Aw, now, no fair Sooooooooooooooooooooose, taking my son's VISA card's name in vain when I'm not looking!!! Yup, you ARE mean!!! ;-) Geez, I am NEVER going to live that one down!! [font size=1][font color=green]Not that I deserve to.... I think i earned an Academy Award for Most Idiotic Impulsive Act Ever Committed By a Bright Woman.[/font size][/font color]
Thanks for saying we did a fab job, too. In many ways we agree (if we do say so ourselves ;-)), but on the other hand we wrote down like 1,000 things we need to improve next time. And will.
Heck yeah, it WAS so stressful for her, and even though she resolved it quickly YOU TWO KEEP BRINGING IT UP!!!!!! Will ya KNOCK IT OFF, ALREADY??? x( x( ;-) ;-)