Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Oktober 2024

Apparently I missed the DVD sale. It was on yesterday when I checked at lunchtime but by the time I got home to place my order, they were back to normal prices. :(

This morning I did STS 2.0 Body Parts Back and had an excellent workout. I like this one and I think i've only done it once or twice. I am doing the one body part workouts once a week with one body part so so far I've done chest, biceps and back I think.

This is how it went - 1 minute (for the most part) rest between exercises

Straight Arm Banded Pulldown: 15# bands - 2 sets/12 reps
Double Bar Inverted Rows: I did overhand band pulls - 50# bands - 8 reps
Single Bar Chin up: I did underhand band pulls - 50# bands - 8 reps
Double Bar Inverted Rows: I did overhand Band pulls - 50# bands - 8 reps
Single Bar Chin up: I did underhand Band pulls - 50# bands - 8 reps
R/L Kneeling One Arm Row: 25# - 10 sets
R/L Kneeling One Arm Row: 30# - 10 sets
Barbell Pullover/Band Pull Apart superset: 25#DB/20# band - 2 sets/10 & 12 reps
Barbell Pendlay Row/Shrugs: 40#/10's - 3 sets 8 & 10 reps
Band Close Grip Pulldowns: 45# bands - 2 sets/10 reps
Seated T-Band Pulls: 10# band - 12 reps
Superman swimmers: I did regular supermans, no swimmers

Workout was 42 minutes, burned 183 calories, HR was 101/137.

Jolie - Nice workout yesterday!! Glad you got a good one in. Glad to hear your pup didn't have any blockage. Dang, wonder what he ate?

Belinda - I didn't get any, the sale was off by the time I tried to order. Darnit! What is wrong with your neck? Did they figure it out?

Diane - Great job with your workout, that premix looks good without the leg parts. I was going to buy Killer Legs yesterday along with some of the Perfect Pump workouts, but the sale was over. :(

Gotta get going, so busy lately. It's only the beginning of the year too! Yikes! I have 3 more events I inherited so this year will be crazy busy.
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I probably will go for a hike/walk at the Harpers Ferry National Historical Park in WV. I live very close by the Park.

Diane - I bought the balance discs at the RT in July. The mini Ball I bought all the colors when they came out. Like I mention to Debbie, she will have another sale.

Debbie - the physical therapist said, I have a lot of cartilage loss, compressed discs in my lower back/neck. Which runs down my shoulder/biceps. I also have bone spurs in my neck, lower back, shoulders and knees. My neck/shoulders I been dealing with for over 3 month. My neck is still very stiff, the stretching helps a little. He said, I had 20% range of motion on my left, when I move my head side to side. I had 0 % 3 month ago. I am doing good without a PT, lol. He believes I probably need shots eventually. I try to stay away from pain medicine as much as I can. I am getting old. Sorry you missed Cathe’s sale. I thought I posted it here? I think she will have another one soon like Black Friday. Cathe only had a 2 day Columbus Day Sale. Great job this morning.

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No workout today. I have been up since 4:15 this morning and seems to be constant getting things done. It took a long time to and from the doctor and getting out of there. He suggested maybe the wrap around pain from my sternum around the ribs cage could possibly inflammation of the lining wrapped around the lungs which can happen with Rheumatoid arthritis. He gave me another steroid injection and said we will see if it helps the things going on. If it does then it is the arthritis and if not it would be caused from something else. I have been told my other lung issues I have are caused from RA. So, it just gets discouraging. I hope the steroid worked. If it does he may add something else to my meds which I am not a fan of. I started adding some black seed oil to my arsenol. Hoping it will help with my allergies as well as other things.

Debbie, nice work on STS 2 Body Parts Back today. I have separated upper and lower from Supersets a lot. That way lower is fairly short and I sometimes add some band work or one of the lower body bonus segments. Upper works well. Sorry you missed getting Perfect 30 workouts. I really like them. Not a real fan of the cardio though. If you like drill type work you might like it.

Belinda, I hope you enjoyed your walk. One of these days I will catch one of those sales.

Roselyn, nice work on STS 2 shoulders.
Today I did RAW R&R March 2019 which I don't think I've ever done since I didn't have the workout sheet for it. It was fun but really tough for me. She hardly rests at all but I was to mostly keep up. I paused a couple times only to write down the exercises. Some exercises were questionable, but I did them carefully. I changed a couple exercises but not too much.

1 minute each weight exercise with no rest between

Treadmill: 5 minutes
Corkscrew right: 8#
Alternate front/back lunge same leg: 8's
Repeat left side
(corkscrew is holding one dumbbell, lower it next to the opposite foot, bring it back up and then an overhead press. I liked it)

Treadmill: 4 minutes
Dumbbell Curls w/single knee: 12's Right 30 sec. left 30 sec.
Alternate Rock Lunge/Curls: 12's (this was crazy hard for me)
Punch Down/Squat Pulse/Curl: 8's
Alternate Hack Squat Split: 12's (I did static squats, no splits)

Treadmill: 4 minutes
Row bringing elbows back: 12's
Plie/W's: 12's
Alternate Plank Row:12's (I did them standing)
Static Skier: 8's

Treadmill: 4 minutes
Dolphin Pushups
Chest Flyes/Bicycle: 12's
Wide Chest Press/Tate Press: 12's
Seated Shoulder Push Up (Skipped, no way!)

Workout was 45 minutes, burned 291 calories (felt like a hell of a lot more than that!), went 2281 steps, HR was 125/163. Was on the treadmill for 17 minutes, went about .93 miles.

Belinda - This getting old thing sucks, doesn't it? I'm so sorry to hear about your neck issues. I'm glad PT has helped a bit, keep doing it if you have the time. You did post about the DVD's being on sale, not sure why it took me so long to look through them. Time I guess. I don't have time to do much anymore it seems.

Roselyn - Great workout with shoulders!

Diane - I don't blame you for getting discouraged, it's like these doctors don't know what is going on with us anymore. You would probably get different answers from each different doctor if you went to more than one. Who do you listen to? Crazy. I hope that pain in your ribs subsides, that is crazy. I've never heard of such a thing before and had no idea RA could do that.

Have a great day everyone!!
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Today I did a lower body stretch. My knees didn’t like the walk yesterday. Feeling it today.

Diane - sorry you are going through so much. I hope the steroid shot will help. Hope you get some sleep tonight.

Debbie - yes, getting old isn’t fun. I will start PT for my neck on Monday and Wednesday. I noticed Cathe is having these Flash Sales which only last a day or two. She has one right now for OnDemand $50 off. Not a bad deal for a year. I will let you know if I see those DVD’s on sale.

Roselyn - great job!

Good night.
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Today I did Raw Box & Pump #8, 39 minutes, 171 calories, heart rate 123/150. I added Raw Ab Finisher, 18 minutes,87 calories and finished with Raw Yoga Stretch, 14 minutes, 23 calories. Total time 71 minutes, 281 calories. I am not sure if I will get a workout in the morning. It depends on what time my grandchildren come. I want to be free to enjoy them this weekend.

Raw Box & Pump #8 20,15,10# dumbbells and two weight plates for elevation 45 sec work
warm up
double jab/squat/single jab/jack start right
double jab/squat/single jab/jack start left
deadlift 8 reps 20# dbs
hammer curls alternating 15# dumbbells
repeat boxing and weights

jab cross/jab cross/knee right
jab cross /jab cross/knee left
heels elevated goblet squat 20# db /25# second set
lateral raise overhead dumbbells together 10# dbs
repeat boxing and weights

jab/upper cut/double punch down right
jab/upper cut/double punch down left
wide squat leaning forward staying in heels 20# db 10 reps
triceps overhead extensions 10# dbs
repeat boxing and weights

cross to ankle/hook/hook jab right
cross to ankle/hook/hook/jab left
bent over rows alternating 20# dbs dropped to15# dbs 2nd set
overhead dumbbell hold 10# knee ups
repeat boxing and weights


Debbie, nice work on March Ripped and Ride today. I think I did all of them at some point. I have a section in my notebook just for ripped and ride workouts. Nice work today. Kelly comes up with some interesting moves. There are a lot of things attributed to RA. Every doctor I have went to for something that shows up say it is from RA. So multiple doctors. I reminded the Arthritis doctor of the bronchial stuff. It is hard to keep them all informed because they really do not share info unless specifically asked to. I started printing up stuff from other doctors and giving them to my Primary doctor.

Roselyn, good job on on STS 2 chest.

Belinda, I am sorry that yesterday's walk bothered your knees. You are right, getting old is not fun. I know you really like your walks. I got an e-mail about the on demand today. I need new boxing gloves one of these days. I saw my doctor had put a med he may give in his notes on my health page. It sounds a lot like Methatrexate which I had told him I did not want. It is Arava brand or Leflunomide. I was reading about it on May Clinic website. Not really wanting to do that. My daughter says they would use one of the newer meds that have less side effects and really help slow the progress.

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