Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for May 2024

No workout yesterday. We had family day and birthday's. Today I did CDorner Day 9 of the 14 day workout challenge Cardio Kickboxing Hiit + Arms, 39 minutes, 224 calories, heart rate 143/154, 2585 steps. This was 5 minute cardio segments with 3 minute strength segment of two moves done as a pyramid up from 1,2,3 and up reps till time up. Usually ended around 9 reps each move. Use 8# dumbbells with 5# in case needing to lower the weight. I followed this with CDorner Mobility Challenge Day 10 spinal mobility, 20 minutes, 40 calories. I forgot to use the Garmin but did use my Withings App. Total time was 59 minutes, 264 calories.
Weight segments were
Curl/upright row
side curl/front raise
lateral raise kickback or option overhead press/triceps extension

Roxie, at least you got to see the game before the storms came. We had them last night and the tornado warning sirens going off. My daughter kept texting me wanting us to know it was headed toward us. It passed us though, so we were fine. I thought it was odd when my dog went outside when the storm was going on as she is generally scared and whining. I think she was sort of oblivious when she went out because she ran right back in the house.

Debbie, I am so sorry. PT might be able to help. It sure takes a long time and patience to get over an injury. Maybe you need to see a doctor. The first time I gave in and went to the doctor for my shoulder pain was after I picked up one of those 32 bottle packs of water out of my shopping cart and somehow twisted wrong to get it in the back of my car. The doctor had me moving my arms in different direction and put pressure on it. Then sent me home with myloxicam and muscle relaxer. She checked for rotator cuff tear and I could move behind me and in all of the directions. It took 3 years before a doctor finally found the rotator cuff tear. I just kept making things worse by getting better and then going back to the workouts.
I really feel for you. I hope resting it will make it get better.

Jolie, I am glad you are feeling better and was able to get in Cathe Live #276 All in Upper Body. I do not like taking antibiotic, it messes me up and afterward I have to take probiotics to get things right again. Like Belinda says, eat plenty of food with the antibiotic. If at all possible I take meds that make me not feel well at bed time. I have to eat in the morning before I take my supplements or I get sick. My arthritis med makes me feel like I have to go lie down it makes me so ill.

Belinda, I am sorry the infusion makes you so tired. Nice work starting on Summer Time Fine full body week 3.
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Hi again,

Went for a nice long walk and did 40 Minute Upper Body AMRAP Workout - Strength Training PLUS CARDIO! STF - Day 12.

Diane - my doctor took me to the max with the infusion plus I have to get up early to drive to the infusion center. Not getting any sleep at the infusion center either. I am a little worn out afterwards. Great job with Cardio Kickboxing Hiit + Arms yesterday.

Jolie and Debbie - I hope you feeling a little better today.

Where is Roselyn?

Have a great day and workout.
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Good Afternoon,

Clouding up get ready for more storms. TBTS Pull workout done. I can’t get in for physical therapy until June 12th so guess I will do it myself.

Diane-we had tornado sirens going off Sunday night and if our phones hadn’t wok us up we wouldn’t have known it can’t hear them very well.
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Today I did LITE Cardio Party+extended stretch, 55 minutes, 216 calories, 4,892 steps, heart rate 115/157. My heart rate wasn't going up the first half and I realized I forgot to loosen it one notch. It makes a difference for some reason. I have to wear it tight at night if I want to get the correct Sp02. More rain coming in the middle of the night. Hope it is quiet so the dog and I can sleep. Did any of you purchase the pilates ball or balance disc from Cathe. They were out when I ordered some off Amazon. My pilates ball rolled off the closet shelf and when I opened the door it had turned all sticky and stuck to the inside of the closet door. I pried it off and it messed up the paint and left sicky on it. I still have to figure out how to fix it. I need to replace it. Think I may purchase Total Body Barbell and maybe killer legs after looking at the bonuses and premixes.

Belinda, nice workout today with the walk, Upper Body strength AMRAP strength training plus cardio Day 12. Getting up and going out early and traveling distance is tiring enough and I am sure the infusion probably took a lot out of you as well. Glad you got in a good workout today. I just skip it when I have to make those trips early.

Roselyn, good job on leg day yesterday and bis and tris today.

Roxie, nice work on Pull Day today. I am sorry you can't get into PT right now. I usually prefer to do it myself, but they are pretty good at pushing me a bit more. Our sirens are close and it is loud. No missing them at all. All the rain is making my plants grow and bloom. Also seems to be helping the ant flow and bugs. I have spent a lot of time trying to get rid of them.

Jolie and Debbie, I hope you get to feeling much better.
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Yesterday I went to the dentist and you will not believe the issues that I have all of a sudden. I need to do two emergency root canals tomorrow, another one in a month or so and 4 new crowns. I have a deep infection and other issues, and it is going to cost me $11,000!!! My dental insurance will only pay $1000 of the total amount. Why have insurance!

Today I walked the dog for 3 miles, and it felt good since I sat in a dentist chair and an Endodontist chair most of the day yesterday. I have surgery at 10 am so no workout for me because I have to take a sleeping pill to relax me at 8:30am so I am not sure I will have time to lift any weights. I suppose I won't be doing any weights until the weekend at least; I do not want to ruin anything that they do to me tomorrow.

Great job on the workouts this week everyone! Wish me luck tomorrow!
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I'm still resting and I am feeling much better. The pain is minimal and going away. I've been using heat on my tricep and shoulder blade area and it has helped a great deal. I'm hoping by Monday or Tuesday I can start working out again. I'm enjoying the time off, truth be told.

Diane - I don't think this is shoulder or rotator cuff related. It's all in my shoulder blade area (lats and triceps). It almost feels like I tore my tricep and it is affecting the lat area. But it is getting better. Great job with your workout. How on earth did the pilates ball stick to your closet door? Is the ball sticky? Yuck!! I never heard of that before. I know yoga mats are sometimes sticky, but I've never heard that about a ball before.

Jolie - OMG!! $11,000 for teeth work!? How is that even possible? You guys sure do have some high prices there. I don't know how you do it. I'm so sorry you are going through that, teeth problems can be the worst!! Take care, girl!!

Roxie - Hope you guys didn't have any bad storms yesterday, I heard more were coming your way.

Roselyn - Great job on your workouts!

Belinda - I'm feeling much better, I just don't want to chance it. It's been a while since I've taken time off so I am enjoying it.

Have a great day everyone!!
Good Afternoon,

DH and I took the dog for a 1.3 mile walk today. Headed to a ballgame again tonight.

Debbie-there is a possibility of storms until Tuesday.

Jolie-it amazing what they fine and charge

I did D13 All Standing Lower Body today.

Debbie - glad to hear you feeling much better and enjoying your time off.

Jolie - I am glad you know what is causing your pain. Sorry about the cost. It’s insane. I am so sorry you are going through this.

Roselyn - glad you still with us. Great job on your workout.

Diane - great job on your workout. Did your room got too hot for the ball to stick to the door? I never hear of this be for either. I think you will like both DVD’s.

Roxie - have fun at the game tonight. Hopefully no storms.

Happy Hump Day everyone.
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Today I did Raaw Upper Body Box: Lower Tone, 35 minutes, 134 calories, heart rate 112/134 followed by Raw Yoga Stretch 14 minutes, 27 calories. Total time 49 minutes, 161 calories.

Raw Upper Box: Lower Tone

30 minutes uses egg weights and warm up on rebounder

Kelly uses the egg weights throughout till the last group of moves

Warm up rebounder(can be done on the floor)

Boxing 4 jabs step back jab

Plie/heel raise 2 sets

Boxing cross/ duck/hook duck

Curtsy lunge/side kick

Boxing High/Low jab hook

Reverse Lunge/twist squat return

Boxing slow jab cross/fast hook cross

Back leg raise/side knee

Boxing no egg weights split stance jab/jump into wide stance jab

Knee kick/knee/front lunge

As for the ball that stuck to the door, I am guessing that this can happen with most of these types of things. One of the companies that I looked at the balls on warns to keep it away from wood. It said this happens with most products like this. So be careful, I guess. Generally, those balls are sitting on the floor in a corner for me or on top of other equipment. I have had stability balls pull paint off the wall before that they were leaning on.

Jolie, I am so sorry. That sounds like a lot of misery and an incredible amount of money. I hope all goes well.

Debbie, I am glad that you are doing better. I keep getting spasms and cramps in my triceps lately. Even when reaching up to dry my hair. This is unusual for me. I hope this just mends for you and you can get back to the workouts. I just work around things. I have avoided most things for chest and that affect ribs. Hesitant on doing much for abs even though thing are almost back to normal again. Rest can be nice.
It was pretty strange opening the closet door and the ball hanging by the handle just stuck there.

Belinda, nice work getting in Day 13 Lower Body. I think I will find quite a bit of use from these workouts. I looked at the premixes and options along with moves on the workout manager and watched the samples. I like Barre work and the weights in Total Body Barbell looked good, not extremely heavy and options there and lower options as well. I sort of want the kickboxing, but then as I watch it I am not sure, as it looks a lot like some of the earlier ones with jumps etc. and rather intense. I might go for the Cycle one though. I got Amazon cards for mother's day and bought the two that I purchased along with a top. They will be here Friday so I did not to want to do something to intense today. I was tired anyway and had to make calls on prescriptions and had ordered groceries and yard spray to be delivered.

Roxie, nice work on shoulders and triceps today.
Today I did CDorner Step Class #279 41 minutes, 202 calories, 4,185 steps. I am hoping to go back and stretch. I went out and ran errands this morning and had some things coming from Whole Foods so not enough time in between.
Diane - interesting on the ball. I had no idea. Let me know what you think of those DVD’s. Sorry you so tired. Nice job on CDorner Step Class 229. I hear you on not enough time in between. Our grocery stores are far away.

Today I did a walk outside (today is a rest day from the rotation) and stretch.
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I had my dental surgery yesterday and it went well. I have no pain today except for a sore jaw since it was wide open for over 3 hours. I still have another root canal to do in the near future and then get the crowns put on and then I should be good to go. Yes, CA has the highest prices on everything, it is ridiculous. Today I was able to walk my pup for 1 hour, traveled 3.2 miles and burned 441 calories. My dentist said I can start back at my weight workouts tomorrow! My son is coming home for a few weeks so he can spend some time with his grandfather, his boss was so nice and will let him work remotely.

It is supposed to be overcast and cloudy for the Memorial Day weekend, I hate it because it makes you not want to be outside. My son and I will be doing some long and hard beach walks, I am looking forward to it.

Great job on the workouts the past few days. Make it a great Friday!
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We went for a 4 mile walk today, I also did day 14 Full Body Power workout = 45 min.

Debbie - how are you doing? Feeling any better?

Diane - enjoy your workout today.

Jolie - glad your dental surgery went well yesterday and you don’t have any pain. Yikes on the other toot canal. Enjoy your time with your son.

Roselyn - great job on your cardio kickboxing yesterday.

Time to relax. Good night.
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Belinda - I am much better. Just don't have anything to post. I'll be back at my workouts either Monday or Tuesday. This rest has been welcomed.

Jolie - Glad your surgery is over with and glad it went well!!

Have a great Memorial Day weekend everyone!!
This morning I did CDorner Lower Body, 48 minutes, 148 calories, heart rate 103/129. I finished with STS 2 Mat Yoga 23 minutes, 44 calories.

Lower Body done in a pyramid with weights
warm up
fabric loop standing band work
reverse lunge/squat
30 sec 25# dbs
45 sec 20# dbs
60 sec 15# dbs
45 sec 20# dbs
30 sec 25# dbs
stabilty ball
roll ins
hip raises
ball squeeze
30 sec 25# dbs
45 sec 20# dbs
60 sec 15# dbs
45 sec 20# dbs
30 sec 25# dbs

Jolie, I am glad that you dental surgery went well and the pain is gone. Great job getting a walk in. That is nice that you son is able to be there to spend time with your dad. I am sure you will enjoy he beach walks.

Debbie, that is great that you are doing so much better. The body sure lets us know when it has had enough.

Belinda, nice work getting in Day 14 Full Body Power Workout and a walk. I got the workouts this evening so I will be checking out some of it tomorrow. I printed up the workout cards and lists of premixes.
Good Morning,

I had my physical therapy evaluation yesterday and she said my glute muscles are weak and tight so I should concentrate on stretching in the morning at night before a walk and after and no treadmill walking outside is better.

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