Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for May 2024

Today I did CDorner Step and Sculpt with mini bands, 32 minutes, 177 calories, heart rate 137/167, 2049 steps. I then did Raw String Along Glutes, 20 minutes, heart rate 105/1311, 75 calories. I finished with CDorner Stretch Day 12 from her 15 day workout challenge stretches for flexibility and preventing injury 52 . This one held stretches for 1 minute. 32 minutes, 52 calories. Total time was 84 minutes, 304 calories, 2,200 steps. This is another busy week. I have family coming over Sunday. Cardiologist appointment Friday morning. I had a nice time with my ladies group yesterday. The hostess made teriyaki burgers for lunch. We made cards and then played some games.

String A long glutes moves are done for 60 seconds

Kickstand dead lift 20# dbs Right
Kickstand dead lift 20# dbs Left
Side to Side pass lunge 20# db
Landmine Squat 40# db
Plie/Curtsy alternating sides 20# db
Hip Thruster 20# db (I did this lying on the floor instead of a bench)

Debbie, nice work on Raw Butts and Guts yesterday. I hope you can get rid of the knot.

Jolie, nice work on the one hour walk today. I have looked at the red light therapy devices on Tommy Copper. I kept thinking about getting one for the shoulder, but never did. I am sorry that you cannot go to your son's graduation, but not being close to your parents is a problem. I hope that your dog is feeling better today.

Belinda, great job on the Pure Strength Legs and Glutes no jumping Day 8 of your rotation. That looks like quite the workout. I have cataracts starting to form. They just told me when I went for the field vision test that I would know when I needed something done. From my understanding the surgery is generally quick. Far better than it used to be. Not something you want to add on to your other problems. That is good news that there is no inflammation.

Roselyn, nice work on leg/glute activation.
Sorry I didn't check in yesterday, I had my last educational event yesterday and I just didn't have time to get on and post. So Young Authors was yesterday and it went great!! Fun event.

I just walked on my treadmill yesterday and today. I'm finally feeling better and don't want to push it. I'm hoping to be ok next week to do some light lifting. We'll see.

So we are having a really hard time with one of our cats and I think I will have to take him to the vets. First, in March of 2023, he started pulling his fur out in a straight line down his back and when we finally noticed it there were three straight lines going down his back. It was weird and he's a long haired cat so it was double weird. We found little mites that were in our driveway that got into the house and thought they were the cause. Fast forward to today and he no longer has fur on the lower part of his body - his arms, legs, around his butt, his tail where he can reach. We've done everything we could think by using a spray that tastes terrible to him, creams, we tried putting a sweater over him but that didn't go well. The spray works but only until he rolls around and gets it off of him. We've gone through 6 bottles of the stuff. Its ridiculous. We have no more mites coming the house and we've treated him with Advantage+. We've also placed calming oils all over the house in hopes that if it's stress, that would calm him down. Nope, he's still doing it. On top of that, he wakes us up EVERY morning at 3 a.m. with a gutteral meow that is totally toe curling when you hear it. But he doesn't seem like he's in pain. He'll do this throughout the day when he's away from us, too - like if he's upstairs and we're downstairs. We read that sometimes older cats can get alzheimers and that when they do that they are looking for us. But honestly, it doesn't seem like it's that either. He's probably about 13 years old so he is older, but still. He wants constant attention. Anyways, I think it's time we took him to the vets, maybe he does have somethng internal going on? Scares me to think that but we can't take this anynore. Neither of us get a good nights sleep anymore and we walk around like zombies. This isn't healthy to us at all. Say a prayer for our little guy. I cringe thinking there is something bad wrong with him. :(

Jolie - Thanks for the info on the infrared lights. I will look into it. I appreciate the info.

Belinda - Sorry to hear about your eyes. Cataracts is pretty common with older people, I have it too but don't need surgery yet and I also have very dry eyes. Love getting old! Yikes! Great job with your workout.

Roselyn - Great job with leg/glute activation. Who's workout is that?

Diane - I might have to check out that stretch you did where Chris holds the stratches for 1 minute. Was it a good one? Was it upper body? Great job with you workout yesterday!!

Have a great day everyone!
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Today is a rest day from Sydney C.. I did went for a long walk outside this morning,
I am getting ready for a massage. Looking forward to it.

Debbie - yes, cataracts are very common in older people. LOL, I am also looking forward getting older. It’s effecting my vision. I see everything blurry. I am going to get the surgery before I get blind.

Diane - thank you. I am glad there isn’t any inflammation. I did some searching the surgery takes only 10-15 min. My vision is getting bad. I read yesterday that steroids/medication can cause cataracts. I get an eye exam yearly. Great job on your step and sculpt.

I gotta run.
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Good Afternoon,

I went to the doctor today for my hip and she said it’s probably arthritis and bursitis but she did x-rays of my lower back and hip so we shall see I have a prescription for Meloxicam to help manage the pain and she doesn’t want me to walk or swim for a while not that I swim a lot.

Debbie- we had a cat that ate of its fur the vet said it was because she was bored and had anxiety so we ended giving her a pill for the anxiety but ended up putting her to sleep
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Today I did CDorner Cardio Aerobics All Standing/Low Impact (from this morning), 53 minutes, 298 calories, heart rate 140/179, 5,567 steps. I finished with CDorner Recovery Stretch with a towel or strap (from 2 weeks ago), 27 minutes, 38 calories. Total time was 80 minutes 336 calories.
I changed my cardiovascular appointment as my allergies are going nuts and was not feeling battling the rain and dealing with trying not to cough and sneeze in the waiting room.
Debbie, nice work getting in the treadmill walks yesterday and today. Those knots are so hard to get rid of. I have done searches on the why's and how to fix and always get the same suggestions. Most seem ridiculous because they commonly say to exercise, eat right, avoid stress and relax. Then all of the stretch, massage, physical therapy stuff. I read one of Good RX articles that also included dry and wet needling being good and near red light therapy. The stretch I did yesterday was a full body stretch and it did feel good. The one today was slower as well, not quite as slow, but I liked it. I like to do Chris' mobility challenge upper stretches together. Some of the moves are repetitive, but there are very different ones as well. I particularly like the one Mobility challenge Day 18 tight shoulders and chest done with Day 24 neck and upper back mobility. There are others, but these are my favorite. For some reason both times I did the Raw string along glutes I end up with my right hip flexor and calf feeling tight and sore. So I keep working on stretching them out and trying to loosen up the rib and chest area.
I am so sorry you are going through that with your cat. I hope you can figure it out. I understand the frustration and helplessness watching them suffer. My dog lost hair in clumps and I was trying special shampoos and sprays changing diet and everything. It was sad watching her shiny black fur turn to bare skin. I finally gave in and took her to the vet. He gave me a paper on seasonal alopeca that may get worse. She has been fine the last 3 years other than near the end of winter she started losing some by her tail and I gave her some melatonin for dogs and humans. It cleared up and soon she was able to get out in the sun.

Belinda, nice that you got in a walk. I am sure you enjoyed the rest day and a massage sounds nice. I think that we take our eyes for granted. There are a lot of things that are bad for the eyes. I have dry eyes too and am always using eye drops. That goes along with the dry sinuses and throat. Probably sleeping with the ceiling fan on does not help me out.

Roxie, I hope the Meloxicam helps along with the resting the area. My doctor gave me that the first time I had went to see why my shoulder hurt so bad. She wanted me to quit taking so much Advil. That is sad about your cat and the anxiety.
This morning I walked on my treadmill again and then did some foam rolling. I put the roller under my armpit and on the upper back side of the shoulder blade that goes right under the armpit. Wow was that painful. What is that all about? It felt good rolling out and I guess I should have been concentrating on this portion of the upper back as well. Weird. It is feeling better, though.

Roxie - Did your cat do that horrible gutteral meowing all the time too? Or was it just the pulling out of his fur? Everything we've read points to stress but this cat has a cushy life. I have no idea what stress it could feel. It makes me sad and frustrated.

Diane - My cat is actually pulling the fur out hiimself, it's not just falling out. It's crazy. It reminds me of someone who cuts themselves if that makes sense. I mean, it can't feel good to pull out your fur, you know? Thanks for giving me the stretching #'s from Crhis that you like, that is always helpful. I need to start doing more of her workouts. Great workout!

Well, I have a meeting in 2 minutes so I hope you all have a great weekend!!
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Walk outside and Day 9 Full Body is done.

Diane - great job on your workouts.

Debbie - nice job on your workout today.

Have a great weekend.
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This morning I did CDorner All Standing Upper Body Arms Only (this does have some shoulders which seems to be included in a lot of arm workouts) 41 minutes, 179 calories, heart rate 120/144. I finished with CDorner Day 14 of the 14 day challenge, Mobility/Flexibility/rest & restore, 28 minutes, 35 calories. This was 45 seconds for each movement pattern. I have done this before and liked it. Total time was 69 minutes, 214 calories.

All Standing Upper Body
done in a ladder of all moves 15,10,5,5,10,15 reps in a pyramid

rnd 1 15 reps
biceps curl with twist 15# dbs
kickbacks with twist 12# dbs
upright row 15# dbs (there is an option for front raise if needed)
side curl 12# dbs
single arm overhead triceps extension 10# db (there is an option for kickbacks)
partial overhead press pulses 12# dbs

rnd 2 10 reps
biceps curl with twist 15# dbs
kickbacks with twist 12# dbs
upright row 12# dbs
side curl 12# dbs
single arm overhead triceps extension 10# db
partial overhead press pulses 12# dbs

rnd 3 5 reps same as rnd 2
rnd 4 5 reps same as rnd 2
rnd 5 10 reps same as rnd 2
rnd 6 15 reps same as rnd 2

Debbie, nice work with the treadmill and foam roller. Have you tried the upper foam roller from STS 2. I like that one. That would be hard to watch your cat do that to itself. I am guessing it claws the hair out? I suppose a cone would not help if that is the case. Probably cause more anxiety. Chris comes up with some good stretch and mobility stuff. The workout I chose went well today since there was no chest and back work in it.

Belinda, good job on Day 9 Full body and getting in a walk today.
Good Evening,

X-Rays show soft tissue damage I will need to have physical therapy.

Debbie-it never made that noise we kept it shut in our dd’s roo all day when we weren’t home so it just laid around and ate the hair off it’s entire right side.
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Sorry i have been MIA the past few days, life is just crazy for me right now.
1. My dogs are terribly sick with Hook Worm and it I have been to the vet 5 times in the past week. They have all of their tests done and started treatment. Hopefully this goes away soon.
2. I got Botox in my jaw because I am clenching so hard on my teeth while I sleep and my teeth are breaking. I got so sick from the Botox, it has been 4 days and I feel like I have the flu. Though it works for the clenching, I do not believe it is worth it to be seriously sick for the benefit. I have no idea how all of these women and men inject this into their bodies and feel ok! I will NEVER do it again.
3. I have a tooth in the back that has an infection so bad, and I have excruciating nerve pain to the point where I cannot sleep or function at all. I have tried everything, but nothing is working. My dentist is on vacation so on Monday I will go to another dentist to see if they can get to the bottom of the problem. I just hope they do not have to pull the tooth; it has caused me problems for a long time. An implant would cost $5k out of my pocket and it is such a long and painful process. If you have a suggestion on how to get the shooting pain to stop please share it with me!
Needless to say, I feel like crap!!!! I can barely eat so I have no energy to workout. I have been walking the dogs this week but nothing else. Hopefully next week will be better.

Great job on the workouts everyone! I will go back and read all of the posts this weekend. Make it a great day.
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Good Afternoon,

KCM TBTS Push today. Upper body is all I can work right now. I don’t have as much pain as yesterday.
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Jolie - when I had a painful tooth my doctor told me to take IBUprofin and Excederin and it worked but I can't remember how many of each tablet to take. Maybe look it up and see, don't take my word on it because I don't want you to get sicker, but whatever the concoction was, it worked. And I know it was IBUprofin and Excederin.

Also, implants are not painful. I had one done and although it is a long process, it is not painful at all. I'm so sorry to hear all the crap you are going through right now. I hope you feel better soon. I would never go near botox. Could you maybe wear one of those retainers that people have made to help stop the grinding? I used to just wear one of those mouth guards and it helped me a lot. Take care!!
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Today I did CDorner day 8 of the 14 day challenge Legs and Back 38 minutes, 99 calories, heart rate 94/115.
I followed with CDorner day 14 of the 14 day challenge Cardio Yoga (wrist friendly workout with no down dogs) It was a flow of moves ending with a short plank segment on forearms. 39 minutes, 78 calories, heart rate 88/100. Total time was 77 minutes, 177 calories.

CDorner Legs and Back moves are 45 sec except for the staple move of squat dead rows which are 1 minute
warm up
squat/dead rows 12's as part of the warm up staple move
heels elevated squats 20# dbs
squat/hold and up 20# dbs
squat/dead row 20# dbs 60 sec
single leg squat/reverse lunge 20# db RT/LT
squat hold 20# 45sec
squat/dead row 20# dbs 60 sec
bear hold alternating rows 15# dbs
Dead/ twisting rows 15# dbs
pullovers holding 2 dbs I used 12# db as this affects my chest muscles going heavy
bridge pulse holds no weight
squat/dead rows 20# dbs 60 sec
Rows with holds 15# dbs
Tabata - wall squats no weights
wall squat hold
wall squat calf raise
wall squat single leg/leg extension or knee up LT and RT
wall squat pressure on outside legs adduction
wall squats wide stance
wall squats hands inside thighs abduction
wall squat

Roxie, nice work on Raw TBTS Push Day today. I am glad you feel a little better today.

Jolie, I am sorry that you are dealing with sick dogs. I give mine Interceptor right now for heart worms which is supposed to work with others as well. Sometimes those things are not reliable though. I always used frontline on my dogs for fleas and ticks and my other dog died from a tick born disease. That is rough on top of your reaction to botox and teeth clenching. I grind and clench my teeth and my teeth hurt so bad that my vet sent me to an endodontist. It was an expensive visit only to find there was nothing wrong other than I need to quit clenching my teeth. I have a mouth guard but will not wear it. I feel like I am choking. I switched to Sensodyne for gum issues at my dentist suggestion and have worked at stopping myself when I find myself clenching. The pain finally went away. I took a lot of Advil. I hope that your dentist can give you an antibiotic or something to help the infected tooth.
I ended up in Urgent Care yesterday and the doctor gave me an antibiotic for the tooth infection. The pain is minimal today if I do not touch the tooth. He also gave me a recommendation for a dentist nearby so I will contact them tomorrow because they get a 5 star review from every single review. I will see how much working out I will get in again this week since I am not feeling well from the antibiotic. Also, I cannot eat unless it is eggs because I get a shooting pain so bad I can barely tolerate it. I have low energy, but I did sleep better last night!

Debbie, I have an implant and I love it now that the process is over. It is the actual process that was nerve racking for me since the dentist scares the shit out of me. I have so much pain and I am very difficult to numb that I am so scared that they will hit a nerve and I will just die from the pain. I bet I will be going that route; it feels like the tooth is fractured or something. At least it is the very last molar in my mouth.

Great job on the workouts the past few days, I am jealous!
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Walk outside today.

Jolie - I am so sorry what you are going through with your dogs and your tooth. I never had borax, i can’t give you any advice. I did had trouble with one of my tooth after getting a root canal. They wanted to do an implant. I didn’t wanted me to get an implant. I saw my dentist he recommended I give a litte more time. Which I did. Once I got Invisalign that tooth stopped hurting all together. I think it’s a great idea to see the dentist tomorrow. I found a really good dentist. Good luck with your dogs and the dentist tomorrow. I hope you feel better.

Diane - nice job yesterday.
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Good Evening,

We went to a grandsons baseball game at noon now we are expecting storms.

Jolie-swish with peroxide it will help
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Hi all. Well it looks like I'm taking a few days off. Yesterday morning I opened one of our windows - which are really hard to open - and whatever has been festering in the area of my arm pit and triceps and lat was pulled really bad and I could barely lift my left arm over my head yesterday. WTF. It was even hard to breath at times. So I've been taking Aleve and Tylenol and the pain is bearable but yesterday it was awful. It feels like my entired shoulder blade is on fire. So much for STS 2.0.

Anyways, fun!

Hope you all have a great workout and day!
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Boy, it seems like we are all going through something right now with our bodies!!! I am feeling better today, I have not taken a pain pill yet and I am doing ok so far. However, when I take my antibiotic now I know I will feel sick the entire rest of the day. Those things are horrible for your body!!! I do have enough energy to get in an easier workout so I did CL #276 All In Upper Body and did pretty good, in spite of how I have been feeling the past 5 days. I went down in some of the weights because I do not have a lot of energy, having little food the past week has zapped my energy along with the infection and drugs. Workout was 54 minutes and I burned 364 calories.

Roxie, thanks for the suggestion about the peroxide, I will do that today.

Debbie, OMG, you really must be in pain!!! Hang in there, maybe it is time to go back to PT and see what the problem is so you can address it. I hate this shit that is happening to us. My teeth have always been an issue for me so no surprise for me this happened. I hope you feel better soon.

Belinda, nice job on a walk outside yesterday, I hope the weather was nice.

Diane Sue, nice workout on Saturday.

I hope you all have a good day today and I hope we all get better soon!
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Quick check in. I had my infusion today. I am super tired.

I started week 3 of Summertime fine wich full body.

Debbie - OMG! You poor thing. I feel so bad for you. Have you gone to your doctor? Maybe they can give you a shot to make you feel better. I am sorry you are going through so much.

Jolie - antibiotics can be touch on the stomach. Make sure you eat enough food. I get like that when I don’t eat enough food. I hope you feel better soon. Don’t push too hard with your workouts. Great job on UB today.

Roxie - sorry about the storm. Stay safe.

Diane and Roselyn - I hope you have a wonderful workout today.

Good night.
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