Hey Roadtrippers!!!


We're approaching our one year anniversary of the RT! Can you believe it?

So, any favourite moments/memories? Anything you'd do differently if you could?

Me, I don't think I met all the people I wanted to meet. It was all such a huge blur!

Fave moments - way too many. The excitement when Cedie, and then Cathe, arrived for the first morning class. That loooooooooooooong groan Cathe let out when we were doing push-ups off the ball in the sculpting class. The entire kickbox class. Mark's martial arts demo. The PIZZA! Attempting to do a 7 a.m. high step class on very little sleep:p One of the servers at the Sunday breakfast place asking if we were a Curves convention!
One of my favorite memories is the members of the gym who were in the locker room asking who we all were and then being OBLIVIOUS to who Cathe was when we told them we were there for her road trip. That will forever stay with me as a testament to Cathe's true spirit and genuiness. What an amazing time that was - and Shelley you're so right about that excitement when Cathe and Cedie arrived that first day! What a bunch of groupies we were!

For me that weekend was amazing on 3 levels. One - my RT buddy and I drove from Cleveland to NJ - it was like an old college road trip. Second - to spend 3 days with 100 like minded fitness fanatics was incredible. And finally, the opportunity to meet Cathe and her crew and actually work out and party with them was astounding. Too much fun - hey - let's do it again!


"Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever"
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6
Oh my 5 minutes will always be my favorite memory--I was so nervous but Cathe was so great she made me feel comfortable right away.

Meeting everyone I got to know here, definitely a close second.

And just taking the classes with her LIVE and with REAL PEOPLE around me! I was afraid we'd be tripping & falling all over each other, but it turned out to be amazingly fun & easy!
I loved every minute of it. It was so much fun. It was really neat to meet up with Gayle(banslug) in person, who I had met through a WW thread.

Regret, not meeting and getting to know more of you who attended.

Would love to do it again.

I loved the whole trip!!

I guess my favorite thing is the take-home souvenier I have now -- my little Ella was born in April. She likes it when we do plank work together, and I'm hoping she'll be stepping with me in a couple years :)
I had such a great time:) I really enjoyed taking the classes with Cathe and all of her fans. There was so much positive energy in the room and not competitive like I thought it may be. I love the moment that Cedie walked in and than the anticipation of Cathe coming in. I loved buying everything that they had on the Cathe table and in every color. I regret that I did not get to know more people. Next time I definitley need to mingle a little more.

I really enjoyed the Sunday morning high step class. Shoot, I just enjoyed the whole dang thing.

Grrrrrr. OK, so I'm already in a sleep-deprived crabby mood today. Shelley has to go and remind me that a year ago I had to cancel on the road trip because my Mom was in ICU. Oh yeah, and the weekend I went to Roch-cha-cha she was out driving around, lost in the dark, and was taken home by the cops. I may have to swear off Cathe related GTG's.
Fave moments? Let me see. . .The excitement and anticipation of preparing to go on the roadtrip, meeting Meecher who became my roommate for the trip, Shelly's poem ("Twas the Night Before the Roadtrip" or something like that - it was great!), meeting other Cathe roadtrippers at the airport and sharing the shuttle to the hotel, meeting a bunch of AWESOME women that weekend, meeting Cathe, Cedie, Lorrayne and Brenda (they're so tiny!), the sound of 100 people stepping in sync during the 1st step class (I think my HR monitor was maxed out the whole class with all the adrenaline pumping thru my body!), really letting loose during the kickboxing class, making it thru the pushups in the sculpting class and the early morning high step class :), the pizza, chocolate chip cookies and cake :9, Mark's kickbox demo, Cathe coming to talk to us on the bus Saturday night with an impromptu Q&A. I could go on and on. . .

I definitely regret being so shy x( and not introducing myself to more people. Maybe next time - if I'm ever lucky enough to participate again.

Doing live Cathe classes has to top the list!

"You can't win them all - but you can try." - Babe Zaharias http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/musik/music-smiley-004.gif[/img]
Doing live Cathe classes has to top the list!

"You can't win them all - but you can try." - Babe Zaharias http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/musik/music-smiley-004.gif[/img]
Anything I'd do differently? I wouldn't fly into or out of PA.

Fave moments:
* sitting with Shonie for two hours in the plane, waiting for the thunderstorm to pass so we could take off
* meeting Mama Deb so early in the morning, wondering who she was and why she knew my name
* discussing the meaning of "jughandles" with Jes
* meeting Susan (ukcharlatans), Namita, Pennie, Jacci, and Susan (singinggoddess) at the hotel lobby
* hearing the sound of a hundred pairs of feet stepping with Cathe and Cedie early in the morning
* the turkey burgers, they were fabulous!
* going up the stairs to the locker rooms and seeing this tall and lithe lady coming down the same stairs who pointed at me and said, "Pinky?", and me not being able to say anything; she pointed to herself and said, "Susan!", and I said "Susan? The million-o's-if-that's-you're-real-name Sooooooooosan?", and the two of us giving each other a hug... Awwwwww... *sniffs* :)

Anything I'd do differently? I wouldn't fly into or out of PA.

Fave moments:
* sitting with Shonie for two hours in the plane, waiting for the thunderstorm to pass so we could take off
* meeting Mama Deb so early in the morning, wondering who she was and why she knew my name
* discussing the meaning of "jughandles" with Jes
* meeting Susan (ukcharlatans), Namita, Pennie, Jacci, and Susan (singinggoddess) at the hotel lobby
* hearing the sound of a hundred pairs of feet stepping with Cathe and Cedie early in the morning
* the turkey burgers, they were fabulous!
* going up the stairs to the locker rooms and seeing this tall and lithe lady coming down the same stairs who pointed at me and said, "Pinky?", and me not being able to say anything; she pointed to herself and said, "Susan!", and I said "Susan? The million-o's-if-that's-you're-real-name Sooooooooosan?", and the two of us giving each other a hug... Awwwwww... *sniffs* :)

Wow. There were so many favorite memories of this road trip. However, I think the one at the top of the list was having the opportunity to help coordinate this road trip. It was sooo much fun putting it together. I also LOVED meeting many of you. I just wish there was more time to spend getting to know my fellow road trippers. It was a blast and I can't wait until the next one!!! :)

It was wonderful seeing Cathe again and finally seeing Kathy S. and Debbie H in person. They are awesome women and it was wonderful working with them on this road trip. Better yet, we have formed a great friendship as a result of this road trip. This was the best moment!

This might sound bizarre, but I was really looking forward in meeting Lorraine. I haven't met many people with my name so it was really neat meeting her. Oh. I really enjoyed seeing Brenda again. She and Cedie both looked great. I think they are all lucky to live so close to Cathe's club. If I lived nearby, I think I would just have to be a member of this club! :D

Wow. There were so many favorite memories of this road trip. However, I think the one at the top of the list was having the opportunity to help coordinate this road trip. It was sooo much fun putting it together. I also LOVED meeting many of you. I just wish there was more time to spend getting to know my fellow road trippers. It was a blast and I can't wait until the next one!!! :)

It was wonderful seeing Cathe again and finally seeing Kathy S. and Debbie H in person. They are awesome women and it was wonderful working with them on this road trip. Better yet, we have formed a great friendship as a result of this road trip. This was the best moment!

This might sound bizarre, but I was really looking forward in meeting Lorraine. I haven't met many people with my name so it was really neat meeting her. Oh. I really enjoyed seeing Brenda again. She and Cedie both looked great. I think they are all lucky to live so close to Cathe's club. If I lived nearby, I think I would just have to be a member of this club! :D

I wish I had been able to meet the 512 girls in person, especially since I've since found out that they are the coolest girls around!

The things that stick out in my mind:

** Laura and I waiting arriving at the Philly airport, going outside and having a strange woman come up to us and say "aren't you part of the Texas Girls?" It turned out to be Amy G. :)

** Seeing the Texas girls again.

** Cedie and Cathe arriving for the first class.

** Mark's Kickbox demo! :9

** The bread and butter at the Italian Affair. I could have made a meal out of that alone!

** On the plane home, Laura making a joke about the guy outside the window when we were taxi-ing and the wheels hit a bump. That still makes me laugh!



I wish I had been able to meet the 512 girls in person, especially since I've since found out that they are the coolest girls around!

The things that stick out in my mind:

** Laura and I waiting arriving at the Philly airport, going outside and having a strange woman come up to us and say "aren't you part of the Texas Girls?" It turned out to be Amy G. :)

** Seeing the Texas girls again.

** Cedie and Cathe arriving for the first class.

** Mark's Kickbox demo! :9

** The bread and butter at the Italian Affair. I could have made a meal out of that alone!

** On the plane home, Laura making a joke about the guy outside the window when we were taxi-ing and the wheels hit a bump. That still makes me laugh!



Many favourite moments.Being the only guy was unique.You were all so kind & accepting which made it so much easier.I overcame my nervousness immediately.I was so self conscious thinking maybe they think I am here to find a date.I wasn't.I was there to workout & I met a great group of die hard exercisers.See you @ the next one.

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