Active Member
I have worked out with Cathy since 2005 and have had great results (so working out is not new to me, and I do everything... muscle endurance workouts, step workouts, intensity, discs, etc.... always wanting to "confuse" my body). I'm in week 10 of Xtrain and have definitely gotten stronger. I have even gone back and inserted some of Cathy's older videos and can do moves I never use to, i.e., bomb diver push ups. The scale has remained pretty consistent from when I started Xtrain. However, there are some tops that barely fit my biceps anymore... doesn't muscle take up less space than fat? Shouldn't they fit better? I eat pretty clean, I watch my carb and sodium intake and take in a sufficient amount of protein (if anything, I probably under eat which I know can be a bad thing too). I drink plenty of water and have also taken diuretics for a few weeks on and then off. I also take vitamins like magnesium, B12, potassium, etc. I think my body has had enough time to adjust to the new workout routine, even though as I stated, it is use to all sorts of exercise routines. I sleep pretty well too. I'm feeling pretty discouraged that my clothes are fitting worse than before and it is not just my biceps, chest frame went from 32 to 34 (breasts are same size or actually smaller), my thighs and glute area have increased in size too. Where am I going wrong? Thank You!