Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for May 2024

This morning I woke up with another huge knot in my upper back left side. Sick of this shit. Actually it started last night before I went to bed. I used my new pillow and it is quite comfortable but I need to take out some stuffing. When I got it it was so flat and I was worried it would be too flat. Well, as the day went buy it blew up to about 3 times it's size. LOL!! It's a heavy pillow but feels like a marshmallow when you lay on it. I like it so far but really need to take out some stuffing.

I just walked on my treadmill, I had horrible sleep last night because apparently I was snoring and my DH kept waking me up. Sigh... Plus our cat kept meowing and waking us up. We've been putting him in the bathroom because all he does is meow anymore. It's 24/7 and driving us absolutely batty.

Anyways, my workout was 43 minutes, burned 407 calories, did 4884 steps, went 2 miles and HR was 143/162. High for some odd reason. Probably all the Aleve I've been taking.

Roxie - I own a Sleep Number too and it seems when I sleep more than 6 hours my hip and low back hurts. I've tried it at 95% and now it's down to 80% which seems a bit better for me. But I still feel pain when I sleep more than 6 hours.

Jolie - Great job with your walk! So far I'm liking the new pillow but we'll see. I also use a body pillow, love that thing.

Belinda - Great job with your workout!

Diane - Was the Total Body workout from Cathe that you did yesterday? Looks like a good one. I can't wait to start STS again, I sure hope this knot goes away soon. Where are they coming from? Goodness. I didn't know you were a painter. You need to post some of your work so we can see it. I used to paint a lot when I was in school and I loved to draw. But I don't do that anymore. No time.

Have a great day everyone!!
Good Evening,

DH the dog and I went for a 1 mile walk before it rained. We managed to hit both ball games last night the second one got a late start and bonus my GS got to pitch last night and struck someone out always a bonus.

Debbie- apparently my right hip was bothering me so much I dreamed it hurt.
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Good morning,

I did 30 Minute Full Body HIIT Workout | Build Muscle+Burn Fat! No Jumping! | STF - Day 19. Yesterday i took a rest day.

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I have been busy lately and scheduling is different. Yesterday I did CDorner Fast Basic Step #383, 33 minutes, 147 calories, heart rate 118/144, 2,860 steps. I then did CDorner Rest and Relax stretch which was holding stretches for a while. It felt good as my neck and upper back were hurting along with hips and thighs being sore from the new workouts I did. This was 37 minutes, 63 calories. Total time 70 minutes, 210 calories.
Today I just did a quick workout to get in something and a stretch. I am still sore and do not want to over do cardio. I did Raw Shadow Boxing # 2 19 minutes, 85 calories, heart rate 113/148. I liked this and used 2# dumbbells since I do not have egg weights. I followed with CDorner Full Body Morning Stretch #23 12 minutes, 23 calories. Total time was 31 minutes 108 calories. Not much but enough.

Debbie, I am sorry that you are dealing with those knots. Does the pillow have a zipper or something to remove stuffing? When I first got my regular My Pillow I ripped the seam out and took out stuffing a couple of times, found it did not help and put it all back LOL. I made the mistake of not paying attention to my t-shirt size and bought the large and my husband ex large. He likes his though. It was just too much for my neck. Nice job getting in a walk on the treadmill today.
Yes, the workout that I did yesterday was Cathy's from the last group she made. I got it and Killer Legs. Both lean more on endurance lighter weight that in STS for sure. I am sure that I am sore because I have done mostly weights that were 10-12 reps.
Painting does take up time. I am not happy with what I started because some of the paints were old and too thick. I had to order some new colors. We went to Hobby Lobby and picked up some more and some new brushes and odorless thinner. I was surprised that Hobby Lobby had very little in the section of oil paints. I am going to have to learn acrylics I guess. They dry so fast and I do not know how they get in a full painting. I guess I need to get out some lesson books I bought and watch some videos. Somewhere I have a folder with some pictures of some of my paintings.

Roxie, that is great that you managed to go to both games. Nice that you got in a walk even though it rained.

Roselyn, nice work on STS 2 Chest.

Belinda, I hope that you had a nice rest day. Good job on the 30 Minute Full Body HIIT Workout Build Muscle +Burn Fat! No Jumping! |STF - Day 19.

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