help for a "skinny" fat

RE: cutting out those

So the detox is why you are so light on carbs? Because otherwise your diet looks pretty darn clean. I would finish the detox, get some high quality carbs in there and keep right on working out. You need plenty of calories to build new muscle mass so adding a few won't hurt. Since your lower body is toned, emphasize upper. My upper is pathetic. It's so hard to get muscle on my shoulders where I crave them. But it can be done, because I've been there and so I am going to increse the weight incrementally and stay focused until it works. There's no reason for your body not to let go of at least some of that fat store. I always lose weight from my butt and face and other places that need to keep the flesh they have. But what's a girl to do!:)
Bobbi Chicks rule!
RE: Phase 2

Hi everyone

Count me in on this plan - it looks brilliant. I think it would be great to check in on progress with one another?

I'll start when I receive my BB DVDs too

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