Heartburn...I think I am dying


I don't know if any of you out there have problem with GERD/heartburn? I have never had problems before, but for the last week I have had a constant case, especially worse at night, I can't sleep due to the pain/fluttering/scary feeling in my chest. Antacids do not help. Nothing helps. I can't figure out the cause, except last week I had a small obsession with Naked Juice, and drank alot. Maybe I have an ulcer.
Any Tips? I know I should go to the doctor. My husband is a doctor, and can get me samples of whatever, and when you go to the doctor for stomach problems they just give you a script for Nexium and send you on your way.
I have been doing Cathe's Bootcamp rotation, and I am going to stop until this clears up. It was a real killer and can't be helping my condition, maybe it is a contributing factor?
Today I have even given up coffee, which I have never done in my adult life (except during morning sickness). This shows how desperate I am for relief. My poor family will be suffering my wrath for sure today.
I think it could be an ulcer. I had a prescription for Napraxen for my MAJOR cramps, and taking it led to an ulcer. They definitely are worse at night, no doubt about it. The only way that I could describe mine was that it feels like a stomach growl only it lasts longer and feels like it got stuck. I know, stupid sounding, but that's the best I could come up with!

I got a prescription, which of course I can't remember the name of, and took it for one month. It took care of it. Needless to say, I no longer take Napraxen or Advil or Ibuprofen.

Good luck!
I know this sounds like it could be counterproductive and cause more heartburn, but here goes. Apple Cider vineger! It really does work and is good for your too. Heartburn means that you do not have enough stomach acid and your body is actually working overtime to produce the acid that it thinks it needs, which is usually too much. Apple cider vinegar is actually a very alkalizing food. Make sure you get a bottle of organic apple cider vinegar that has the "mother" in it (a cloudly like texture) and perferably in a dark bottle. Good luck!


p.s. a few teaspoons of your local honey with the vinegar makes it palatable and can aid in allergies.
Just an add on; I would get checked by a doctor and see how that stomach is doing.

For quick relief, I have to recommend the apple cider vinegar as well. My family takes it for many stomach problems, and it works quickly and like a charm. And it's certainly not dangerous by any means.

I myself have a major aversion to any kind of vinegar, so my recommendation is second-hand. But everyone else swears by it!

Good luck.
Apple cider vinegar works great as others have stated! Multi Enzyme Formula (digestive aid) works great and you don't have to taste the vinegar. This can be purchased at Walmart for about $7.00. Hope this helps!
Mikkia, I just wanted to say how sorry I am to hear you are going thru this. I had the same thing in my last year of law school before graduation, and it was awful. DEFINITELY give up Naked Juice, and don't ever drink orange juice, or anything containing orange juice, ever again. I can't drink it either.

I think it's very important to see a specialist ASAP, not just your regular doctor. You probably need to have an upper GI series done, and should do that ASAP.

Having said that, I want to offer you some hope: my condition disappeared once I graduated law school and figured out what I was going to do with the rest of my life. I am now fine, and am back to drinking a pot of coffee every morning, as long as I eat breakfast first. I still can't drink coffee or wine on an empty stomach, and I can't drink orange juice or grapefruit juice at all. Those are pretty much the only rules I have to follow, and it's no big deal. So go to the gastroenterologist (sp?), but don't worry too much, it only makes the condition worse. ;)
See a DOCTOR!!!! I had what I thought was nasty heartburn. Went to the Dr and all that. Thru a couple rounds of prilosec, blood work to test for some bacteria that causes ulcers. Nothing work, tests came back clean. I felt miserable every time I ate, about 15-20 mins after eating. Finally ended up the ER doubled over one night. Sent me to a gasterentologist (sp?) Went and had an ultrasound done, turns out I had gallstones. They had overlooked it bc at the time I was only 25 or 26 and going thru a lot stress at work, so kept figuring it was heartburn/ulcer/indigestion. Had my gallbladder remover, felt yucky for a day or 2, sore for a week and haven't looked back since! I occasional get (real) heartburn now, but maybe once a month or less. See a doctor, and push til its fixed!! Remember, the Dr works for you!
Thank you for all of the responses. I went to the doctor and I have a prescription for Prevacid for 30 days. I sure hope this works. I didn't ask about my gallbladder (hadn't read your post before I went), but did ask if I needed a specialist any tests etc. and of course the standard answer was "lets start here and see where it goes". So hopefully with diet changes and medicine I can heal my stomach, or whatever is unhappy.
I have GERD and one thing that I KNOW flares it up is orange juice or citrus fruits in general. I had a bad flare up after drinking OJ for a couple of weeks. I was working for a doctor at the time and instantly said that was the culprit. I started on Nexium and never drank OJ or other citrus juices again and have not had a recent flare up "Knock on wood". I also have found that incorporating inversions in my yoga practices (towards the end) seem to help. For some reason they aid in heartburn relief. YOu can research it a bit if you'd like. I'm not positive how it works, but I know it does help me.

good luck and take care. By the way, Tums and all that crap never helped me once my attacks became so severe! It was a horrid chest pain that became worse with exertion and bending over. I remember having sharp pains when trying to do aerobics.

The doctor will also tell you to elevate the head of your bed up on 2x4's while sleeping, as when you lie down at night to sleep, the acid just lies in your body and when you have reflux, it pushes it's way back up into the esophagus, thus the reflux. YOu might also notice a hoarse voice when this happens (I did and many others do as well). It sucks, but once you get it under control and know what your triggers are, you will be fine.

If you feel more comfortable going to a doctor, by all means .....do so. I'm just trying to help from my experience and if yours came on after drinking OJ.....sounds just like my experience!

take care. I can relate to your suffering.


(ETA -- Oh NO>...........just saw that you were drinking coffee!! Absolutely no caffeine or nicotine (if you smoke) and if you must have chocolate, please try to keep to a minimum. No cola with caffeine. These things all make the acids produce in your stomach!! I have also had ulcers in the past ........and these things are no...no's for ulcer sufferers as well. If you take Advil for cramps, you have to make sure to take it with milk and food or some mylanta and only take it in the smallest dose that will rid your pain. While you are flaring, you probably should avoid all of the above! sorry to say.

Also, if you're a morning exerciser - eating a small cup of fat free yogurt in the morning before you exercise can help with the stomach acids that lie in your stomach all night prior to exercise....versus exercising on an empty stomach.
Thanks for the info. I was looking back at last week, and I drank a Naked juice every morning last week on an empty stomach, after exercising at 5 am ( no breakfast). I don't smoke or drink cola of any kind or alcohol, and I eat really clean. I do drink coffee (or did up until two days ago). I am prety sure that is what did it. We will see, if I get better or not, if not I am getting a gallbladder ultrasound to check for stones.
It could also be a hiatal hernia (hope I spelled that right), but it sounds more like the gall bladder. A guy where I work was having all kinds of digestive problems and they tried EVERYTHING! Months and months went by with no answers. Finally, they looked at his gall bladder. That was it!
My fav quick relief for heartburn, stomach upset, digestive problems is simply ginger root. Ginger ale is an old remedy but most brands have very little to zero actual ginger in them. Most health food stores have ginger root powdered in capsules, or buy a root and make some tea.
Ginger has given me relief when all else failed. It was just like someone poured cool water on my heartburn. ahhhh...

I agree w/all the other advice, get yourself checked out as this could be symptom of gallbladder problems, etc...

Hope u feel better soon!

It may be gall bladder or maybe not. My gall bladder symptoms at first had the doctors thinking it was heartburn. Definitely see your doctor and make note of how you feel after eating and drinking different foods. If your symptoms get worse after a high fat meal, then mention that to your doctor.

Mikkia~I recently made a trip to the ER with severe abdominal pains and the ER docotor kept insisting it was GERD. But I decided to get a second opinion and come to find out it's my gallbladder. I don't have stones but the bile is like sludge--very sandy. Two things that really aggravate it are chocolate and red meat.

I have also been having trouble while doing my workouts to the point of having to stop. I'm waiting to hear from the Doctor when my surgery is. I'm NOT going through that pain again if I don't have too!

I think it would be a good idea to have them check your GB. Did they do any bloodwork?

Your symptoms sound exactly like what I had a few years ago. Heartburn for no reason actually. It did get worse every time after I ate and it especially hurt on my upper right side. To make a long story short, I ended up in the ER and had my gallbladder removed.It was totally blocked with sludge, although no stones. My doc said it is very common for women to have gall bladder problems. If you gain and lose a lot of weight in a short period of time (like pregnancy in my case)then you are much more suspectible for gall baldder disease.
Definately have it check out, it ususally doesn;'t heal itself..

Chiming in here .. great advice from everyone ..

I have acid reflux .. and Dr. prescribed me Aciphex .. works wonders!! Over the counter tums .. rolaids NEVER helped me!

I have had an ulcer b-4 .. and mine ached constantly but .. the minute I put any kind of food on it .. it would burn to the point of double over pain .. the pain was concentration just in my stomach (mid abdomen) . .very different from indigestion/heart burn.

IA w/the others on gall stones .. my mother had those and we thought she was having a heart attack .. but it ended up being gall stones!

some advice .. NO caffiene .. NO juices .. NO carbonated drinks .. try to keep the diet kinda bland until it backs off some ... then avoid any onion - bell pepper - spicy food - heavy sauces or creams - and no acetimetiphen or ibuprofen until it passes ... in case you did have an ulcer that could cause bleeding ..

see a specialist if your symptoms don't improve in a day or two ..

Hope you feel better .. that is a horrible feeling ... HTH!
I thank you all for all of the info. I am a RN and my husband is a Dr. I am usually the one giving the advice,but I have never been sick or ill or anything but this forum seems so informed that I knew I could get some good answers if I asked. They did not do any blood work, but I am due back for a follow up this Friday. I don't feel a lot better maybe a little, but not worse. I don't have pain, just burning, especially after eating, I am suspecting that I either have an ulcer or a hiatal hernia. I was looking back at the work out I did the day this all started and it was Maximum Intensity Strength and it was a hard one. I remember my abdomen hurting that day and then all of this. I just don't care what it is, I want it to go away!

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