Specific exercises that shape that area for me are deep squats, and deadlifts. High Step exercises could get the job done, too. I'm also a shortie (5'1), so I understand your pain. The weight doesn't have too many options to choose where to settle at my height, so it shows very quickly...
You could also work the legs twice/wk, once w/heavy weight, and once w/lighter weights (higher reps). The heavy weight will give you some muscle there, and higher reps w/light weights can provide a more cardio-like effect to help shed the fat there so that you can see the muscle you build. A little extra cardio is good for shedding the fat, too, but diet will be the most important tool to aid you workouts and fat shedding...
I'm not sure of any specific rotations (as I include those 2 exercises in every leg workout), but I've heard good things about the rock bottoms rotation. As for actual workouts, Gym Style Legs was hands down the best improvements that I've ever seen in my legs (as per my husbands observation - after I did it for about 1x/wk for 4-6 wks)