HELP!!! I am so lost...

Laura Steurer

New Member
I so need to lose weight and tone up and loose baby belly (hello, he's 21 months baby fat excuse dont cover it anymore) I bought a The Step and it has a Cathe video in it Yeah!!! But one thing it is advanced...I just started and the moves are so fast that I am getting lost in the shifting around and so on. I love stepping it is so fun with what I can do. When I have to turn around is when I get really lost. HELP!!! Also I have been working out for 2 weeks now and haven't lost even one pound. Any suggestions??

New member...

Laura :)
Which video came with the step? If it wasn't Basic Step, I would recommend that you get that one as it is Cathe's simplest step workout and you can get a taste of Cathe's choreography. Once you learn one of Cathe's step routines, the learning curve on the rest goes down significantly. If you are having trouble with Basic Step, keep replaying and/or slowing sections down till you get it down. Many of us had to do that when we were learning her routines. Also, the IMAX workouts which are intense, have very easy to learn short step patterns that are repeated 6 times and are easy to learn. This might be a big help to you also.
All Step, the video that came with your step, has very difficult choreography. I would take the previous posters suggestion and start with Basic Step. I think you will enjoy step if you can find a routine that is easier.
Take a deep breath, Laura - it's OK. :) One way to get the moves down is to watch the tape without doing the exercises. Kind of get an idea of what she's doing. You can "practice" with her, stop, rewind and take your time. That way you don't feel like you're wasting your workout time trying to figure out what the heck is going on!

Don't get so fixated on whether or not you've lost any weight yet. I just started back into exercising in August (when I realized my 20 year high school reunion is only a year away and I was 15 lbs. heavier than I should be). Do yo know how long it took before I actually saw any decrease on the scale? Over a month. And then it was only about 2 lbs. But...on the other hand - I was almost comfortable back in my size 4's. The scale doesn't tell the whole truth. (I actually don't even own a scale. I use the one at the pharmacy in my grocery store). According to the scale, I've still got 5 lbs. to go, but now my 4's are very comfortable. I think my bras might be getting too big too. :D

Pay attention to what you're eating, of course. I just got this excellent book that one of the multitude of extremely helpful posters on this site recommended. It's called "Eat, Drink and Be Healthy." It's not a diet book (in the same fashion as Atkins or The Zone are diet books), but a healthy eating guide.

Make sure you incorporate weight work with cardio. Increasing your muscle mass raises your metabolism. Once you've got the hang of your new video, consider getting a larger library of Cathe workouts. It will help keep you motivated and "entertained" (you get REALLY bored doing the same workout everyday - even if it is Cathe). I found the Cross Train Express package very good for getting back into shape.

Good luck and welcome aboard!
All Step (part of the Cross Train Express series) comes with the step and it is really advanced... don't feel bad.....When I bought my Step, I got that All STep video and it was the first time I had tried CAthe... and I tried it once and promptly put it away cause it was way out of my league... I didn't try Cathe again for years...

I finally did and now love her... but, I tried other workouts by her and immediately got hooked...

I agree with the others... Get the Basic STep/Body Fusion dvd.... this is the DVD that is going to be sold with the Step beginning sometime in the next year. It has 5 different workouts on it and it is a great introduction to Cathe style and cueing.... Go to the DVD page on this site and read about it and watch a clip from it... I promise you, you will love it and will soon be a Cathe addict like the rest of us! it is really a great dvd for beginners and intermediates and has alot on it.
All step is really difficult. You can start with the basic step dvd. When you can do it easily you can get the body blat series. SB and SJP are really easy to learn and fun to do.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :)
Hi Laura,

I agree with what everyone said about All Step. It should never have been included with the Step as an introductory video. It's way too fast and there isn't much breakdown to be considered a good learning video.

I also agree with the Basic Step recommendation. If you want to look at all the available step workouts, check out the 'Results are in. The Ultimate Guide to Cathe' thread at the top of the DVD/Videos forum. It ranks all the workouts from less intense to very intense. Intensity is often impacted by complex choreography (more complex choreography = more intensity) although both the IMAX's are an exception to this general rule (pretty simple choreography and VERY intense).

Also in this thread, all the videos are categorized. As you're starting out, if you got one title from each category or section you would have a really well rounded fitness program. This combined with a sensible eating program and taking good care of yourself with lots of water and rest should yield some good results.

Laura - I think you should purchase Cathe's video "How to get in shape for your Wedding" I know, corney title, but a fantastic beginner/intermediate workout. In fact, this was the Cathe step tape I started with. It is low impact and has many of the steps that form the basis of her more complicated workouts.

IMHO this tape is very underrated - I'm advanced now but I still get a good workout using it. It also has a very basic 45 min. total body workout using light dumbells.
Hi Laura from another Laura--first of all, you have to be patient. Cathe's choreography is definitely challenging. I have 2 left feet & it usually takes me at least 3 times to get a new video down, & I'm already used to her cuing & her moves.

Second, when it comes to weight loss, it'll take much longer than 2 weeks for you to really see a difference. At least 6-8 weeks, and that's if your dieting too. I don't know how old you are (unfortunately age does make a difference), but your metabolism changes as you get older & it is harder to lose weight. You have to have a good combination of cardio/strength training/diet to drop those pounds.

So I'll just stress: patience, patience patience! Stick with it & you'll get the results you want. You just can't expect it to happen overnight--it takes all those wonderful "D" words--discipline, drive, dedication and DIET..
Hi Laura!
I don't post often, but I briefly check the forums about 2 times a week. Your post caught my attention. I also have a 21 month old son and have plenty of fat to lose. I also have a 4 year old daughter. I'm 30 years old. Anyway, I've lost 40 lbs since I started working out after having my son, but it took me 15 months. Right now I'm at a plateau and have to work harder to get past it. I still have about 30 more to go.

I don't know much about the beginner Cathe DVD's. They are very good I'm sure. When I started out 15 months ago the beginner DVD's were not yet available so I did "The Firm" workouts. I was not able to do Cathe's yet. If the beginner ones had been available when I was 40 lbs heavier I would have definitely bought them. I have a lot of Cathe DVD's, but if I were to pick one favorite it would be the IMAX 2/Cardio and Weights DVD. I can't do IMAX 2 in its entirety. I usually do a premix which is just the first half of the workout. The choreography is simpler than some of Cathe's other step workouts. The music is also great on these workouts. I use a 4 inch step height and modify the moves which are too hard. I can hop but not too high, and when I get too tired I just lift me heel and only hop slightly. I also love the Step Blast/Step Jump and Pump DVD. Step Jump and Pump has nice premixes in which you can eliminate the hi/lo floor aerobic sections if it's too much impact for you. That's what I do. I also really like Power Hour. It's all weight work for muscle endurance, not really using heavy weight. Of course I lift much less than Cathe is able to ! :)

I do a good mix of cardio and weights, but more cardio than weights, probably 70% to 30% ratio. I hate dieting so am not following one. I'm not sure if this is great advice or not. I hate the lo carb foods out there and some of them make me sick. SO, after much trying different things lost all this weight so far by eating normal foods, just really watching the quantity, and exercising 3-5 times a week. I've also heard that eating 5 smaller meals a day is better than 3. So I've been trying that. We'll see how it goes.

Keep trying! You will learn the choreography eventually, and it is so gratifying when you do. Then you can really let loose and work hard while having fun.

You can preview clips of all of Cathe's workouts on this site. It's a great idea.

Take care and stay in touch!
Liz :)
hi laura!

buy basic step/body fusion! that is what i started out with for cathe and step and it's fun.. and more importantly.. slower and easier!

i still do body fusion on occasion.. (as a matter of fact i did it today cuz i'm getting ready for a metric century bike ride saturday and don't want to wear myself out today or tomorrow with hard cathe workouts!

i have ctx (which includes all step) and i usually choose other cardios to do over all step just cuz i like her other stuff better!
You have gotten some great posts! Just wanted to add, you didn't mention what you eat, but I recommend you take some time to education yourself on eating properly. I have learned a lot about diet in the last 18 months and I would say that the impact food has on your body is absolutely enormous. The hard part is, there is no perfect solution for everyone as everyone's lives and palates are different. You will see "clean eating" mentioned a lot on this board. That means eating foods as close to their natural state as possible. What has worked for me is 5 meals a day....3 regular ones, and 2 others as mini meals. Each meal though has a lean protein (lean meat, egg white, cottage cheese or protein bar) and the rest clean carbs, and low fat. Clean carbs: oatmeal, brown rice, whole grain types of things or fruits or veggies. I personally limit pasta to 1x a week or less, and I don't often eat bread.

I would say "limit your portions" but it really depends on your metabolism...some people find that with their tough workouts 6 plus minus days a week, they aren't eating enough and that makes their body hang on to the weight, too. So you can't just eat miniscule amounts of food and expect to lose weight either.

Hope this helps. Read some of the old posts and you will learn a lot, I know I do.


PS before kids I could eat whatever I wanted and never really had a problem. 3 kids and my age caught up with me! :)

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