I've looked over the materials and starting previewing the DVDs so far, but plan to do a rotation starting in a few weeks.
IMO, this is another winner from Tony. It looks like a system that works synergistically, and has a basis in exercise science.
A nice mix of newer techniques and more familiar ones: foam rolling, functional/balance moves, different stretching techniques, PAP (post-activation potentiation : something that is described in
http://www.amazon.com/Stronger-Legs...=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1323987580&sr=1-1 but not by that name, and which sounds cool, but which I'll have to wait until the third phase to get to!), some familiar moves.
It's definitely not a bunch of 'puke-in-a-bucket'' workouts that the "Extreme" talk (and annoyingly UNSKIPPABLE disclaimer at the beginning of each workout) and labels like "Plyocide" might suggest, but I'm looking for something effective and that will decrease chances of injury while being intense 'enough,' and this seems to fit the bill.
I LOVE the looks of the recovery workout. Lots of moves that I know will help with my walking training (and off-season pre-hab).
It doesn't seem (so far) as if Tony is quite as goofy as in P90X, but his humor keeps things fun. He's still very encouraging, and offers modifications without making it seem like they are 'wimping out'.
He's very flexible for a muscular guy, and I find his yoga instruction (at least what I've seen so far in the recovery workout) to be very natural and skilled. It's obvious that yoga is a part of his own workout routine.
This is the first "system" I've looked at for a while that makes me want to get up and do it. (Which is good, since I've been using racewalking and walking training as about 90% or more of my workouts for the past 9 months or so, and now that the weather is not as walkable--at least not for a wimp like me...though I did go out in 39-degree temps the other day---I need something to keep me fit in the off-season).
I reserve the right to change my mind after viewing them all (and eventually doing them), but so far (with the exception of the $!%#* unskippable disclaimer, which actually probably only runs for 30 seconds or so), me likey!