Hi Everyone!!

La Plata, MD

Southern MD, in La Plata, a small town STILL!!

Trevor, shouldn't you be a Ravens fan? Ha. I'm a BIG Redskins fan.

Elgin, Illinois (just outside of Chicago). Just moved here last fall, so my heart is still back "home" just south of Green Bay, Wisconsin (Go Badgers!!!)
This is my first time writing, but a long-time Cathe fan. I'm a born and bred Jersey girl, living in BALTIMORE, MARYLAND for 22+ years. Go Ravens!?!
Frederick, MD

I just drove through the outskirts of Frederick while driving to see my parents this past weekend (I currently live in San Diego but was in the DC area last week so got a chance to visit them on my company's nickle)!

Southern Californian

Hi everyone,

I currently live in what the United Airlines flight attendant said was America's finest city, San Diego, California. :)

Another Good Idea Debbie

Orange County California chiming in here! Do we have enough Californians represented to talk Cathe into a West Coast Cathe trip?

After all, isn't Eric old enough to enjoy Disneyland?
My name is Trish and I am live in Frederick, Maryland. I am originally from western New York (Geneseo area). Just wanted to say hello and add myself to the list.

I live in Little Rock, AR, but just since August. It looks like I'm the only one down here. Before living here, I lived in Orchard Park, NY (suburb of Buffalo - close to Geneseo, Trish), Utah, Idaho, but I'll never forget that I was born and raised in Columbia, SC.

RE: La Plata, MD

Hi Sandi!!
While it was a pleasure to watch the Ravens kick the snot out of a "New Yawk" team I am not a bandwagon jumper. I bleed the black and gold of the Steelers........ever since I was about 8 yrs. old. My wife was born near you......in Waldorf, then she moved to Fla. when she was 3.........her family moved also!! hehehe! :)
Glad to know there are other Marylanders out there in Cathe-land!
Trevor :-jumpy
Oh my goodness, I'm so nervous! Been lurking for a long time (never posted until now), but a long time Cathe fan from Eatonville, WA (about an hour and a half southeast from Seattle). You all have been my companions-in-fitness without even knowing it! Thanks!


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