Hey Roadtrippers!!!


You know it Lorrayne! That's why I'm sure we all watch intently to see any mention of it from Cathe. I've said that from a purely selfish perspective, ie doing something ONLY for me that didn't involve my DH, kids, parents, core group of friends, etc., this was the best thing in my life. It was incredible - and you all made it that way! Thanks unendingly to you, Mama Deb, and Kathy S. for your effort and time.


"Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever"
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6

Thanks for sharing the 512 girls insight. Sounds like you guys developed wonderful friendship there. It is amazing how you guys bonded from just one meeting. :)
It sounds like so many people had such a great time on the roadtrip. So why is it that the thought of being on a trip with 110 people seems like a nightmare to me? My comfort level is like 3 people in one room. 4 makes me a little dizzy. For those who went and had a good time, how did you cope with being with so many people at one time? I've just got to know.
I'm very much a loner, and I was OK with it. I worked out with the big group for 2 of the classes and watched the rest, and participated in the other group activities as a wanted, and left when I'd had enough. I stayed in a motel away from the big group and had plenty of time to myself. You just operate within your comfort zone.

"You can't win them all - but you can try." - Babe Zaharias http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/musik/music-smiley-004.gif[/img]
I agree with what HB said. I think you would have to find the IDEA of the trip inviting first and then the ways to cope would fall into place. Like getting a hotel room to yourself for some re-grouping time.

But truly Nancy, the energy level just kept feeding off of itself. I mean despite the fact that there will always be some basic value and philosophical core differences among that many people, we really are one large family with a committment to fitness that has Cathe as our common bond. So from the time of arrival, just meeting all of these people we communicate with on a daily basis and actually seeing the faces that go with the names got it started. And then the electricity in the gym as we waited for Cathe was off the charts. First Cedie arrived and that wave of screams and cheers swept over all of us - which just elevated the excitement that much more. But when Cathe walked in, OMG there is no way to describe and adequately capture the energy that we all gave each other. It was amazing. But the reason I say it fed off of itself was this. Yes we were excited for Cathe, but to see how touched and humbled she was by our excitement just made it that much more exhilerating. She's just such a "real person" and the feeling of being able to be a part of such a special group kept it going.

Like HB said, you would have to have those coping mechanisms, but this was a gift unlike any other. I hope you would find it appealing to go to and then do what YOU would need to do maintain. It's awesome. (BTW - I also love the new avatar and cannot wait to see some more pics of that wedding.) HTH


"Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever"
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6
Thanks, Lorrie. You know, I would want Cathe and Cedie to have a warm welcome, but I wouldn't like to put them in the uncomfortable position of making them feel like celebrities. To be frank, I think those moments with the screaming would have caused me to feel uncomfortable. From what I know of Cathe, she likes feeling like one of the gang, and I don't think that being put on a pedestal is her thing. I like that about her, and it would make me feel uncomfortable, for both her and for me, to act like a "fan".

Does anyone relate to what I'm saying here, or am I just an insufferable snob?

ETA: Thanks for the compliments Lorrie! :D
I get what you're saying Nancy--there was definitely a look of shock on both of their faces when they saw the reception--but they recovered quickly & seemed really flattered. But I don't think they were expecting it......:)
Nancy, there wasn't really screaming, as in rock star stuff. It was more like a collective WHOO HOO. I think that up until that point, it was just us as a group, but seeing Cedie and Cathe made it "real". Like WOW, we're really here and that's really Cathe and I've worked out with her every day forever and she's a REAL PERSON!

Cathe was awesome. And it wasn't some kind of fawning celebrity paparazzi fest. She just chatted with everyone like they were her friend or a regular gym member.
I've been reading this for 2 days, I now have to put my two cents in:) I'm definitely going to be checking the forums I want to be a "roadtripper" very badx( :7 Sounds like alot of fun.

I have to say though Cathe is the best and I'd feel like cheering like crazy too - I couldn't imagine doing that when my local workout instructor walked in the gym! BUT, this is a different occasion - maybe alot of clapping would safice. I must say when she answered a question for me I was very excited to know she was so involved on the forum.....yep, one of us!!!!
Hay, I would not put myself any other way. I know I won’t be able to resist screaming loud and give her a HUGE HUG!!! I just have to. The only way Cathe can avoid from this is me being passed out the moment I see her.:+ :+
"Nancy, there wasn't really screaming, as in rock star stuff. It was more like a collective WHOO HOO."

Shelley, thanks for clarifying. Okay, now I want to go too. :D
Hi Babybird! It is really cool to have somebody like this to admire, respect and look up to isn't it? I always tell my husband as he walks in while I'm working out "don't I look like her", he just rolls his eyes and leaves!:D I in no way look like Cathe, but she is definitely an inspiration.

BTW, I checked out your profile, you're from Fairfax - I live in Luray, VA (home of the Luray Caverns). Nice to meet ya'.:)
Hi Tina,

It is nice to find someone around here. I just visited Luray not long ago. That place is alwyas amazing.

I don't how many of us from Virginia or Wahsington D.C.

Nice to finally find someone. :)
The best part of the RT for me was using Kathy S.'s Visa she posted to show us the picture of her son. (I'm so mean }(.)

Actually, as everyone said, the whole weekend was phenomenal. EVERYBODY was so nice and encouraging. I loved meeting Marla Gaz, Pinky and the other Texans, Shelley (you should see that girl kick box!), Joanne (who showed me a picture of A-Jock), all three coordinators (who did a fabulous job), going out for dinner Friday night and breakfast Sunday morning, putting names and faces together and just being a part of all that energy. Doing classes with Cathe on no sleep wasn't so hard because I was high on adrenaline the whole time.

Thanks for starting this thread, Shelley!:)

I completely forgot that KathyS. inadvertantly sending the roadtrippers that Visa! Now that was a faux pax. Good thing she got that taken care of immediately. What a stressful thing to do shortly after seeing her son off to college! :eek:



We three were happy to do this. It was such a fun project to do. Yes, we made a few mistakes but have learned from them. I am sure that then next road trip will be even better thanks to your, and the other roadtrippers' feedback.

Please note that I, too, plan on mingling much more than last time. This was definitely one of our lessons learned! ha!


I'm pleased that folks were able to clarify for you what has happening during the road trip. One thing is at the top of the priority list: that is to have fun and have that fun within each individual's comfort zone. As HoneyBunch said, she participated in those activities she wanted and felt comfortable. When she had enough, she observed or went back to her hotel.

Also, some roadtrippers stayed in private rooms instead of sharing a room in the hotels. This, too, is an option for some additional "down time."

But, please be warned that all attendees will have fun! They also will be amazed at the energy that radiated off those walls. I still can't believe how well we were able to workout in a room together without running into one another! :7
Sooooooooooooosan & Nancy!

How could I forget that one of my hi-lights was getting to meet Rocky? Oh my, now that will make MANY jealous! :7 Nancy, you will be surprised how comfy Cathe and everyone will make you feel. You have to come next time!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie") http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/aktion/action-smiley-066.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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