Good evening!
Did STS with DH this afternoon. We had fun. I totally kicked his butt, though.

I really liked it- did better than I thought on the push ups. I did go to my knees for a few in the very beginning for about 12 of them (the 30 in a row after two other sets) but the rest I did them on my toes! Yay! I did feel like there was equipment everywhere- I'm sure I'll adjust but today it was nuts, especially with both of us doing it at the same time. I feel good though, not overdone. It was not puke worthy, lol. I
think that's a good thing.

My 1RMs were pretty close- a few I could go heavier and only one did I have to go lighter. All in all, I was happy.
Suz: So good to hear from you! Great job on continuing your workouts on vacation- that must make you feel good.
Sonya: OMG, great abs! I love the new picture.

Yes, I love the noise and chaos at having 2 wee ones 21 months apart. They fight, but are also best friends. I'll miss it when my house is quiet again.
Diane Sue: I don't like eating out for that reason- the weight jumps never seem worth it in the end. I just prefer to cook and know what I'm getting.
Have a good evening everyone!