Help peeing problems ... personal!


Constant peeing

Feeling very tired and fed up still… some of you may remember that a while ago (beginning of Jan) I was having trouble with a UTI…or so I thought. The doctor told me (after a quick look!) that I had an irritated bladder and nothing else to worry about…urine test showed no infection and that I would have to get used to it! sigh. Well something to me didn’t seem right. Irritated bladder…fine, but would that explain the burning and stinging I feel in “him”??? Or the constant miserable urge to “pee” I feel in my urethra? I don’t think so… so a friend (doc) of mine put me on antibiotics to see if it was ureathraitus? Antibiotics had some effect has pain stopped but need to pee continued. This is day 22 on the antibiotics and I’m having to go back to my doctor on Monday evening for a swab. I just can’t believe that an irritated bladder would feel like this? I have no pressure in my bladder, just the constant need to pee, every minute of every day. And its making life so miserable…
Since this was labeled "personal," I just had to look!!

It seems to me that if you have an "irritated bladder" it's irritated from some cause! Sounds like a rather dismissive doctor. Definitely get him to find the cause of the irritation.

I've only had a UTI once (and once is enough, believe me!) and though our anatomies are a bit different because of gender, the constant need to pee was present. At the peak of the symptoms, I was sittiing on the toilet for hours one night, because everytime I tried to go to bed, I felt like I had to pee, even though there was probably only a teaspoon of fluid in my bladder.

Cranberry juice is something that we womenfolk drink to help prevent UTI's. It wont get rid of them on its own, but something in it keeps the bacteria from adhering to the bladder wall in the first place. You might want to try a couple of glasses a day (good antioxidants as well, even if it doesn't help with the urinary problem) to see what happens.
My daughter suffers from almost the same problem, the Uroligist had us cut out all caffiene, yes that means chocolate, that is a huge irritant to the bladder. Then no more bubble baths another irritant. and then gave her some macrodantin for over a year to take, but then after her surgery they have her off and on with Ditropan because of her constant need to pee and leaking all the time and she is only 14. with that med she doesn't have that need to pee all the time and her leaking is way cut down.
Have you had any x-rays for the kidney and the bladder to see just how they are functioning? and you might want to see about special blood work that checks the creatin level of you kidney function also.
Please go have your prostate checked . My father has the same problem but it's due to his very recent diagnosis of advanced prostate cancer. Please, Please Please early detection is key.
I was told by my doctor that there is nothing wrong with my prostate … that it is fine and “dandy”! I was told that prostate problems in men my age are unheard of and only effect men over 35plus (and even that’s young).

To me it just feels like the urethra is constantly full of fluid and it won’t go away. It is very upsetting as it’s on my mind all the time and I cannot get any rest from it. Two weeks ago when I was on the first course of antibiotics it went away for three days (bliss) and then came back…they switched my antibiotics and they haven’t helped at all. The others were better.

I tired some tablets originally from the doc who told me it was an irritated bladder and they gave me terrible kidney pain…and as it was a stress related disorder shouldn’t have be prescribed in the first place.

The funny thing is, if it was just an irritated bladder (getting personal here, sorry ladies) why did I have so much stinging and burning at the end of my penis that the antibiotics cleared up? Making me believe that this was / is an infection of some kind…
Regardless, men do have problems and even though it is unheard of younger men having a prostate problem it does happen.My husband when he was 26 had to have a begnign "thankfully" tumour removed from his bladder was found during a time when his prostate was causing him trouble.Can I also suggest having your blood work done? Check your psa level. It is surely not something to get 'used to' ; Get a second opinion. Also getting personal but maybe could it be a possible std clymydia? Sorry don't want to offend.
You mentioned a 'quick' look - was that a scope in to your bladder? If yes, fine. If no then maybe this needs to happen. Another question, any blood in your urine?

Sorry don't mean to be pushy but it sounds like you need another opinion. Forgive me if I missed it, but is your doc a urologist? If no, you need one.

I truly hope you are feeling better.
My doctor is very unhelpful and i'm seeing a new one on Monday. was actually getting better the past few days and now is worse again. As for STD, i was tested for Cly and it was ain't that, though i'm sure it is an infection of some kind, i guess its a case of finding the right antibiotics to sort it out. I remember it coming on too, all of a sudden, with burning pain...that went away soon after the anitbiotics were taken, but the peeing remained. Clearly an infection... prayers, hugs and anything right now is muchly appreciated.

Prayers and hugs coming your way Wayne! Sorry to hear you are still dealing with this. How awful. Keep us posted and I hope the new doctor can help you and give you some relief SOON! Thinking of you!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Thank you all. I'm still peeing every half hour on the hour, and its not nice. Dr on Monday and then to BUPA (private) the day after. Any info would be most welcome. Thank you x

I have been following your thread with increasing sympathy. Unfortunately I have nothing to add, this is a field totally outside of my experience. Except to say, force them to keep trying stuff and testing until you find relief because ending up in hospital, as happened to my 6 year old, with a kidney infection is not pleasant.

I think you will have greater luck with the BUPA. It is more likely that you can request certain tests and procedures there, which they are more likely to follow through with because wasted money is not an issue for them. Socially and politically I support the national health 100%. But I can see also your growing frustration and discomfort. So, if you can afford it, go with the BUPA.

Try to do some internet research as to what different things it could be based on our different symptoms. The more informed you are, I have found in my experience with doctors out here, the more insistent you can be about getting certain tests. They cannot pull the wool over the eyes of someone who has done their research. JUst keep following links, you might find a site maintained by the sufferers themselves of a certain condtion, with all their personal histories, and sometimes you can find affinity with their symptoms, find out what they were diagnosed with and what treatments worked for them, and make intelligent suggestions to the doctors.

Only YOU knows what it feels like, and how severe it is: never let them suggest it is all in your mind, and keep pushing for further treatments until you are 100% back to normal.

All I can offer is moral support and a loving hug, and you have those from over the cyber airwaves. Feel 'em?

Please let us know how you get on, OK?

Years ago I had something similiar - constant peeing and I was so focused on it that I believe the stress of it not seeming to get better made it worse! Anyway, this went on for months. I had similar symptoms to you, always having to pee, slight burning, and the dr kept saying I had no infection! Anyway, I went to a urologist and they said I had a very low grade infection that my regular doctor was unable to detect and antibiotics were not working on. They ended up irrigating my bladder and I've never had problems since.

I want to also mention that sometimes stress causes these kinds of symptoms.

I hope you find an answer soon as I know how uncomfortable you must be feeling.
I had the constant need to go pee for a long, long time. I tried lots of things, antibiotics, had some test, saw a urilogist etc... Still I had to pee about every hour and it was not from a full bladder either.

Just a few weeks ago my DR put me on Detrol LA. That's done it for me. I'm able to go 4-5 hours and when I go to pee it's from a full bladder urging me to do so. I can sleep a lot, lot longer without being woke up from the *urge to pee* too.

Do ask your DR about this. OAB or Over Active Bladder is something that even young kids can have, it's cause by the muscles in the bladder contracting too often. The Detrol LA stops that. Kinda sounds to me like this may be your trouble. I could be wrong though.

Edith :+
Hey Icklemoley,

I had written you last time you presented this problem, but I may have responded too late and you may not have seen it. I too went for years with the urge to urinate with stinging and burning in the urethra and no infection present. In fact, I went 20 years with some type of pressure problem in the bladder area. It wasn't until last year that I finally found a urogynocologist who looked inside my bladder and diagnosed me with interstitial cystitis. I was put on the drug Elmiron to help with the painful pinpoint hemorrhages in the bladder. I was also given a solution known as a bladder cocktail that is put directly into the bladder via a catheter which helps alleviate some of the pain and discomfort. It has helped me tremendously.
This may in no way be related to your problem, but with me it started all of the sudden as well and did not go away totally. At times it would feel better for a few days, but that was it. The stinging and burning were so uncomfortable, some days I felt I was going out of my mind. Only through the grace of God did I find help, and believe me I prayed on it for a long, long, time.
I pray for you too, pain and discomfort can be so tiring and aggravating to say the least. Please let me know if you need additional information on this, maybe a suggestion would be for your doctor to look into this annoying condition. God will make a way, He is so good.
Hi Wayne,

I second the advice of going to see a urologist asap. Not to scare u but its best to take a look:) Hoping that u have good results on monday and a speedy recovery and peace of mind knowing what the deal is. Hang in there sweetie

I have experienced this problem. First thing get a second opinion. Go to a urologist. I had to have my urethea stretched about 23 years ago. I have always had problems with not any help from a Doc. So I discovered that drinking nothing but water, and taken cranberry tablets has cured me. Everytime I even drink a Sprite here we go again. The cranberry tablets are wonderful too!! Good luck.

Jamie x( after you try this :)

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