I just had dinner which ended up being okra,celery, tomatoes, garlic, Old Bay seasoning(had to try to break it up and the bottom fell out of the container so I guess it is trash),fresh ground pepper, and shrimp. I then added brown rice. One of those things I just mix and throw together when I have no clue what I am going to make LOL My Keli Roberts dvd cracked in the center today when I was taking it out to use it

So I ordered Lawrence Bisconti's foam roller workout. It is 1 hour of foam roller work. Made by Power Systems. It has myofascial work and other work. I have had my eye on this for a long time. I ordered mine from Collage. I love my foam roller

It really rolls out the kinks
Patti, that is too bad your STS dvd's are so close and you can't have them. I understand the need to workout as part of your day. That recipe sounds yummy. I will have to write that one down too
Linda, I think when I am ready to do all of Newport I have to have lots of energy stored up. LOL on LIC. I have been revisiting that one with upper body and it is not so easy. I do love the band work in that one. Enjoy your time with the massage therapist. I hope you come back better.
Teddy, I hope I get this knee thing out of the way soon. It is frustrating. Went to pick up my grandson from school and it hurt a lot driving. It is something to do with the sitting position. I sat on a bar stool a lot for two days working on paperwork and it hurt so bad hanging off the stool

I am hoping that it improves the next few days. Really am not wanting to have it checked out at the doctors.