Hi Everyone!

Hi Cathe,
The boys are beautiful. Take all the time you need to come back, they are only this age for a little while. But while you are nursing him...or up for your 3:00am feeding you could think about what killer workout you are going to make next hahaha...congrats on your new addition...although you are a tough aerobics instrutor I think that you have completed the biggest task of all and that is of course giving birth.And being a mom..
Hope you sleep well,
Hi Cathe,
Congratulations again. Your boys are beautiful! Don't worry about us - just take time and get as much sleep as possible!
Take care,
Thank you, Cathe, for thinking of us! As someone else said, I see you almost daily in my family room so I feel like I'm in touch!

What a beautiful picture. It makes me miss my ten-year-old Ian's babyhood. Every year is better and better in its own way though- you'll see!

You are so thoughtful- thanks again for your message!
-Connie L.
That's a really great picture of Eric and Kyle Cathe!
I hope mommy is recovering nicely and that you are back giving us great workout advice real soon.
Trevor :) :-jumpy
That is the BEST photo! Eric looks just like you! Rest up (yeah, right :) )and enjoy your family!

Take all the time you need. You can never goet those precious moments with your babies back!

Take time to enjoy those who matter most to you & do all things in moderation :)
Cathe you are so awesome!! With all that must be going on in your life right now with a new baby and a toddler, you still take the time to say HI and let us know you are thinking about us. You also share photos of your beautiful boys with us which is so nice. I have never had the pleasure of meeting you in person but I feel like I know you personally through your smiling face on the videos I do 6x a week and your responses to our questions on this forum. Even though I desperately await your new videos, take all the time you need and enjoy your little miracles because time goes so fast. My babies are 14 and 11 now and it seems like it happened overnight! So have fun and I look forward to "chatting" with you soon. JJ
Hi, Cathe, I haven't had time to get over here in a while and I didn't get to post a congratulations to your the original message (Cathe had baby). So congratulations! So happy for you. That picture brought tears to my eyes recalling those first sweet moments with my babies. Enjoy them, and for goodness sake, take your time getting back to the forums. Just take care of yourself and your family. Thank you so much for sharing with us!
Just adding my voice to the chorus!

Thanks for posting the beautiful photo, Cathe. I'd also like to say thanks for giving us a glimpse into your life at this private time for you and your family. Much appreciated. ENJOY!!!
The boys are so Cute!

Thank you for sharing the photo of the boys, what a wonderful picture of them. Eric looks so sweet as he gazes at his new baby brother! :) Blessings...Karen
Oh....so beautiful!!!!

Thank you for sharing that picture, Cathe! I'm so happy you and your family are doing well.

Awwwww from me too!

What beautiful boys!! That's a picture guaranteed to melt anyone to pieces! :)

Cathe, enjoy this unforgettable time with all your boys, big and small. There is nothing in the whole world as wonderful as these days and weeks with a new baby, and my DH and I found that to be especially true with the birth of our second son, since we had the added joy of watching our older son adjust to being a big brother. Tough to find words to describe it all, right?

Take your time -- we'll be right here waiting and cheering for you when you're ready to rejoin us. We love ya!

http://www.clicksmilie.de/sammlung/sport/sport003.gif Kathy S.
Hi Cathe, what a beautiful picture of your two sons. You must be so proud. Take all the time you need, we are all very happy for you and your family. Take care. Mary

You are truly blessed with your two angels! Rest, relax and enjoy!!!!! Don't worry about the faithful!! We will keep doing our workouts and hang in there till you are ready to get back into the swing of things. God Bless!

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