Help peeing problems ... personal!

Wayne, Joannafit is COMPLETELY RIGHT!!

IMHO -- Rather than conjecture and fret and try a thousand at-home remedies, just bite the bullet and make an appointment with a urologist, tell him/her everything you've told us, and go from there. The urologist probably will do a cystoscopic exam, as Joannafit said. My DH had to have one of those done some years back and he reported that it wasn't awful or anything. Whatever the outcome, you'll know once and for all what you're dealing with and you'll start healing. SO GO DO IT, SWEETIE!!! Kathy S.
Thank you for all for your help and support. It means alot to me. Its been a very stressful weekend.

Off to docs tomorrow, am very nervous, but hoping it will be good news and a course of anitbiotics will sort things.

Fed up. Have cut out all diet cokes, etc... and that has helped somewhat. It dawned on me the other day that in the past six months i have only drunk diet coke, and nothing else! For six months...that can't be good.

Once again, i thank you all so much.


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