Hey Adri (Sekcy Gymnast)

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Wow thanks everyone. Sure know who your friends are. Heres the truth (if any of you care) I'm 14 years old and I live in Maine. I was a level 6 gymnast but quit. I do love cathe workouts and just becuase I don't freggin do em everyday don't mean I don't like em. I do go to the gym alot. I'm on the track team too. I'm at homebase (school)right now and the bell is about to ring in a few so I gatta go. I don't think I'll be back either. I really liked all you guys. Just becuause I ain't you age or nuttin make you all hate me.

Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and you cry with your girlfriends.
-Laurie Kuslansky-

Just wanted to add that the photos are copyright 2002, which would be 4 years ago, making sense that this is Adri when she was 10. Just thought I would add that.

I am interested in seeing Adri's response to all of this.
Holy Cow, girl, check the language at the door!!! People tend to be naturally suspicious when things don't add up, it doesn't mean that they won't add up with an simple explanation!
“Yea thats me. From my gymnastcs academy they take pics of all of us during competition season. They have a nice web page though. Not sure how you got those. But thats cool you found them”
Hmmm Not sure how you got those????

Adri I got those the same way you got your avatar. I pulled it from that site.

Adri, I’m am e-mailing this note to the Baldy View Gymnastics to help you prove your real:

I am inquiring about a gymnast you have pictured in your site. tstonramp.com/~tcondon/gymnastics/images/pose01-big.jpg
She or someone that said the picture is her 4 years ago is posting on cathe.com
I am a retired Okla. City Police Officer and was just curious as to whether it was legitimate.
So two questions:
Is the girl in the picture living in California, or Maine like this person is saying?
Is this picture 4 years old?

Adri, I hope this will help...........
The language was completely unnnecessary. It's natural for us to be curious about why you would want to hang out with us. Many of us are old enough to be your mom or even your grandmother. It's difficult to understand why you wouldn't want to hang out with people your own age. You could have answered that without being rude and using foul language.

If those are photos of you when you were 10 and still competing, that's fine.
I'm sorry everyone. You just have to believe me. I'm trying to get pics on my picture trail soon its just hard with school and everything. Plus I'm moving too. Just give me a break for a sec. I gatta go the bells ganna ring

Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and you cry with your girlfriends.
-Laurie Kuslansky-

This is my last post. I don't care anymore. Just think whatever you all wanna think. Maybe I'm just too young for you all. I don't wanna take this anymore. If I say I'm this or that, just friggen believe me cuz this aint some stupid imature pranck!

Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and you cry with your girlfriends.
-Laurie Kuslansky-

Ok heres the truth that I haven't told you all yet:
That avatar isn't a pic of me but the info (4 years ago, 10) thats all when I became a gymnast. That avatar isn't me. I found it on google. I don't have a digital cam but my aunt does and was ganna use that until I found that one.

Happy now
Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and you cry with your girlfriends.
-Laurie Kuslansky-

So, can you see then how we might be a little suspicious of you? We don't know you from Adam, really, and you could be anyone. So far in this thread you have admitted that (a) you don't take gymnastics anymore and (b) that's not a picture of you. You've also said that you had a digital camera but it broke when your mom used it, but now you say that you don't have a digital camera.

You're young. Learn from this. Honesty is always the best policy.
I just figured out what her screen name meant? I could never figure it out! Oh well. I have been curious about Adri for quite a while. I am anxious to see if Bill gets a reply from the gym.

Did this happen last year? Wasn't there someone posting pictures of her dog in the fitness room, and it turned out to be advertising photos? Maybe I am misremembering.


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
I haven't jumped into this until now, but I admit, I have always been a little leary of SG's true identity. So...*she* (assuming she is a female) is admitting that she lied repeatedly about the picture. Some may say that's admirable, but my thought is she only did that because she knew Bill was getting ready to find out the real deal after writing to the website. Admitting to something after being caught isn't quite the same as coming forward with information at your own free will.

So...all I have to say to "SG" is "BUSTED"! It is true that many people embellish their real lives on the Internet, but saying you are a 14-year-old girl when you probably are not is just plain weird.


this has opened my eyes to the dangers of internet communication. i guess i never thought someone would spend so much time being deceitful for no purpose or none that I can see. "Adri" spent a lot of time on here.
Shelley, I could be totally having a brain fart, but I thought there was someone whose avatar was a picture of her cute dog in front of a weight bench, she was here for a while and then someone posted, look at this picture I found on a fitness catalog website, or something, and it was the exact same picture. Don't think it ever became any drama or anything. Maybe it's all a dream....


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
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