Have a Step and Dumbbells...


New Member
Hello -- I am new to Cathe's dvds and am looking for some ideas of where to start. I have a Step and dumbbells, so it looks at first glance that for the time being, most of her videos are out for me. (How much of "requirement" is the required equipment?)

I have Kick Max and am enjoying that -- it's definitely bringing me back for more, and I have pre-ordered STS Shock Cardio ... but it's a long time between now and September.

I like to run with the double jogger stroller, and I log about 1k-2k punches a day on my Wii Fit Cardio Workout (a boxing program). I'm currently also doing My Fitness Coach on Wii Fit (30-45m a day), but I want to shake things up a bit.

I need more strength work, but I still have more "baby" weight to lose (about 30 more lbs to go, ugh, that last pregnancy was a bear) so that's been the larger priority lately.

Complex choreography can be a challenge, because there are small children running around the room with me while I'm exercising and I'm always having to partially split my attention to make sure I don't kick them.

Does anyone have any good suggestions? Also, if I were to get one more piece of equipment that would open up a larger array of choices, what should that one piece be?

Thanks to everyone for your time.
With Cathe's workouts, if you have a step and variety of dumbbells, you're already on your way! I started out with one of the small steps even and my dumbbells only went up to 8lbs! I have since gone up to 30lbs, weighted gloves, vest, bands....but seriously, as long as you have a step you can start out with some of her step DVD's. You could try some of the circuit ones like Low Impact Circuit to get both cardio and weights in one shot. Body Max 2 is another great option. If you want some high-intensity cardio try the Imax 2 or 3 DVDs.

Hope that helps,
Like Heather said, I think you have more than enough for now. Any one of Cathe's cardio or circuit style DVDs would be great for you. I would recommend her weight DVDs as well ~ strength training is fantastic for weight loss ~ but you'll have to get those little ones out from under you while you exercise. :) Small kids and weights are a bad combo.
If you add 2 things that to that list, a burst resistant stability ball and a resistance band, you can get both for about $30-$40 tops, you have everything you need to do any of the circuit and endurance style workouts. Cathe uses the stability ball often in her workouts.

Let's see, some thoughts on dvds that combine some weights, cardio and endurance are, Boot camp/Muscle Endurance, Drill Max, even Muscle Max (more strength based), you can sub any barbell exercise with dumbbells. If you like kickboxing, check out Kick Punch Crunch, this is a fabulous workout, it also has a Leg workout on it, that I have not done, but hear great things about it.

You could also take a look at 4 day split, this has weights, kickbox, step and bootcamp routines, I don't have this one, but people seem to really enjoy it, and the routines are all shorter.

I'm sure I have missed something, but you get the point, there is lots you can take a look at.

Good luck!
Low Max is da bomb as is Low Impact Circuit. The choreography take a bit of time but is not complex and with LIC you'll get some weight work in as well.
When I first started with Cathe, I only had a step and some dumbells. My first purchase was Cross Train Express. I still use it. You can use your dumbells in place of the barbell. For leaner legs, I used a chair for sit and stands. Also, the coreography is pretty easy to pick up and prepares you for other videos. Melissa
After Kick Max, my next Cathe purchase was Cardio & Weights/Imax 2. That's a great place to start, and only dumbells are used in C&W.
the intensity series was a great place to start for me and i still use it. i replaced barbell with dumbbells and had no problem. i would suggest getting the high step at some point or extra risers for your step to equal 14" as the high step is excellent for leg exercises. to lose weight i read the highest priority should be on lower body exercises (squats, lunges, leg press), try 2 to 3 times a week, and cardio. i started losing ALOT more fat when i increased the lower body exercises to 3 times per week. in particular, I found lower body pyramid very useful and as i got stronger and added more weight, again i lost more inches. imax2 in this series is great and you can do just 20 to 30 minutes of it and have a great benefit. i love all the dvds in this series. i'm sure you'll be happy with whatever series you purchase.
I started from the "ground" up. I had done a few step classes at the gym and really enjoyed it. I now have a "home gym" that I am slowly building up. I have a treadmill, eliptical, a step, resistance bands, a stability ball and some dumbbells (3-10lbs) A friend sent me a DVD which had Basic Step + Cardio & Weights on the same DVD (She got it for free when she bought a new step and already had both) I started doing Basic Step and loved it immediately and ordered "Low Impact Step + Total Body Sculpting". Both of those are great too. I'm only into Cathe workouts for 3 weeks now and totally hooked. It's like a challenge to me to master the footwork and the routines. So, after browsing the forums and checking out the previews of DVD's on her website, I purchased 7 DVD's this week. I decided if I'm gonna do it, might as well do it well. So once they arrive I can set up a rotation. I'd love to have them all however, my money tree seems to have stopped growing this year!! LOL. I ordered:
Butts & Guts (have heard amazing reviews on this one)
Low Impact Circuit (as Cathe said it would be a good next step)
Total Body Stretching (can never stretch enough)
Hardcore Series: Kick Max (I loved kickboxing classes at the gym)
Hardcore Series: Low Max (heard great reviews)
Cardio Fusion (because it was on sale!!LOL)
Body Blast: Step, Jump & Pump + Step Blast (ironically enough, this one was a mistake - it was supposed to be Kick Punch Crunch but I messed up and it was already shipped before I realized it!! Oh well, can't hurt)

I still have a few more on my wish list but this should certainly keep me going for a while. I want to build myself up slowly to doing the more intense workout series like the STS. I don't want to start something like that without my fitness level being where it should be or I'll get discourage and quit it!! I'm currently doing WW as well and it's been a slow and steady progression for me too. (11.8lbs in 7 weeks)

Anyway, I agree with the others, I don't think you can go wrong with whatever series you purchase. Cathe has become my new best friend!!
With a step and DB's you could easily do:
Cross Train eXpress (just use DB's instead of a BB)
4 Day Split
Circuit Max/Kick Max
Cardio & Weights/Imax 2
Imax 3
Step, Jump, & Pump/Step Blast (again sub DB's where she uses a BB)
Cardio Hits
Original Imax
Low Max
Drill Max
Low Impact Circuit (sub DB's for BB)
Stretch Max

You have a lot of options. Glad you have Shock Cardio on the way!!!
Hi -
Drill max is really great, you will need a stability ball for that. You can get one for 12 bux in Marshalls or TJ max.
I started out with what you have and 1 month later I have a barbell, high step, weight rack for all the extra dumbbells I bought, bands, medicine ball, exercise ball weight bar, ballet bar (different workout - Squeeze), boxing wraps, etc. It's addictive!

Any of her workouts are fine with just a step and dumbbells though.

I watch the samples on shop cathe and then decide which workout I want to try adn that's how I decide what to buy.

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