He meant it...


I received an e-mail from Dave. He meant it. He also said he's going to miss some of the people here.

:-( :-(
I know I'm going to get flamed for this, but I think Dave is taking SNM's comment a little too personally. I agree that he is a valued member of this forum and we all really enjoy his posts, but SNM was making a generalized comment (how many times are women excluded in certain aspects of life and men are the assumed market?). It is true that men are the minority on this forum and that is really too bad. Everyone can benefit from Cathe. I just wish Dave would realize that SNM was directing it's post towards the women involved in the thread--not Cathe's market or this forum in general.

I don't get it either Emily. It was hardly something to get upset about. Maybe laugh and tease Chris about it, but not get mad. Hopefully, he's still messing around and isn't serious. Or maybe he was just having a bad day.
>I told him that SNM had put out an
Why? I think he's being very childish about this. I don't think SNM has anything to apologise about and should not kow-tow to his immaturity. If he wants to leave then let him.

(But then again, I never knew Dave at all.)

This whole thing could've been avoided if only ....never mind:p

Yeah, I'll miss Dave and I hope he'll reconsider because he's been a valuable member of this forum. I have a feeling that SNM's oversight isn't really the cause, but rather the straw that broke the camel's back.
I agree with Allison and the others who say that he is taking this comment way to seriously. Get over it. Alot of ppl on here say things the wrong way to other ppl but we eventually get over it.
People make mistakes...it was an oversight. Nothing to get that worked up about...maybe if the company said they weren't changing the statement...that's one thing. They changed it.

I'll miss him if he's gone, but Dave loses more than he gains by leaving here, this is a fun place, and I happen to think it's rather cool being the novelty here.

Maybe like someone else posted, it was the straw that broke the camel's back, and there were other issues at play, guess we'll never know.

I tend to agree with Allison and the rest of you who say you will miss Dave. I will too. Sigh. Oh well, if he reconsiders in the future we wil be here.
I agree w/Allison as well. Good lord, if I were that sensitive I'd have cut off every relationship in my life, holed myself up in my house & never had any human contact again!
I'll just say I had mixed emotions. For me he was a challenge and that's a good thing. Perhaps he will reconsider.


The idea is to die young as late as possible


ITA Allison! I'm glad someone said it. It's just my opinion, but it really wasn't that offensive...I guess there was more to the story.
If you read the "Website Ghost Deleting Posts" thread on page 2, you have have all the details.

BUT, please do not post on that thread. It is where it needs to be!

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