Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for October

Today I did another one of those workouts from the Treadmill app I have, it was called Base. 45 minutes of jogging and sprinting, it was TOUGH!! I am not used to continually running so I had to stop and walk every now and then to bring my HR down. I was drenched when I got done. Funny how something different can really change how your workouts go. There were some 2 minute sprints on a 4% incline on this workout!!! It was fun, though, I really am enjoying these workouts.

There is one on there called Mountain Climb and it looks really hard. I may tackle that one next week.

Workout was 45 minutes, ran 3.23 miles, burned 324 calories (TM said 429, App said 1091 - I don't think so), and went 6486 steps. Avg. HR 120, Max HR 169. Great workout!!!

Jolie - No, I haven't received my Kelly workouts yet. Hope I get them soon. Nice job on your workout!! That one sounds like fun.

Diane Sue - Looks like you had a great workout!! Nice going!! So Kelly doesn't have workout sheets for her workouts? I'll make my own if she doesn't.

Roselyn - Who's workouts are you doing? Are you following some sort of rotation?
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Debbie, yes Kelly has workout sheets on her website where it says premixes and rotations. She just does not have one for Shape Up. That is why I mentioned it to her on her facebook page. She also doesn't have one for Trim Down. You will find one for Muscle Up and Cardio Pump. I think the reason for their not being one on Shape Up is because doing it as the two 30 minute workouts is alternating the cardio with the weight segments which would be more of a circuit workout. I prefer the weights only the same as Jolie. Weights only is all upper body tabata weights 20/10 timing at 8 rounds. Trim Down also has weights and cardio. I made my own sheet for the weights only on Shape Up yesterday. I have used that one a lot. Great amount of steps this morning. I think we would all ove to have over 1000 calories burned. I don't believe that is possible for many. I wonder where they get those stats from.

I have to take my car back to the shop and hopefully not spend hours there. Maybe a ride home. Today I did Kelly Coffey Total Body Kickbox Interval Challenge, 44 minutes, 282 calories, heart rate average 136, max 168, 3,833 steps. I liked this premix better than when I did the two workouts combined. I like that it alternates the weighted kickboxing with the kickboxing segments. I wore 1.5# gloves throughout and for the weighted segments I picked up 2#.
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I left my car at the shop and they have me on the list for a loaner car when one is available. I wonder how long it will take to figure out my car problem? I saw Batman with his gruff voice and the Joker wandering around at the dealership LOL The one kept wandering around saying I'm Batman in a gruff gravelly voice. It was kind of funny. I read on Kelly's facebook that she says it generally has taken her 6 to 8 weeks from the time of filming to having the workouts shipped. It has been 3 weeks now. She says it is moving along smoothly.

Roselyn, I like those Kelly Raw workouts on YouTube. I guess her having her own raw channel to subscribe to ran into some problems, so just those few workouts are there.
I did Total Body today and had a great workout! I feel great today!! Didn't go real heavy today and that was good with me.

3 sets/5 reps with 1 minute rest - warmed up with GS Chest & Tri's

Dumbbell Squats - 25's
Upright Row - 35#
Dumbbell Press - 25's
Hammer Curls - 20's
Lying Triceps Extension - 15's
Pullups - 3 Assists

Then did 1 mile on my treadmill.

Workout was 60 minutes, burned 279 calories, Avg. HR 97, Max 131. Went 4058 steps.

Diane Sue - Hope you get your car back soon, that is ridiculous. LOL on Batman!!

Running late, hope you all have great workouts!!
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Today I did Strong Upper Body express but added additional exercises at the end because I felt like doing more that what Cathe did in the workout. Workout was 50 minutes and I burned 378 calories. This is an awesome workout and I will be doing often. Average heart rate was 125 and max was 162.

I have been really stressed out lately with my youngest son, doing poorly in school and football but I am getting to the bottom of the issue. Yesterday I had him tested and he is severely ADHD. He just cant focus and retain information. I feel like such a bad mom! The doctor looked at his report cards from 1st grade on and said he probably should have been tested 10 years ago! I always thought he just didn't care or put the effort in, but in reality he just cant focus enough and has given up on a lot of really important things just because it is too hard for him. Now the school wants me to have him test for a learning disability but I don't know if I can afford that at the moment. At least I am finding out what is going on instead of thinking he is just a poor student. The doctor said he is very intelligent, he just needs help with the focus and comprehension issue.

Debbie, nice workout today. I am glad you like this rotation. It looks great because its not too long and you get to get your walking in each day!

Diane Sue, I will be back later to see what you did today! I hope you have a great workout.

Roselyn, I too am loving the Cathe Live workouts.

Have a wonderful day.
Today I did Kelly Coffey Split Sessions. I didn't intend to do both workouts, but once I got started I kept going :) I started with the warm up, then workout #2 lower body and also did the bonus, This took me 55 minutes (I had a lot of stops for logging and helping dh with an app) , 101 average heart rate, 141 max, 242 calories, 1,609 steps. I then did workout #1 Upper Split, which is a push pull format, 181 calories, 41 minutes, 486 steps, heart rate average 102, max 135. Total time 96 minutes, 424 calories.
Lower body
banded side steps blue firewalker band 2 sets of lift step sides lifts side and angled lift back
leg press (from the floor in forward leaning lunge) 20 # dbs 12 reps right then 12 left 2 sets
squat with inversion 20# dbs 12 reps followed by lunge rocks picking up and setting down dumbbells 20# dbs 12 reps
lunge rocks 15# dbs 12 reps then no weights followed by squat inversion 15# dbs 12 reps
Deadlift rock back 20# dbs 12 reps 2 sets
multi position moves, no weight squat 10 reps static lunge 10 reps
20# dbs squat to deadlift to reverse lunge 12 reps
Upper (push pull) incline step
rows 20# dbs 6 reps alternating, 6 reps both then 6 reps pulse 15# dumbbells 2nd set
bench press 20's 6 alterntating, 6 both, 6 pulse, 15# dbs 2nd set

Reverse fly 15# dbs 12 reps
chest fly 15# dbs 12 reps
repeat for 2nd set

good morning 15# held at chest 12 reps
push ups decline 12 reps
repeat for second set

hammer curls 15# dbs 12 reps
kickbacks 15# dbs 12 reps right then 12 left
repeat for second set

slow front curls 15# db 8 reps
overhead extension 15# 12 reps 20# for the second set (kelly holds two 10's together)
repeat for send set

seated side curls 15# dbs 12 reps
dips with dumbbells 15#dbs in lap 12 reps
repeat for second set

lateral raise 12# dbs 12 reps of alternating then 12 of both
weighted side bend 12# dbs 24 reps
repeat for 2nd set

single overhead press 15# db 12 reps right then 12 left
weighted twisted crunch 12# dumbbell 12 right 12 left 12 both 2nd set just 12 reps alternating
repeat for 2nd set

upright rows 15# dbs 12 reps slow
weighted knee crunch (standing) 15# dbs 12 reps 2nd set 12# dbs
repeat for 2nd set

Debbie, nice work today :)

Jolie, I am curious on how they test for ADHD. I hear so many getting treatment for it. For the most apart I just figured the persons just did not apply themselves. I know there are those that things come more easily for than others. I have read stuff on nutrition and ADHD and Autism. I often wonder what has brought on ADHD. I hope that you get to the bottom of the problem.

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