Hi Everyone!

Cathe Friedrich

Just wanted to let you know that things are going very well and I am very excited about the new videos. There are still MANY MANY details to tend to so I will still have to be away from the forums for the most part (other than to do quick check-ins). But I just wanted you to know that I have not forgotten any of you and think of you with each pump, jump, grunt and grind, ;-)!
Oh, step aside missy.I Have to me Cathes favorite...I just know it.She's thinking, Robin? Whose Robin??? I don't know no Robin.I never even heard the name Robin before.LOL
But I to have to say Thank You for all your hard work.I am SOSOSOSOSo excited.
hmmmm,Robin,isn't that some kind of bird or something? I don't know Cathe,your guess is as good as mine.LOL.
Hi Cathe,

Thank you for checking in!!!!!!! Sometimes when I wonder how things are going if I don't see a post from you, you never cease to amaze me by coming through. I teach a variety of aerobic/strength classes a week and with you being my mentor/idol, I think of you too with every grrr,umph,and aagghhh. Can't wait for the vid's.

Glad to hear things are going so great! Can't wait to see the new videos! You must be the busiest woman in the world! Thanks for checking in!
Thanks for keeping us posted Cathe! We all understand how busy you are right now! I hope all goes well in the making of the new videos! Take care and stay healthy - Susan
P.S: I know I'm your favorite! :7 HEEEHEE
Easy now Ladies.....I just know I am Cathe's favorite!! Or perhaps her favorite MALE fan on this forum????? I mean, shouldn't I get some brownie points for that at least!! ;-)
Wellll I will settle for favorite fan with the name Trevor.....shouldn't be too many of those to compete with!! :)
Trevor :) :-jumpy
Thanks for writing! I often think about you, with gratitude always, working so hard for *me*! I am soooo looking forward to seeing the new workouts for the first time!
Your REAL favorite:D, Connie
You guys are too funny! Trevor, you ARE Cathe's favorite "Trevor". She told me so when her & I were sitting and chit-chatting over coffee the other day!!;-) (With about a half dozen "Deb's" here, not sure I'm Cathe's fav!) All kidding aside~Cathe THANK YOU once again from the bottom of our hearts! You never cease to amaze us. Can hardly wait!!!!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
You guys are so nutty!

Hey, Cathe, I have been thinking about you and sending out warm thoughts and wishes as you prepare the upcoming workouts!

It's so terrific knowing you are in the process of creating new stuff for ME, you favorite Catheite! lol!

Nah, I'll bet your like my own mom, who raised 13 kids and loved us all so that we each think we are her favorite! With November just around the corner, I can't wait until you start posting details and pics. I hope to see all those beautiful familiar faces and some new ones to boot.

You are an amazing role model and your crew is inspirational and I feel like a kid in a candy shop.

Good luck!

http://www.plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Chick's Rule! B http://www.plaudersmilies.de/natur/petals.gif bbi
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-19-02 AT 06:36PM (Est)[/font][p]I'm growing concern with all the illusion on this and other boards. I'm Cathe's favorite, now, carry on.

Thanks Cathe for keeping us inform. :) You got us sitting on pins and needles.
Hi Cathe,
It is so great to hear from you. I did Imax this morning and I sure felt great afterwards. I was thinking about the days when I couldn't finish it. Thanks to you Cathe I've come a long way.
Looking so forward to the new work outs!

You are all just too cute, really, you are! I'm taking a little break right now, and came over for a quick visit. I must say that this thread has me sitting here with the biggest smile on my face. What a great sense of humor you have....I love it:)!

Back to the grind....have a wonderful day!
So glad to hear that things are going well Cathe! Thanks for the update. I'm SO excited for your new works!!
Lizzie :)
Thanks Cathe for "popping in" to let us know you're still here and what's going on. I can't wait to get the new DVD's!

Robin C
Miss Cathe -

Thank you so much for the brief beam-in from Planet I-Max over in the Plyo Galaxy. We understand that your galaxy is in a state of temporal flux right now, which means that the new workouts you create during your sojourn there are going to train us up so strong we'll have to devise our own Olympics. These fluxes happen about once a year, for which we and our credit cards are grateful.

We look forward to your next transmission.

Power Scissors Foreever

Annette Q. Aquajock

(P.S. I know I'M really your favorite, but with typical Aquajockotic modesty I'm allowing others to believe they are.)
Glad things are falling into place, wanted to ask if any of the guys are going to be in these? I mentioned in another thread my 29 mth son likes to watch with me, he does a great bob and weave.
It lets him see that aerobics aren't just for girls.

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