Help for the Burpee-challenged


Ok, I admit I'm a wimp. I still do push-ups and planks on my knees. So burpees are next to impossible. Does anyone have any ideas for substitutions ? Or is everyone else so fit and athletic they don't have a problem here ?
Have you tried burpees with the sliding discs? Cathe does them this way on the Slide and Glide disc DVD, but without the sliding discs on the Step Challenge DVD. I find that without the sliding discs the move is too jarring on my back as I have some spine issues. You can go into the burpee with the sliding discs and then go to your knees for the push-ups, then back onto the sliding disc to come to a standing position.
When I do them - I use my high step. So when I go down, I put my hands on the step instead of the floor. Depending on how strong I feel that day - it depends on how many risers I use. But this helps me a lot! I can even do them up on my toes, when I use the step!

Vicki, I never saw a burpee until I got LIS - so that's my problem.

Jamaicagirl, that sounds worth trying. Thanks, I'll certainly give it a shot.
When I do them - I use my high step. So when I go down, I put my hands on the step instead of the floor. Depending on how strong I feel that day - it depends on how many risers I use. But this helps me a lot! I can even do them up on my toes, when I use the step!


I do this as well and it works great. I have some lower back issues, and there are some days I just can't make it to the floor.
Strangely, I can do the burpees and the pushups with the discs - not without them. Give it a try slowly, without the video first, and build up to them. If Cathe does 4 and you can only do 2 more slowly, that's fine. Start with what you can do and work up.
When I do them - I use my high step. So when I go down, I put my hands on the step instead of the floor. Depending on how strong I feel that day - it depends on how many risers I use. But this helps me a lot! I can even do them up on my toes, when I use the step!


I have a lot of lower back issuse, never thought of putting my hands on the step instead of the floor. What a great idea:D Thanks Michelle!
When I do them - I use my high step. So when I go down, I put my hands on the step instead of the floor. Depending on how strong I feel that day - it depends on how many risers I use. But this helps me a lot! I can even do them up on my toes, when I use the step!


jamaicagirl, this is a great idea...I still cannot do burpees because of my injury (am I really talking about that again? :eek::confused::p) and so have been avoiding them or just doing something else or just marching. This is going to be what I do from now on or at least until I can do them regularly.
When I do them - I use my high step. So when I go down, I put my hands on the step instead of the floor. Depending on how strong I feel that day - it depends on how many risers I use. But this helps me a lot! I can even do them up on my toes, when I use the step!


I do the same using my step. I still get a great workout.

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