Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for May 2024

Today I did Cathe Live Strong and Fit All Upper Body and boy oh boy was I weak! I have not eaten much in the past two weeks, and it has such a big impact on my strength. I need to get in some serious protein to regain my strength and endurance. Workout was 55 minutes and I burned 381 calories. I like this workout, it is like a no repeat workout but she does repeat just a few exercises. These tend to have no dread factor for me, and the time goes by quickly.

Great job on the workouts yesterday everyone. What are your plans for the holiday weekend? My husband has to work every day, so I plan on getting in some good workouts, beach walks with my son and pup and I want to read a new book.

Happy Memorial Day weekend.
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Good Afternoon,

2.06 mile walk outside today beautiful out. I plan on working out we don’t usually go to the lake on holiday weekends.

Jolie-what book are you star always interested in a good one.
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Today I did Cathe Total Body Barbell premix upper body + core. This is 40:27 minutes but took me 54 minutes since I had to move some things around for the reverse lunge bicep curl and hunt down another 10# weight plate so I did not have to pull one off the barbell. Cathe did suggest a dumbbell if no extra weight though. Calorie burn was 134, heart rate 95/117. I also did STS 2.0 mini ball abs, 11 minutes, 26 calories and STS 2 mobility #2, 17 minutes, 37 calories. Total time 82 minutes, 197 calories.
No big plans for the weekend. Husband works Monday. I am working on what I want to do for the paintings my granddaughter asked me to paint for her birthday to go above her couch. I need the pictures to kind of blend with similar colors I think.

Total Body Barbell upper+core (I did not count all of the reps this time as it varies and patterns vary)
warm up 15# barbell
dead rows 40# bb
squat presses 10# weight plate
dead rows 40# bb
biceps curls 25# bb
upright rows 25# bb 10 reps
biceps curls 25# bb
overhead press 25# bb 8 reps
alternating rear lunges w/ biceps curls 20# bb (I started with 25 as I did not notice the medium plates)
lateral raises 5# weight plates
bench press 25# bb
pec squeeze 2.5# weight plate
close grip bench press 25# bb
pullovers 25# bb
lying triceps extensions 25# bb
dips 25# bb 10 and 8 reps
sit up overhead press 10# weight plate
seated twist 10# weight plate
push ups 8 reps
forearm plank
sit up overhead press 10# weight plate
seated twist 10# weight plate
push ups 8 reps
forearm plank

Roxie, I hope the stretching helps you. Nice work on the walk today. We usually stay in on holidays.

Jolie, great job getting in CL Strong and Fit All Upper Body. I have to work at getting in plenty of protein too. I also need to get plenty of sleep which does not always happen. Repetitive workouts like I did yesterday take some work to push through. My hamstrings and glutes are what ended up being sore. I will try Killer Legs Monday.

Went for a walk outside this morning and did Quick and Sweaty Bodyweight Cardio and Abs Workout *GIANT SET, NONSTOP!* | STF - Day 15.

Debbie - glad you enjoying your rests. Your body probably needed it. We something’s like to ignore/skip it. Rest up and feel better.

Diane - you are more organized with your workouts than I am. I don’t use workout cards, I use Cathe’s website if I want to do a premix. I used to do it, got rid off all the workout cards. Good for you.

Jolie - great job on your workout. I couldn’t workout if I haven’t hardly eating anything. I just bought an organic protein powder to get more protein in. I have a hard time getting all protein powders down.

Roxie - great job on that walk. Stretching will help.

Roselyn - I hope you have a great workout today.

Good night
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I went for a walk outside this morning and did Full Body Day 16.

Roselyn - did you decided on a rotation? Great job on GS chest/tris.

Roxie - great job on your walk today.

Good night.
Today I did Killer Legs + Bonus Barre, 65 minutes, 193 calories, heart rate 107/132. I also did CDorner Day 3 lower stretch and Day 12 Upper Body Stretch from the 30 day challenge, 25 minutes, 38 calories. Total time 90 minutes, 231 calories.
Killer Legs ( I did not get all of the reps counted as this one was a variety in moves)
Squat Oblique twist 10# db
squat alternating arm up 10# db
alternating rear lunges 10# dbs
deadlifts 15# dbs
squat deadlift combo 15# dbs
squats 20# dbs 12 reps
close grip sumo squats 20# dbs 12 reps
pass under squats 12# db
deadlifts 25# dbs
touch down lunges 20# db 10 reps RT/LT
deadlifts 30# dbs 10 reps
crossback lunges 15# dbs 10 reps
crossback lunge deadlift combo 15# dbs
static lunges 20# dbs 12 reps
tap lunge combo 12# dbs
calf raises 20# dbs 20 reps
sumo calf raise combo 20# db 20 reps
side to side sumo squats 12# dbs 12 reps
triple side lunges 15# db
alternating front lunges 15# dbs 12 reps
lunge knee up no weight
lunge side bend combo 10# db held overhead
sumo squat to side lunge 15# db
finished with barre bonus using mini ball and light loop band

Belinda, nice work yesterday on Quick and Sweaty Bodyweight Cardio and Abs Workout (Giant Sets Non Stop) and the walk. I like having the workout cards ready to go. I like Cathe's workouts and having the workout cards. It takes so much longer with other instructors and having to write down the information. Kelly has some workout sheets on her website, but not like Cathe.

Roselyn, nice work on the trampoline yesterday and Gym Style, chest and triceps today.

Roxie, nice that you and your husband got a walk in before you headed home.
Hi all. I'm back hopefully. I still have some tightness and tender areas in my neck and upper back but my lat and tricep feels fine now. I'm starting to think sleeping on my wedge pillow isn't as great as it was at first. I find every morning that I am sleeping at the bottom of the wedge with my head on the pillow I use and my neck is all crunched together on my left side. Maybe this is what is causing my issues? Anyways, I used only my pillow last night (I have a My Pillow) and slept ok and didn't feel any tightness when I woke up. I've done some research on pillows and looking at the crescent shaped ones. I have one by Coop Home Goods in my Amazon cart but I'm hesitant in buying it because it's $75. What if I don't like it? It does say there are free returns on it so I guess I could try it and send it back if I don't like it. I also watched some Youtube videos from "The Sleep Doctor" and he shows the proper alignment of how you should sleep. I am a side sleeper so this crescent shaped pillow would work good for me. We'll see. I've had a tight neck for a long time and sleeping wrong on the wedge pillow seems like it could be the issue.

Anyways, hope you all had a great Memorial Day. I had a great weekend, we were able to purchase and plant our flowers. I love when we have flowers around our house. They make me happy.

This morning I did RAW Butts & Guts, this one is a tabata workout with no weights. I'm still hesitant in lifting so I'm going to try to just do unweighted workouts this week. I also walked on my treadmill for .75 miles. Workout was 52 minutes, burned 350 calories, did 2982 steps and HR was 116/148.

Great workouts everyone!! I was lazy and enjoyed it. Have a great one today as well!!
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Yesterday I went for a 4 mile walk at the beach with my son and the pup. Walk was 1 hour 24 minutes and I burned 522 calories. All of the beaches in my city were closed due to a shark attack, it bit the surfer's board at the nose but did not bite the young man who was on it. My son knows the guy and he said it was a baby great white shark.

Today I did CL# 487 Iron Upper Body, and I liked it. The workout was lighter weights and higher reps, but it was in sort of a no repeat format. I was tired today and I have a terrible sore throat that started bothering me yesterday morning. I wonder if it is from getting dental surgery? Other than that, I feel ok but I have little strength lately. I do not eat enough due to the dental issues and the stress of my dad. Today I will force myself to have a big healthy meal. Workout was 56 minutes and I burned 402 calories.

Debbie, nice job on the workout today. I am so happy that you are feeling better. Hopefully a new pillow does the trick! I love flowers as well; they can make a space go from blah to beautiful.

Nice job with the workouts over the weekend everyone. I need to start eating more, I have lost some weight and have no energy.
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UB today for me. She did giant sets.

Debbie - great job on your workout today. I am glad you feeling better. I am a side sleeper too. My therapist told me my knots come from sleeping on the side. Let us know which pillow you end up buying. I need some new once too.

Jolie - nicely dong with CL 487 UB. Glad you feeling better too.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me.
This morning, I did Step Boss Imax 4, 44 minutes, 245 calories, heart rate 136/158, 3,721 steps. I did Raw Yoga Stretch, 14 minutes, 25 calories afterward. Total time was 58 minutes, 270 calories. It looks like we have rain and storms coming in. I hope none are severe, figures since I watered the yard for the first time this year.

Debbie, I am glad you are back to working out. Finding the right pillows and sleeping position is hard. I have tried many and it is frustrating when we pay a lot and then can't use something. For me the thing is to keep the spine aligned as much as possible. I get it on the wedge. I slide down and my neck is pushed forward at the bottom and I end up in pain. My pillow set is adjustable for needs so I do not use much of an incline if I need to have one because of congestion. Still, it bothers my neck and low back is not happy, even with the lumbar pillow. I use a Cervical pillow that is fairly flat, not squishy and has a low bump for the neck support. A wedge under my knees for my low back and to keep my back straight as I am best off sleeping on my back. I have gotten pretty well accustomed to sleeping on my back since the shoulder surgery because the side sleeping hurt my shoulder. If I end up on my side, I stuff the little roll and go My Pillow under my torso (not rolled up, to align my spine and keep pressure off the shoulder so much. Sleeping like that I usually do not end up in pain. I would love to sink down into a soft fluffy pillow, but it does not work. I drag my pillows with me when we go out of town and stay in cabins and hotels. If you get one of the crescent pillows I would be interested in if it works. They key thing for me is not to have too big of a bump under my neck. If too big it will cause me more pain. My orthopedic surgeon says those round pillows are too big that are supposed to be for the neck. I have one that was designed by some physical therapist mentioned in videos and it even hurts my neck if I put it under it when doing floor work lying on my back. My husband paid 217 dollars for the pillow set I have when I was waiting for surgery and in so much pain with that shoulder. It has come in handy. I see now it is 129 dollars :rolleyes: .
Nice work on Raw Butts and Guts. Good idea to avoid weights for now.

Jolie, that is nice that you got to for a beach walk with your son. The shark attack would be scary. The guy was lucky it was just the board. Nice work on CL # 487 Iron Upper Body. I think it is good for us to do lighter more endurance work sometimes. I hope that you are not getting sick along with everything else. Sometimes we just have to push ourselves to eat as that is where our energy comes from. Take care of yourself so you can take care of your parents.
Good Afternoon,

Went for a 1.5 mile walk. I am now having problems with my dizziness again. I plan on attempting weight work next wee if the walking and stretching helps.

Jolie-you need to start eating.

Debbie-finding the right pillow has been a challenge for me too.
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This morning I did RAW Cardio Crush and had a pretty good workout. This is a pretty fun one except when she does the plank work. I subbed that out with other cardio. It's 37 minutes long.

45 seconds on/10 seconds off

Low Jack/2 Jacks
Rt/Lft Knee/Bunny Hops
Both together - 2x's

Plank Wrist/Elbow/Wrist
Plank Jacks
Both together - 2x's
(I subbed 3 squats/basketball shoot and Low Jacks)

Jab Cross 4 Split Switch on Step (right side)
Jab Cross 4 Split Switch on step (left side)
Alternate Jab Cross/Split Switch 2x's

Right side Squat/Heel Click/Shuffle/Squat Side to Side
Left side Squat/Heel Click/Shuffle/Squat Side to Side
Heel Click/Shuffle alternate rt then left 2x's

Right Knee on Step/Power Corner
Left Knee on Step/Power Corner
Triple Knee/Corner to Corner
Alternate Triple Knee

Left Side Hook/Up 2x's/Shuffle
Right Side Hook/Up 2x's/Shuffle
Hook Up 3x's/Switch
Hook Up/Switch

Squat Hip
4 Jabs/Squat Hip both sides 2x's

Then I walked on my treadmill for .75 miles. Workout was 50 minutes, burned 384 calories, did 4826 steps and HR was 127/151.

My Coop Pillow came in this morning. I'll let you know how it feels and how I slept on it.

Jolie - Wow, sharks! My DH and I were wondering why there weren't many people on the beaches. We were looking at the live cams placed around your beaches. They were empty this past weekend. Good job with your 4 mile walk and CL# 487. Sounds like a good one. I hope you recover from your dental surgery quickly. You'll get your strength and muscles back soon. I'm feeling it too since I haven't lifted in two weeks. Hate it.

Belinda - I never thought sleeping on the side would cause knots but it does make sense. Maybe that's why I can't get rid of them. Hopefully the new pillow will help. Great job with your workout yesterday!

Diane - Great job with Imax 4. Those have a definite dread factor to me now. I used to love those workouts. Yes, the wedge pillow was so comfortable for me for a long time but for some reason it now bothers my neck. Or maybe it always has and I just noticed it recently. It's definitely not good to have your neck scrunch down like I did. Really painful, not sure why it took me so long to realize this. I rarely have pain with my shoulders when I sleep, but my neck is a different story. I agree with those pillows that are specifically designed for your head to cradle over the bump. I had one of those and it was very uncomfortable for me. It seriously shouldn't be this hard to sleep comfortably. Yikes!!

Roselyn - Great job with Gym Style Legs. That is a great workout.

Roxie - Great job with you 1.5 mile walk. Pillows are a challenge, it shouldn't be this hard!!

Have a great day everyone!!
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Good Morning,

1.94 mile walk outs then TBTS Push this morNing. Both grandsons have games tonight at the same time in two different towns oh the challenges of being a grandparent.

Debbie-I woke up in extreme pain in both hips this morning and I own a sleep number, sleeping in general is hard anymore
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I am feeling better today. I forced myself to eat a big meal yesterday and it has given me more energy. :) This morning, I took the pup for a 1 hour walk, traveled 3.1 miles and burned 398 calories. I went on a route that has little hills, I felt like walking on flat ground today. Tomorrow will be a rest day because I have a dentist appointment first thing in the morning to start the process to get my new crown. I am excited to get a tooth back so I can eat better.

Debbie, let us know how you like the new pillow. It sounds like most of us have sleeping issues that can cause pain and I bet we all would love to figure out a way to fix the situation. I have a body pillow so when I sleep on my side, I can roll onto it and it alleviates the pain in my shoulder and collarbone area. Great job on the workout today. Isn't is just sad how fast we lose muscle in this stage of our lives!

Diane Sue, great job on the workout yesterday. Boy, has the mid-west had some serious storms the past few months!!! It would scare the dickens out of me knowing they were coming and the switch directions so fast!

Roselyn, great job on the workout.

Roxie, nice job on the walk and workout. Have fun at your grandkids games.

Belinda, great job on the upper body Giant Sets workout today.

Make it a great day.
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I ended up splitting my workout this morning. I did Total Body Barbell lower body and the dead rows with the warm up and stretch first thing, 25 minutes, heart rate 106/130, 88 calories. Then This afternoon I did my own warm up and did Total Body Barbell Upper Body and Core starting after the dead rows since I did it earlier, 37 minutes, heart rate 95/129, 95 calories. I had to get bank and groceries done and lunch for dh before work. Splitting it worked out okay. I would have liked to do a stretch. Maybe I still can. I wanted to get back to the painting I was working on. Hoping Amazon gets the paint colors I ordered here soon.

Total Body Barbell
a.m lower +
warm up 15# barbell
squats 35# barbell
deadlifts 55# barbell 12 reps
rear lunges 10# plates (these are fast)
deadlifts 55# barbell 12 reps
plie squats 35# barbell
dead rows 40# barbell
squat press 10# weight plate
dead rows 40# barbell
biceps curls 25# barbell
upright rows 25# barbell 10 reps
biceps curls 25# barbell
overhead press 25# barbell 8 reps
alternating rear lunges with biceps curls 20# barbell 3 sets pyramid down on reps
lateral raise 5# weight plates (singles and 1 1/2 )
bench press 25# barbell 24 reps
pec squeeze 2.5# plate
close grip bench press 25# barbell 24 reps
pull overs 25# barbell
lying triceps extensions 25# barbell
dips ( I subbed 12# db kickbacks this time)
sit up overhead press 10# weight plate
seated twist 10# plate
push ups and forearm plank
sit up overhead press 10# plate
seated twist 10# plate
push ups and forearm plank with knee drops

Debbie, great job on Cardio Crush and the treadmill today. I sure hope your new pillow works for you. My neck is hurting this afternoon and it was not when I got up this morning. I am not sure why. It was hurting before I did upper body work this afternoon. Step Boss I Max 4 is tame compared to the other I Max workouts. It is low impact. Not near as intense.

Jolie, I am glad you got some energy and a good walk in today. This time of year is storm season. I guess we get used to it. I do hate when my phone sends me warnings through my watch when I am sleeping. We have rains coming in at 4 am tonight.

Roxie, nice work on the 1.94 mile walk and TBTS Push day today. Have fun sorting how to do two different games.

Belinda, good job on 45 minute Legs and Glutes AMRAP Workout Day 18 today.
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