Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Oktober 2024

Today I did CDorner #423 Step Workout with minimal breakdown, 47 minutes, 251 calories, heart rate 135/168, 4055 steps. I then did STS 2 Metabolic Core warm up 11 minutes, 46 calories. I also did CDorner foam roller workout (stopped when she had it on her upper hip/lower back) and did 8 minutes of her neck and shoulders stretch from her mobility challenge which was 12 calories. Didn't use the watch when I did the foam roller.

Belinda, nice work on getting in STS 2 Biceps done. Sorry Sadie is not feeling well. Poor pup. Hopefully when you get the RV back there will still be some nice days to travel a bit. That is quite a drive to get groceries. I stop at the one I used to go to once in a while when I go to doctors that way. Most of the time when I go to doctors though I would rather just go home.

Jolie, I would suggest something they were eating maybe since it is both dogs. Dogs get flus and illnesses though. I am glad the tests are looking okay. Nice job on Ripped and Ride 2019 Boxing Upper Body and Weights.

Debbie, nice work on Raw Boxing #7 today. I have done the same thing wasting time hunting for a particular workout. Is that one the one where she plays her sons music? If it is it is Abs Finisher under other workouts.

Roselyn nice work with STS 2 Upper Body 1.

I just finished STS 2 8 week rotation with Triceps.Not sure what i will do next week, maybe take a week recovery?

Sadie - is eating and drinking again. Last night she started feeling like her old self again Thanks everyone for your concern.

I have no time for personals. I will be back later to catch up on personals.
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Today I did CDorner Upper Body with dumbbells and loop bands, 33 minutes, 134 calories, heart rate 113/153, followed by CDorner Yacht mobility stretch and added on day 24 neck and back from the 30 day,39 minutes, 64 calories and I finished off with 10 minutes of STS upper body foam rolling 14 calories.

Upper Body DBs and loop bands
45 sec work each move done twice except final move
DB rows 15's
DB Rows 12's
Palms up rows pulses 12's
palms up rows pulses 12's
band seated pulse row
band seated cross row
pullovers 4 ct 8# dbs
pullovers 4 ct *# dbs
loop seated lat pull down slow
loop seated lat pull down singles
alternating overhead press 8# dbs both sets
front raise option 8# dbs both sets(they do more out and overhead press)
upright rows 10# dbs
upright rows 10# dbs 8 count
lateral raise 8# dbs both sets
figure 8s 12# db
stretch (short she suggest to go to her page for an upper stretch)

Belinda congrats of finishing 8 weeks of STS 2. I am glad Sadie is feeling better.
Wow oh wow, what a week I have had with the dogs!!!! My older dog is fine now but the pup has a big issue. We found out he has eaten something, and it is stuck in his stomach. On the X-ray it shows something in there, but we cannot figure out what it is. On Monday he gets an ultrasound to show us what we are dealing with and then we can get a game plan to fix it. Hopefully not surgery, I have already spent $3000! Thank God for pet insurance, they will cover 70%!!!!!

Not much of working out this week but I did get a short one in this morning using light weights because I am just plan out tired. I did RAW Weights 2, 42 minutes with no calorie burn because my watch was dead this morning. I am going on vacation next Thursday so I hope to get in a workout or two before I leave. We are going to Mammoth Lakes to meet our son and his friends for a relaxing 4 days.

Great job with the workouts this past week everyone. Have a great day.
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I do not feel like doing a workout today. I have absolutely no desire whatsoever. What is wrong with me? I usually look forward to it but today NO. Maybe I have too much on my mind and I just cannot focus on myself right now. Tomorrow morning is my pups ultrasound so I will finally get some answers on why he is feeling so bad. Thursday we are leaving on vacation, and I will be home Monday night.

Have a great Sunday.
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Diane -great job yesterday. Thank you!!

Jolie - thinking about you and your fur baby tomorrow. Sending positive vibes. Cathe is having a sale on most of her DVD’s and equipment https://cathe.com/columbus-day/. Great price on STS 2 Bundle.

Taking a rest day today.
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Yesterday I did CDorner Old School Aerobics & abs (skipped the abs) 31 minutes, 161 calories, 4, 073 steps, heart rate 136/161. I followed with CDorner mobility day 6 full body stretch day 8, 14 minutes, 21 calories.
Today is a rest day. My hours are changing since my husband started a new job and will work day shift now. We were up at 5 am this morning. I am used to getting up around 8 or 9 so this will take a bit to turn around.

Jolie, I hope whatever your pup swallowed is not something that will require surgery. I have never purchased pet insurance and the most ever spent was around 1000 for a great dane we had and we ended up having to put her down as she was not going to live beyond another 6 months. Bad breeders on that one.
My vet told me to bring my dog back for a steroid injection because he could not do one after the shots. That is if she is still licking her elbows. Which she is and I really want to get the cone off of her head. I have to wait at least 2 weeks.
It sounds like you have a lot on your mind right now and maybe a day or two off will not hurt. A relaxing vacation sounds like something you could use.
No workout today, a lot going on around here. I just dropped off the pup at the vet for the ultrasound, I hope whatever they find is not bad. Also, I have new rain gutters being installed on our house, so I have guys working here all day. I have not been sleeping well because I am not getting in my workouts and I just do not sleep sound unless I workout.

Great job on the workouts yesterday! I hope you all have good workouts today and I will try my hardest to get a workout in tomorrow and Wednesday before I leave for my vacation on Thursday. I am going to the Sierra Nevada mountains so I will be hiking a lot and getting in my steps.
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This morning I did RAW Box & Pump 8 and REALLY loved it. It was a fun workout and I loved the music although it was really loud. But this one is a lot fun and it went by quick.

45 seconds on/15 off

Elevated Deadlifts: 20's
Alternate Hammer Curls: 15's

Heel Elevated Goblet Squat: 20#
Aaron Press: 10's (never done these before, sort of felt dangerous but I did them)

Glute Squats: 20#
Overhead Triceps Extension: 15#/20#

Run Rows: 15's
Overhead dumbbell hold with Knee Lifts: 15# (I just held the weight in front of me and did side to side knee twists)

Workout was 42 minutes, burned 274 calories, did 2139 steps and HR was 122/155.

Jolie - We've all been there, hopefully when things settle down and you get back from vacation you will want to workout again. Hope your little puppy is ok.

Great job with your workouts everyone!! Have a great one today, too!!
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I did a barre workout this morning plus dance workout.

Jolie - I hope your little puppy is ok. How is he doing? My thoughts are with you.

Debbie - nice job this morning.

Are you guys buying anything from Cathe’s sale? She has some really good prices. I already have everything.

Have a great day and workout.
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Today I did Cathe's Killer Legs, 40 minutes, 162 calories, heart rate 114/135. I then did Raw Kickbox #6, 168 calories, 30 minutes, heart rate 138/155, and finished with STS 2.0 Mat yoga, 22 minutes, 38 calories. Total time. 92 minutes, 368 calories.

Killer Legs
Squat Oblique twist 10# db
squat alternating arm up 10# db 10 reps
alternating rear lunges 10# dbs (singles and one and a half)
deadlifts 15# dbs
squat deadlift combo 15# dbs
squats 20# dbs 12 reps
close grip sumo squats 20# dbs 12 reps
pass under squats 12# db
deadlifts 25# dbs
touch down lunges 20# db 10 reps RT/LT
deadlifts 25# dbs 10 reps
cross back lunges 15# dbs 10 reps
cross back lunge deadlift combo 15# dbs
static lunges 20# dbs 12 reps
tap lunge combo 12# dbs
calf raises 15# dbs 20 reps 2 times (my feet have been having issues so lightened)
sumo calf raise combo 20# db 20 reps 16 reps
side to side sumo squats 15# dbs racked 16 reps
triple side lunges 15# db 12 reps
alternating front lunges 15# dbs 12 reps
lunge knee up no weight 16 each side
lunge side bend combo 10# db held overhead
sumo squat to side lunge 15# db

Jolie, I hope your put is okay and you get in the workouts that you want to do before you leave.

Debbie, nice work on Box and Pump 8. I really liked that one too. I am happy for the music being good even if it is loud. I wish the newer boxing ones had some good music. I think I read on the description of the kickboxing one that it had good music. I did not think it did, but the choreography was fun.

Belinda, nice work on the Barre and dance workouts today. I saw the sale, but I can't order right now. I do need some new yoga blocks though. Mine have chunks out of them and bite marks from grandchildren and one of my past dogs. I have all of the bands, mat, and things for the new workouts though.
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Diane - great job on the Killer Legs, KB and Mat Yoga today. The prices are the lowest I ever seen. Wonder if Cathe stops selling DVD’s? I looked at the yoga blocks, they are not on the site.
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I'll have to check out Cathe's DVD sale, is it still going on?

Today I did RAW Cardio Core Fusion and Boxing Finisher. Had a great cardio workout. I liked Cardio Core Fusion, I was even able to do the plank work segments she did. I really felt it in my abs which is good because my abs are getting really fatty. I hate it. My eating has been terrible lately and it sure does show. I need to get back on track and plan to. I am doing just that, actually.

Workout was 51 minutes, burned 401 calories, went 3333 steps and HR was 136/184.

Diane - Great job with Killer Legs, that looks like a good one but sort of has a fear factor to me reading your descriptions! LOL!!

Belinda - Great job with your barre workout yesterday. I am going to check out the DVD sale, I think there were a few I'd like to get.

Roselyn - Great job with kickboxing yesterday!

Hope you all have a great day and workouts! It is cold and rainy here, nice day to curl up on the couch and read a book!!
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Today I finally got into the gym room and got in a great workout! I did CL #465 Strong and Fit All Upper Body, I love this workout. Workout was 1 hour and I burned 422 calories. You can either do high reps lower reps or pick a heavier weight and do lower reps. I picked lighter weights since I have not lifted in the past week. My muscle were burning pretty good by the last few reps. This workout does not have a lot of back exercises, so I added a few cable pull down exercises at the end of the workout.

My pup got his ultrasound yesterday and he is clear with no blockage. I gave him fiber supplements to help him pass the stuff that was either suck inside of him and we also induced vomiting to get the stuff out of his stomach. He is now clean as a whistle but boy was that expensive. Thank goodness for pet health insurance!

Great job with the workouts yesterday everyone!

Diane, if I did that killer legs workout that you did, I would not be able to walk for a week! great job

Debbie, nice job with the workout today. I did not buy any of Cathe's dvds on the sale because I have so many of them that I hardly use because they are too hard for me to do now, they high impact kills me!

Roselyn, nice job on the workout.

Belinda, nice job on the barre workout yesterday. Can you believe, I have never done a barre workout ever!!!

Make it a great day.
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Debbie - which ones did you get? Nicely done on Cardio Core Fusion Plus Boxing finisher.

Jolie - glad your dog is doing a lot better. I need to check out that workout you did today. Nicely done.
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Today I did STS 2 Total Body Supersets mix of Upper only with calves, 51 minutes, 132 calories, heart rate 91/132 followed by STS 2 mini ball abs, 12 minutes, 28 calories and finishing with STS 2 mobility #1, 18 minutes, 27 calories. Total time was 81 minutes, 187 calories. Be back for personals.
STS Super Sets Upper Body + calves
warm up with 10 and 15# dumbbells and light tubing
Incline press #1 15# dbs 8 reps
barbell overhead wide grip row#1 35# 8 reps
Incline press #2 15# dbs 8 reps
barbell overhead wide grip row#2 45# 8 reps
Incline press #3 15# dbs 8 reps
barbell overhead wide grip row#3 45# 8 reps
kneeling sweeper curls #1 15# dbs 8 reps
incline lying triceps extension #1 15# dbs 8 reps
kneeling sweeper curls #2 15# dbs 8 reps
incline lying triceps extension #1 15# dbs 8 reps
kneeling sweeper curls #2 15# dbs 8 reps
incline lying triceps extension #2 15# dbs 8 reps
shrugs #1 15# dbs 8 reps
calf raises #1 15# dbs 8 reps
shrugs #2 15# dbs 8 reps
calf raises #2 15# dbs 8 reps
shrugs #3 15# dbs 8 reps( I stopped and did a stretch as it was bothering my neck)
calf raises #3 15# dbs 8 reps
incline chest fly #1 12# dbs 8 reps
barbell underhand grip row #1 45# 8 reps
incline chest fly #2 12# dbs 8 reps
barbell underhand grip row #2 45# 8 reps
incline chest fly #3 12# dbs 8 reps
barbell underhand grip row #3 45# 8 rep
hammer curls #115# dbs 8 reps
single arm triceps kickback with loop#1 12# db and light loop 8 reps
hammer curls #2 15# dbs 8 reps
single arm triceps kickback with loop#2 12# db and light loop 8 reps
hammer curls #3 #215# dbs 8 reps
single arm triceps kickback with loop#3 12# db and light loop 8 reps
single arm side lateral raise #1 10# dbs 8 reps
double arm thumb to thumb rear delt fly #1 8# dbs
single arm side lateral raise #1 10# dbs 8 reps
double arm thumb to thumb rear delt fly #1 8# dbs
single arm side lateral raise #2 10# dbs 8 reps
double arm thumb to thumb rear delt fly #2 5# dbs
single arm side lateral raise #3 10# dbs 8 reps
double arm thumb to thumb rear delt fly #3 5# dbs

today I had a physical therapy assessment for my neck this morning. I will start PT on Monday. I did a short posture workout.

I am so tired today. I will catch up in the morning.

Good night
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Belinda, I hope the PT helps you. I looked at Cathe's gear before when looking at the mini ball and balance discs. I just went to Amazon and got a second disc like the first one I had purchased. I did not see the yoga blocks then either.

Roselyn nice work on the CDorner Kickboxing workout. They are usually fun.

Debbie, good job on Cardio Core Fusion and the plank portions. Plank work has been bothering my wrists lately and I really prefer them than ab work that has me holding my head off the floor. I like Killer Legs, it really is not as bad as it may sound. I have filled up half of one of those workout cards so have done it quite a bit.

Jolie, glad you got CL #465 Strong and Fit Upper Body today. I am glad that your pup is okay. I haven't noticed any soreness from yesterday's Killer Legs yet. My luck it will hit tomorrow when I am headed in for my arthritis appointment.

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