there...1 to 3 per month. It's a good schedule...one of the only things that keepsme from not looking for a different job.

the countdown to bedtime and some quiet begins...
Christine- You remind me of me...cracking a beer and starting trouble. :p

Melanie- Glad you got 7 hours! You will rock your run! Can't believe your girls are growing so fast.

Lisa- I might have to try Extreme abs tomorrow. Did you do an Insanity tonight? Hope you enjoyed your quiet time.

Hi Susan! Hi Priscila!
Melanie- My dad's gfriend tried Ezekiel bread and something in it made her nauseous. ????

Christine- No clue how he sleeps 4 hours. And it was spring break so all three of her girls were home too. He never does that here. :mad:

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