Hey, ectomrphs!


If you are an ectomorph like me (thin limbs, hard time building muscle)let me know what you've achieved good results with as far as weight training goes. I've been working out for years now and I've worked up to doing aroebics 5-6 times per week and I was doing PS 1 time per week. I've not had terrific results. I'm beginning to doubt the effectiveness of this approach for my particular body type. I do have fat around the middle and on the back to shed hence, the focus on aerobics, but since I've been doing tank top arms, which is much more wieght oriented, I'm beginning to wonder if maybe I should have focused more on weights than aerobics. Tell me what you know, you guys.
I have read that ectomorphs should do NO more than three cardios per week for 30 minutes in order to gain muscle mass. Too much cardio is detrimental to muscle mass. If you want to loose fat the new muscle gains will help you loose it. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn. Now, to get the most of your cardio workouts, do something different each session, in other words, cross train. For example, one day, stationary bike, other day, one aerobics tape, and the other day, a kickboxing tape. That is just example. You can do whatever you want.
Hi Amadeus!

I too am an ectomorph. I have found that keeping my cardio down to three days a week and lifting three days a week has really given me some nice muscle mass. The Slow and Heavy Series is great for building muscle. I also think that PH gives great definition. I did mostly cardio for years and got thinner, but built no muscle. (Obviously.)

Hope this helps! Keep in mind, this is just MHO.

I guess I am an ectomorph as I have thin limbs and I have to work really hard to build muscle. I really do find that I do not get results if I do more than 3 sessions of high intensity cardio per week. I remember losing weight when I was doing cardio 5 times a week. But no matter how low my weight got, I still had a fleshy looking back,thighs and lower belly. I was also getting very fatigued instead of having more energy. I've switched my focus to weights and am definitely happier with the results. Infact within the first 2 weeks of reducing the cardio and going really heavy with PS BBA, I lost all the flab on my back. I went from a size medium on the top to a small. Normally 3 days of split strength training using S&H or PS with 3 days of cardio continues to give me results. I shake that up a bit by switching to a total body workout approach for a while - normally MIS x 2 plus 4 hours of cardio per week. I also find that I have to alternate high intensity cardio with moderate intensity stuff to get good results.

I think I have quite a high calorie burn as well. If I do a lot of cardio my blood sugar crashes a lot even though I try and eat well. I suspect that I do not fuel up enough to sustain a very large amount of cardio. Recently I tried going back to the CTX format (5 short cardio sessions and then hitting one body part with weights)just for a change. I found I was beginning to feel exhausted again. This approach for some reason just does not work for me. When I take a moderate approach to the amount I eat and the amount of cardio that I do, I look a lot leaner, make more strength gains and feel more energetic. Hope this helps. Unfortunately we are all so different and it takes a lot of experimentation before you can find what works for you.
This is really helping me. I am learning a lot from the previous posts!!! I am an ectomorph, long limbs, not a lot of muscle, have a hard time gaining muscle, I gain weight "forward and aft" in my lower abs and butt, rather than side to side, in my hips, like most of my girlfriends.

It is amazing to me that you can lose fat by gaining more muscle, I would be interested to hear from even more folks that have experienced this. I have heard this theory before though. I definitely am NOT lean enough, even though I am "thin". I want more muscle!!

When you guys say "sessions" of cardio are you referring to CTX 30 minute sessions or the longer 60 minutes?

Also, how long do you hold a rotation to check for results and then change it?

Also, have ectomorphs out there had better results with working each muscle groups one time per week...I have read that theory for ectomorphs, as long as they lift heavy.

I only have CTX. I am dying for S&H and PS!!!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-23-02 AT 10:33PM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-23-02 AT 10:33 PM (Est)[/font]

Another ecto here! I have a hard time gaining muscle, but at the same time I could not seem to get rid of my flabby abs and thighs. I used to do 5-6 days of cardio and 2 weight sessions per week. Although I did lose some bodyfat initially I was not happy with my results. I was still hanging onto my bodyfat on the abs and thighs. Since I've decreased cardio to 3-4 days max and added 3 weight sessions per week I have seen excellent results. The fat off my abdominals and thighs are melting. I can't believe it myself and am still amazed because I do a lot less cardio. I would switch between a rotation of:

Week 1 (3 weight sessions/2 cardio)
day 1 - Strength building workout (MIS)
day 2 - step cardio (CTX cardio)
day 3 - Endurance workout (Power Hour)
day 4 - MIC (hi/lo only)
day 5 - Strenght or endurance workout (MIS or Power Hour)
day 6 - rest
day 7 - rest

Week 2 (2 weight sessions/3 cardio)
day 1 - circuit training for cardio (Circuit Max w/light weights)
day 2 - Endurance workout (Power Hour)
day 3 - interval cardio (Imax or Intense Moves)
day 4 - Strength workout (MIS)
day 5 - kickox cardio (Taebo or CTX Kickbox)
day 6 - rest
day 7 - rest

(rotate cardio between hi/lo, kickbox, step, circuit training, interval cardio, and walking)

Basically I try to do either cardio or a weight workout. When I decreased cardio, varied intensities and lengths of cardio workouts I saw the body fat melt off. I made a conscious effort to always do different cardio each time. I used to do all Cathe step workouts and I think my body was burnt out on that. I make a conscious effort also to do one endurance workout and one strength workout per week with weights. If I have a 3rd weight session that week I just chose what I felt like. If I had lost of energy I went for a strength workout and if I was feeling a little less energetic I did an endurance workout.

I can't believe that decreasing cardio would work, but it really did. My diet is clean 80% of the time and I do allow cheat meals on the weekends. I usually try to keep it to a maximum of 3 and I always stay within a certain calorie range per day.

I am 5'3" and am now 103 lbs. I lost 7 lbs. from doing this rotation. Of course that wasn't why I tried this rotation. I wanted to lose my stomach fat and inner thigh fat. And of course that is disappearing at a fast rate! I was eating 1500-1600 calories per day when I lost 7 lbs. I have recently increased my calories to 1600-1700 and lost another pound. My abs are literally shrinking. They are my #1 trouble spot so I'm amazed that I have finally found something that works. It took me about 2-3 weeks to see results but I think that's pretty quick as far as I'm concerned. I haven't taken measurements recently but I intially lost about an 1" on my stomach and an 1" off each thigh with this rotaton within the first 3 weeks. That's a lot for me since I am so small to begin with.

I am currently doing a modified version of the tank-top rotation and I am starting to see some good definition in my arms. I don't do as much cardio as the rotation recommends. I do 3 days at the most. I am still losing body fat on the abs and thighs and I am finally sprouting some muscles on my arms. Reducing cardio works! Who would have thought too much cardio could make you hold onto fat. At least that was my experience.
tsut, it's uncanny - looks like we follow an almost identical formula. We even seem to use the same approach when it comes to varying the kinds of cardio that we do. I am also the same height and weight as you. I can't wait to try the tank top rotation as I would really like to bulk up my upper body a bit. I am glad to hear it worked for you. Perhaps it will work for me as well. I was wondering whether you could recommend some taebo tapes. I tend to only use Cathe's Cardio Kicks and Powerstrike but would like to add to my kickbox collection (does wonders for my thighs). Also if you have found any other tapes that are useful to cross train with, I would love to know which ones they are. My last question is are you able to maintain your weight with the current diet plan that you are following or are you still losing weight? Sorry to throw so many questions at you but we really do sound similar in terms of what works for our bodies. Thanks.
Prfitness – I love the tank top rotation. This is only my second week and I’ve already gotten 2 comments on my arms. I know my arms will not sprout huge muscles, but they are really starting to show some definition which is what I was hoping for. I really see better results when I work my body parts more often.

For kickboxing I use the Get Ripped Advanced Live series. I really like the one with the blue cover. I’m at work now so I’d have to look at the cover. I also use Kickbox although that’s only a 30 min. workout. I recently purchase CIA 9907 w/Janis Saffell and that one is real good. The choreo is definitely a little harder than Taebo but she cues very well and it’s a tough workout. I’ve never used Powerstrike. Do you like those? I’m looking to try other instructors and styles.

When you say crosstrain are you asking about different instructors besides Cathe? I use the Firm’s Power Cardio sometimes and I also use the Fit Prime tapes Weights First and Core First for total body weight workouts. Cathe is my all-time fave though. I do use Intense Moves by Gin Miller for intervals since it’s shorter than Imax. For legs I tend to use LL the most. I seem to be getting awesome results with that tape so I stick with that one. It’s really helping my legs. I use the floorwork from PSLA but honestly I don’t concentrate on floorwork too much. Maybe I should? Of course I have already lost an 1” off each thigh so that’s great as far as I’m concerned.

I increased my cals from 1500-1600 to 1600-1700 since the tank-top rotation is a bit more intense for lifting sessions. So far I have maintained my weight for the past 2 weeks. Don’t ask me this week. It’s TTOM. The scale shifts too much for me to assess my weight at this time. I can tell you that my tummy is still shrinking so I don’t think the calorie increase is affecting me in a bad way. I tried to increase my calories w/proteins too so maybe that might be a factor. I am so glad I finally decreased my cardio like I’ve been reading for years. That’s what they always say about ectos. I thought since I had a layer of flab on my thighs and abs that I needed to do so much cardio. That obviously didn’t work. It’s nice not having to do cardio 5-6 days a week. I like cardio, but am happy to only do it 3 days a week now. I do add in some walks during my lunch hour, but nothing intense. It doesn’t get my HR up hardly.

What kind of results are you seeing with your current routine?
Thanks for your reply. I know exactly what you mean about cardio. I like cardio but not everyday. Now that I have reduced it, I actually enjoy it so much more and give every workout a 100%. I will give Janis Saffell a try. I would also love to know which tape from the Get Ripped series you like. Is the footwork very fast on these two tapes? I work out on a carpeted surface and find fast footwork a bit challenging when it comes to kickboxing. Powerstrike (millennium 2) is awesome. If I have done a tape with a lot of impact e.g IMAX, I can use Powerstrike for my next cardio day as it is low impact but still very intense. Besides, mixing up stuff (lo impact with hi impact) really prevents anything from getting too easy for me. Once again the only hitch with Powerstrike is the fact that I have to mentally focus a lot on my form. Walking in the evenings has done wonders for my abs (and stress levels) even though my heart rate doesn't really get up there, so I try and do it as often as I can. I just finished a S&H rotation and I loved the series. Although I have not seen a change in my body, I have definitely made strength gains. I can go heavier with the weights for every body part when I do MIS. So if you are looking for strength, I would definitely recommend it. Plus my muscles feel rock hard. I am currently focusing on stamina/ endurance as I am preparing for my hiking holiday in Switzerland. I am doing a very basic rotation of:

Leaner Legs plus PSLA floor work
MIC (all of it)
Cardio Kicks
MIS or PowerHour or BodyMax
Intense Moves

I am losing weight with this rotation and my legs are looking a bit thinner. I am currently at 101 and am really not keen on seeing anything below 100. I am just finding it hard to stabilise my weight. Everytime I change my rotation, I tend to drop pounds. Maybe I should up my protein as well. My diet has always been more based on high fiber carbs. Can't wait to start the TTR when I get back from holiday. I have never hit my upper body 3 times a week before.

Caroline Knorr
You guys are freaking me out! I think I'm basically an ectomorph - I'm slim - especially my upper body - but I have a flabby butt and my legs are definitely not skinny. I have ALWAYS focused on cardio with weight-training thrown in somewhat inconsistently. I have really upped my weight-training over the past month and also have upped my cardio. However, I am not seeing the decrease in the butt area that I'd like to. I am really thinking about increasing the weight work and decreasing the cardio work. I guess I'm getting to the point that I think "who cares if I can run five miles, I'd rather be STRONG!" But it really is scary to part with my beloved cardio workouts. You guys are convincing me to give it a try, though. And I do think changing your routines is the best thing you can do for your body. I've read all the info. on how increasing your muscle mass increases your metabolism, but somehow I feel that if I don't take my cardio sessions to the max, I'm not getting a workout. But I really hear what you are saying about how you have more energy and appreciation for your cardio workouts when you do them fewer times a week.

Thanks for the info!
Hi prfitness -

I'll have to wait until I get off work to see what tapes I have. I can't remember off hand. The moves are fast, but I haven't had a problem doing the tapes on carpet. I will definitely look into the Powerstrike tapes. I know a lot of people say Kickbox is not hard, but I find that I really concentrate on my form and really punch and kick with all I got. I am always so sore the next day in places that have never been sore. I guess it has a lot to do with how much you put into a workout.

I don't do 3 weight tapes with the tank-top rotation. I modified it to add pilates. Pilates works your core muscles and I can tell that my abs are really getting a workout. They are so sore!

I do this modified rotation
day 1 - PS CST/BBA
day 2 - LL + CTX cardio
day 3 - CTX shoulder/tri/bi + CTX cardio
day 4 - cardio
day 5 - pilates
day 6 - rest
day 7 -rest

I love this rotation! I've read that pilates can do wonders for my abs so I'm giving it a try. Plus I'm just not crazy about MIS so I didn't mind subbing it for something else.

Your routine sounds fun. I'll have to give that a try sometime.

I upped my protein because it was lacking very much in my diet. I'm not a big meat eater so I have to drink shakes and eat lots of low-fat dairy products to at least get some protein.

Janis Saffel rocks! I am going to by her other kickbox tape. Her workout is tough, but I love it.

I'll let you know about the Taebo tapes later. :)

I am definitely an ectomorph. I have thin legs and arms, and have always had extra flab on my back and abs. I am almost 5'10", and weigh 130-135 pounds. My arms have been getting a bit more definition, and my stomach looks better than ever now that I started using less cardio during the past winter. My daughter told me that my arms don't look skinny anymore, and it seems like the flab doesn't hang as much over my bra! I am far from having six-pack (at 42 with two kids, I'm OK with that!), but I can see a little bit of definition in the abs. I've actually gained a couple of pounds, but my waist measurement is the same.

I started using the S&H DVD, doing one workout on M-W-F, and a long cardio session on T-Th. I alternated that type of week with a week of endurance weight training (like PH or MIS) on T-Th and long cardio on M-W-F. After doing that for a while, I noticed major improvement. I've been working out for 9 years, and this routine seems to work for my body type.

Now I'm doing a modified tanktop rotation. For example, I'll do 30 minutes of cardio with CTX Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps on Mon., 30 minutes of cardio with PS Legs on Tues., PS Upper body on Wed., long cardio on Thu., and something like MIS on Fri. That's only 120 minutes of cardio each week, and I have continued to see my arms get more defined without gaining fat around the middle.

By the way, I also think that kickboxing and planks have helped with the tone around my core. I notice that when doing sidekicks and roundhouse kicks, my core tightens up with each kick. I think the kicking and the various Cathe plank routines have made a big difference in the firmness of that area. I'm sure diet also plays a role, but that is the hardest for me to follow!

I'll go back to the S&H type rotation in the fall. It has been the best for me.

Sandi M
Wow, this is blowing me away! It is just so hard to believe that cutting BACK on cardio can make you lose fat/weight! It is my wildest dreams come true, actually! But it might make a lot of sense for me to try...I have been working out for about 9 years too, and always tried to get to 4 days of cardio in the gym step classes, with weights thrown in afterwards, usually. But even 4 days would make me sooo whipped. 180 to 240 min cardio. Whew. After my last baby, I got CTX and noticed gains right away, but it has definitely tapered off. I have been at it for about 3 months. I think I'll try getting SH and/or PS next, I am not sure about the others. Power Hour, maybe? How do I decide?!? My $ can only go so far!!!

Thanks guys.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-24-02 AT 06:23PM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-24-02 AT 06:20 PM (Est)[/font]

Hi Jen,

I just wanted to add some support for this less cardio = more fat loss. Because of schedule changes at my tae kwon do studio at the beginning of summer I could no longer do cardio kickboxing twice a week and no more Cathe cardio after tae kwon do classes. So I decided to try something I'd read here which was to do less cardio and more weights to see more fat loss.

So now I do maybe 2 Cathe cardio tapes a week, plus the mostly low intesity cardio tae kwon do provides 3 or 4 times a week (its more like intervals of pain rather than a contant elevated heart rate) , and do weights 3 times a week, about two and a half weeks ago I started my first S&H rotation, after mainly doing PS with some PH thrown in the mix. So I went from cramming as much cardio in as I could, to focusing on strength training and a few cardio workouts a week and I've DEFINITELY noticed a loss in fat!

I don't have a scale so I can't tell if I've lost pounds but I've definitley lost circumference! My hips are slimmer (that is my problem area) and my midsection has firmed up a lot too, and I swear my thighs are smaller, and I just feel firmer all around. I've not changed my diet at all during this time, but it is clean and healthy as a rule. It is weird after all the years of hearing cardio cardio cardio, but it really seems to work wonders if you've hit a plateau!

Thanks, Jill. I guess it really does make a difference what works for one's body type. Yes, all we hear is cardio cardio cardio! Esp from the fitness/bodybuilders in the magazines, who are so ripped, but I figure they are the endomorphs anyway! (the ones that have no trouble adding muscle? I think.). Plus the others (mesomorphs?) who have to do a ton of cardio to get rid of and keep fat off.

I am about 8 lbs heavier than I was in my 20's, and I am 35 now, 2 kids later. This past 3 months of CTX didn't really help a ton, but a little, a few lbs lost and and a lot of toning. My diet is pretty clean too, and as I get older, I keep hearing those statistics about losing muscle tissue, and I often wonder if my increase in how much I weigh is tied to lower amounts of muscle as I get older (even though I know muscle weighs more)...causing a lower standing metabolism. Anyway, you and the others definitely have a convincing testimony, and a lot to consider.

can't wait to get rid of the tummy and butt flab....
Wow, you guys, I'm totally blown away by this. Here I've been slogging through all these hours and hours of cardio every week, not really enjoying it, but "just doing it". Always hoping to loose a little bit of fat around the waist and now it sounds like I've been doing a routine that's perfect. Perfect for somebody else's body that is.

I've always done 5 days of cardio, but I've hated doing so much of it. It seems on so many days that I'd put one tape in, start it and say "I just can't do this one", then put another in and do the same and another until I'd tried 3-4 different things and none of them were appealing. I usually made myself do a tape just to get it over with. But a strange thought entered my mind last night when I was ruminating: I'll probably never be a "CARDIO QUEEN". I think this was one of my goals. Even though I never fully realized it or admitted it. So many rotations are set up with cardio to the max. That I felt I'd miss something if I didn't do Imax, Bodymax, Powermax etc. all in one week. Then a second thought came to me. I could trade in my lame attempts at being Cardio Queen for a real chance at being Yoga Queen. So many times all I really wanted to do was yoga instead of cardio. "To thine own self be true . . ."

So, now I think I'll try 3 X 30 minutes (really mixing it up as suggested) of truly enjoyable cardio per week and jam away on my faboo Tank Top Arms Rotation. And add a couple hours of power yoga. I really enjoy the intense concentration that weightlifting and yoga give me. I feel really happy and centered with these thoughts.

Thanks so much everyone who has posted!
LOL Julie

Here's the tape I use for kickboxing. Tae Bo II: Get Ripped Advanced Two-Video Set. The one I use has the picture of Billy on the cover. I love it.

Julie-glad we convinced you. I thought I had to do tons of cardio too, but it didn't work for me. I love weight lifting too and am very glad to only do cardio 3 days a week. Too bad I didn't realize this years ago! :)
Tsut - Thanks for that. I've ordered Janis Saffell already. Can't wait to try it. I've also copied your rotation ideas so thanks for that as well. If you have anymore great results with a particular rotation, please do post it.

Julie - I too felt like hurling everytime I put a cardio tape in my VCR. Even after a warm up I used to feel totally unmotivated. I think I realised then and there that I was totally burnt out on too much cardio. Never feel that way anymore. Good luck.

CJBate - I would really recommend the PS series. I pretty much followed the CTX format for over a year and when I switched to PS for the first time, the results I had were spectacular. My body really looked completely different.
I am not alone!!!

Wow! I thought I was the only ectomorph out there - this thread is so cool!

I did Firm tapes for years and still had people asking me if I was anorexic. For us ectos, it's not about cardio or aerobics with weights - it's about weight training with very heavy weights and low reps.

I recommend this book called "Body Shaping." It's the only weight training book I've ever seen that addressed our specific needs. It divides everyone up into different body types - we're "I Frames." It gives exercise and nutritional advice in a *whole chapter* devoted to us! Check it out at:

For the time being, I've given up cardio and am doing Cathe's PS and SH tapes. I've also recently discovered Joyce Vedral. She affirms what many have said here - once you have increased muscle, your metabolism will go up and that will take care of fat burning. In her "Weight Training Made Easy" book, she calls us "skinny fat" meaning we're all naturally thin, but out of shape - flabby.

I grew up ashamed of my body. Now I'm proud of it. Wish someone had told me about serious weight training sooner.

Endomorphs are those folks that put on fat easily and have trouble losing weight.

Mesomorphs are those lucky folks that are naturally athletic and put on muscle without even trying. Must be nice!

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