Hardcore Fitness Maniacs January 15th

Charlotte: WOW! I'm so sorry that this is continuing to cause such huge problems for you guys, but how thankful you must be too that he is OK.

Shana: OK, I'm being overly ambitious about BFFM. I always think I can get so much done early in the day and then realize as the day progresses, that I cannot. :D I will keep trying to get through it and SOON. I'm impatient to get it started.

Diane Sue: I always write down my calorie burns in my calendar so I know what to expect- when I want a high calorie burn, I can go look in my notes and find one.

Also guilty of ordering Amy's DVDs this morning. I cannot resist.
Hi guys!

Just popping in for a quick minute.

Charlotte - I'm sorry about Bobby. They really need to do something for him. I don't like where this is going!!! What's it going to take???

This morning when I was doing deads MY BACK POPPED!!! You know that spot to the side of your spine? The one that takes FOREVER to heal??? UGH!!! It's killin' me! I was going to fast I'm pretty sure. I'm usually so careful because I've injured it before. I'm so angry that I wasn't more careful. I saw Gregg first thing this morning and he has me hooked up to those little shocky things. So far they aren't helping but I trust that they will. I bought some Ben Gay patches but he said you shouldn't use heat on a new injury like that. Well, no problem b/c I put the sticky side on my jeans instead of my body (with direction from our purchasing director!) and him and the volleyball coach laughed their heads off. You know those heat things you get for cramps? That's how they work! My jeans are feeling pretty happy about now though.

Patti - I work for a community college (we only have one university in the entire state and it's not here) and I'm the program manager for the non-credit program.

Better get back to it. I haven't even had time to eat again. That weight I gained - I've been losing it already. Two pounds gone. :mad:

Oh - GOOD news - DH just bought me this: http://www.lemondfitness.com/products_info.php?id=14

Our friend at our local bike shop ordered us one and gave us a SREAMIN' DEAL on it! I wish I had it right now since I think riding in the normal cycling position right now is going to be a little painful. :(
Hey Maniacs! This morning I did CLX Burn Intervals and Ab Burner. Had a great workout. I'm really liking CLX.

Char- How scary with the blackout while driving! Thank goodness he's ok.

Suz-Sorry about your back darn it all! And sweet bike! I have a recumbent bike (way cheaper one) in the shed. I don't really have room for it in my workout room at the moment.

Shana- I'm the one with Lauren's DVD. I love it and think she's a doll. But, I haven't done the AOS's yet, so I can't compare. I need to look at those.

Patty- I read BFFM in a couple of days.:eek:;)

Gotta go order that Amy's...thanks for the heads up. I want the kettlebell one.
Suz - sorry about your back...welcome to the club of injured backs :( Hope yours gets better quickly! And congrats on the new toy. That is a pretty sweet lil' ride!

Dallys - I knew it was somebody here that I had quizzed about the Brooks. I had you doing CLX in my head and my tiny little brain did not go back further ;) Are you getting the Bento DVD? Free shipping today only - I think 12.95 for the DVD presale.

Patti - whew! I thought I was just pokey! I always think I can do waaayyy more than would ever be possible - DH always laughs at my daily plans - hey, at least I am ambitious! I'm like you - very eager to get started on BFFM practices.
Dallys - ;) Are you getting the Bento DVD? Free shipping today only - I think 12.95 for the DVD presale.
Yep, I caved and bought the DVD. I don't even know what it is, lol. Just that she is using a real kettlebell and not one of those lil' 5lbers. I don't even own any of her DVD's. Do you think I am getting a kettlebell addiction? :p
Hey ladies,
wish I had time to read and post more; just a quick check in before I head to bed. My schedule is so hectic right now, and I just found out my bf has pretty much planned the whole weekend for us doing things with his friends in his area (we live nearly an hour away from each other), which is fine, it's all fun stuff, but I just feel like I need to chill at home, and besides, this will take away from my workout time since all my stuff is here not there! ughhh.
anyway, yesterday I did muscle max upper body only, and today I did the kickboxing part of Tracey's cardio seatfest for about thirty minutes, and then the abs from amy's all pump xtreme.

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