Hitting a wall with Disc 22


I just did (or rather attempted) disc 22 this morning and hit a wall with just about every exercise. I was so frustrated when I couldn't lift the amount on my workout card, keep my form or hit failure way too early. I'm starting to feel like there is no way I'll be able to handle the weights in Meso 3 unless I start to lower my 1RM numbers:(

When I did the 1 RM testing, a session usually consisted of 4-5 exercises per body part and they were rotated like chest-BP, back-BB rows, shoulders-OHP, biceps-BB curls, triceps-KB then repeat body parts with different exercises. With plenty of rest in between, my muscles were able to lift heavy but during the workouts with fatigue being a huge factor, I am struggling big time. Could the way I tested be the source of my problem?

I understand that the "numbers" are a guideline and there are many factors that can affect performance but I feel like I'm not keeping up with the program as designed. Even though I am lifting heavier than any previous strength programs, these feelings of frustration are getting the best (or maybe the worst) of me.
Judi, this one was hard for me too. I couldn't use my 1RM weights for much of it either. Actually, the 1RM suggestions have been very hit or miss for me throughout the whole series. I just do the best I can and move on.

Perhaps Meso 3 will go better for both of us? :)
Judi, I couldn't have said it better myself. That disk was very frustrating, almost to the point of saying why go on to the next meso cycle. Funny, I don't like Tony H. but I often remember his saying do your best and forget the rest. Not as easy to do when you are trying to follow a program that gives you weights you should be using and just can't do. Take care.
I understand your frustration - I've felt that way too. I don't think my 1RM numbers turned out to be much more than starting points. But it's like when you're trying on an outfit and find out you need a size bigger than usual to get a good fit. For me, anyway, the fact that the outfit fits well and looks good can be overshadowed by the fact that it's not the size it's "supposed" to be.

Similarly, if a weight gets you to the level of fatigue and number of reps it's supposed to, then the fact that it isn't the weight you expected it to be shouldn't matter. The point of lifting is to strengthen the muscle, and if it's doing that then it doesn't matter what the weight is.

Sometimes when I hit the wall with a particular exercise I drop the weight to a bit lower than what I know I can handle and work my way back up over the next few workouts. For example, I could barely get through cross body kickbacks with 6#, much less increase the weight. So I dropped to 5#, which was pretty easy. Then I went up in half pound or pound increments over time and now I can (barely) use a 12# (this started back before my STS rotation, when I was doing Gym Styles).
You really need to give yourself credit for what you DID do. Yes, it's good to push yourself to achieve, but you also need to remember you deserve credit for what you do. Don't dwell on the RM numbers so much. Sometimes you'll nail them and sometimes you won't.

I just did (or rather attempted) disc 22 this morning and hit a wall with just about every exercise. I was so frustrated when I couldn't lift the amount on my workout card, keep my form or hit failure way too early. I'm starting to feel like there is no way I'll be able to handle the weights in Meso 3 unless I start to lower my 1RM numbers:(

Don't feel bad. I hit a wall in Disk 19 already. My triceps just feel apart on that second wave and there was no 'waving' :p in my near future after that. I had to lower my weight for everything after the first wave and even for the following exercises until the kickbacks.

Knowing I was fatiqued from the first wave and all the chest and shoulder work, I decided to give myself a break, yes and even credit, since I was lifting heavier then I ever have in the past.
Yikes, that's the next disc for me! Although I never did the 1RM testing. I know what I can and can't lift with proper form and I'm definitely pushing myself and I'm lifting much more than I would have guessed I could. I go day to day and do what I am able, making sure I'm appropriately challenging myself. We'll see how it goes!! Hang in there!
Ninja Mom don't feel so down. Remember that Cathe is an advance instructor so this is not easy stuff. The fact that you have made it this far proves that you can do it. Lighten the weights if you have to or do less reps. If you watch Cathe TV you'll see that she is having some challenges too.

You are so close to your recovery week, why not just take it now. This way you will have almost 1-2 weeks before you next attempt at STS. If you don't feel up to doing Meso3, don't do it. Re-do meso 2. It's your workout.

The next time I do STS it will be for 6 months.
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Couldn't agree more - this is tough stuff folks, and we are DOING it (or doing our best to do it!). I have used the 1RMs as a guide but have moved up or down depending on how I felt on a given day. They are meant to be a guide so I think as long as we keep that in mind, we should be good! What's really helped me too is focusing on the results and the fact that we are all getting stronger, healthier and more fit than ever before. And plus - we aren't super-human like Cathe, this is advanced stuff afterall ;)
Thank you everyone for your responses! Sorry about the pity party. Yesterday was tough and I also tweaked my shoulder pretty bad trying to rack the bar after a set of bench presses. But, you have all made me realize I'm not alone in this struggle. I have always been an "all or nothing" kinda person and it just becomes hard to accept when I can't do it all at the highest level. Guess I need an attitude adjustment and learn to cut myself some slack.

After all, WE have been working very hard and that should be enough:)

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