Today I did Rev'd Up Rumble Time saver #3 no combos, 28 minutes, heart rate average 136, max 163, met 7.80, 201 calories, 2,578 steps. I wore my 1.5 # gloves. I then did Coffey Fit Raw Ascending Upper Body Pyramid, 64 minutes, heart rate average 119, max 159, 1,729 steps, met 6.5, 345 calories. For the long rests I did mostly abs, planks, mountain climbers, some speed skaters thrown in and nearer the end I did some standing lower body stretching. I liked this this time better than the first two times. Although the first time I split the workout up. I finished with Lite Stretch #2, 11 minutes, 31 calories, met 3.5. Total time was 1 hour 43 minutes, 4,318 steps, and 577 calories.
Weights for Raw Pyramid all done in 16,12,10,8 reps
bench press 12,15,20,25 # dbs
flys 10,12,15,20# dbs
upright rows 10,12,15,20 # dbs
lateral raise 8,10,12,15# dbs
seated overhead triceps extension 1 db used 15,20,25,30# db
skull crusher 10# dbs, 12# dbs, 15# dbs, 1 35# kettle bell
seated double arm rows 15, 20,25,30# dbs
1 arm row 15,20,25,30 # db
curls 12,15,20,25# dbs
double arm pledge curls 10,12,15,20# dbs
Debbie, you might look up some yoga tune up moves for the areas you need to work on. I have used some of those on youtube and have her knee hab and her upper body dvds and the larger yoga tune up balls. When I did the knee hab workout with my knee it helped all of my legs and into the hips. Maybe you are onto something. Hopefully it loosens things up.
Jolie, good luck finding a house today. I hope that you find something that you really love.
Roselyn, nice job getting in Yvette Bachman cardio today.
Belinda, LOL I guess I understand. When you contemplate the whole amount and hit the first 10 days it would be easy to let yourself take not how far you have gone.