Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for July 2023


Good morning,

I can‘t believe it‘s already July. Time goes by so fast. Today is also my niece birthday she passed away last September :(

My right knee is swollen, I am taking it easy. I did a nice stretch this morning.

I will be back for personals.
Today I did STS 2.0 Body Parts Shoulders 47 minutes, 98 calories and Foam Rolling upper body 21 minutes. I still have my grandson here. If I get time I will come back and post my workout. I wish the WOrkout cards were better and had things like reps on them. Or at least equipment on the card. I got out my step because I saw incline and seated moves listed and it ended up being seated on the floor and using a stability ball. I know equipment is on the dvd, but I did not look there prior. It would just make things easier.
Yesterday I did STS2.0 Giant Sets. I think that was my 2nd time doing this one. I really like the 3 Total Body's. They are just what I wanted. Cathe did a great job. I do shorten the rest because I lift lighter. Sometimes I do more reps and other exercises like lower body, biceps and back, I stay with her rep range. I have no regrets purchasing these. All 3 differ, so it doesn't feel like the same workout.

Today, I am doing Michelle's Barre to the Beat, members workout. Great music and looks fun.

It's been a busy but fun week. Actually went to Summerfest Thursday and had a great time. If you've never heard of it, its the largest summer featival in the states off Lake Michigan in Milwaukee. It felt good to see people gathering again. I saw Night Ranger and was surprised at the kickass show they put on. 40 years together and original members and they look fantastic and played fantastic. They are definitely in shape. They started off their summer tour here. Its great to see covid being forgotten after our country was in a panic over it. Night Ranger made some funny comments about it and got roars of cheers from the crowd. We never should have been shut down and unfortunately things will never totally be the same again, like our workforce. I will never wear those ridiculous masks again. I digress.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!
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Today was walk outside, the humidity was very high. I need to start walking very early in the morning. I will do a stretch later.

Cam - I agree with you on the STS TB workouts. I have zero regrets purchasing these. I need to check out Michelle‘s barre workouts. Are you a member on YT? Great job.

Diane - great job with your shoulder workout yesterday. I think on each dvd she lists the equipments. I always skip it. Great job.

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Cam, "Sister Christain oh the time has come, and you know that you're the only one for me", or something like that; is one of my favorite songs from the 80's!!! You are so lucky to have been able to go to that festival, how fun!!!

Yesterday was a rest day for me, I was extremely tired from my son getting home really late in the evening. He and a friend drove home from college and got in late and made a lot of noise and my sleep was not what it should have been. Today I felt a lot better with a good night's sleep, so I got in a good workout. I walked for 1 hour and 14 minutes outside, traveled 4.1 miles and burned 648 calories. Next, I did Cathe's STS original Meso 2 Disc #15 Back and had a good workout. I did not use a BB for the rows, I used my cable machine instead. I do not irritate my low back this way and it is safer standing up verses leaning over with heavy weights. Total workout time was 1 hour 48 minutes and I burned 755 calories. That is high because of the afterburn from my walk.

Belinda, we are getting warmer weather now but little humidity this year. Great job on your walk today and enjoy your stretch. I cannot believe that your neice has been gone for almost a year already. Yesterday was the anniversary of my brothers death 33 years ago, the worst day of my life. I guess that is really why I did not workout, I am always in a funk even though it was so long ago. I hope your sister makes it through the day ok in Sept., it is always really hard and brings up a lot of emotions.

Diane Sue, wow that is a long shoulder workout! Great job on getting that one in the books for the week! Working shoulders is my favorite body part to work. If you have good shoulders your entire upper body looks better.

Make it a great day!
I am going to post yesterday's workout since I did not do it last night. I am sore and traps are not loving me! I am resting today.

Body Parts Shoulders
warm up uses a 5# weight plate + 10 and 12 # dumbbells I used 8 and 10 as it was overhead press
Standing overhead press #1 Barbell 25# 8 reps
Standing Overhead press #2 barbell 25# 8 reps
Standing Overhead Press # 3 barbell 25# 8 reps
seated isometric hold w/ overhead press #1 I used the standing option 5# and 10# 5 for iso 8 reps each side
seated isometric hold w/ overhead press #2 I used the standing option 5# and 10# 5 for iso 8 reps each side
incline front raise # 1 (stability ball) 5# dbs 8 reps (tried 8's and dropped)
incline front raise #2 5# dbs 8 reps
seated lateral raise # 1 stability ball 5# dbs 8 reps
seated lateral raise # 2 8# dbs 8 reps
seated lateral rase # s with iso hold 5# dbs 12 reps total
standing front/side slide combo 5# dbs 10 reps
hip huggers #1 12# dbs 8 reps
hip huggers #2 15# dbs 8 reps
rear delt fly/hip hugger super set 5db/12 dbs 8 reps
rear delt fly/hip hugger super set #2 5db/12 dbs 8 reps
banded single arm rear delt fly #1 tubing light around heavy db 10 reps
banded single arm rear delt fly #2 light tubing around heavy db10 reps
face pull using door anchor red light tubing 13 reps

Jolie, yes, it is a long shoulder workout and if I wanted there was some bonuses too :p I am glad that you got some rest. Enjoy your time with your son visiting.

Belinda, I am glad you were able to get out for a walk this morning. I went outside this morning and it is unbearably hot and still outside. I just checked my flowers and plants and pulled the shade down to block some of the sun on the patio and came back inside.

Cam, it sounds like you had a great time. Barre to the beat sounds fun. Nice work with STS yesterday.
This morning I did CDorner's 30 Minute Basic/Intermediate Fun Step Aerobics workout. Fun workout and great 80's music!

Workout was 31 minutes, burned 276 calories, did 3127 steps and HR was 139/170.

Cam - LOVE Night Ranger! I listen to them on my Alexa Echo all the time. One of my most favorite 80's bands! So cool that you saw them!

Have a great day everyone! Heading to my mom's for our 4th picnic.
Today's workout was STS 2.0 Body Parts Back, 54 minutes(actual is 42 minutes, I had to switch out equipment a lot because of space) 115 calories which is weird because I burned more than this when I did it before with a timesaver no repeats. Maybe because the other time I had done a 30 minute cardio first. I finished with STS 2 mobility 2, 17 minutes, 30 calories. Total time was 71 minutes, 145 calories.

STS 2 Body Parts Back
warm up light tubing: pull aparts and bow and arrow/10# dbs deadlifts and dead row, rear delt pulses

straight arm pressdown/seated rows #1 seated floor option heavy black tubing 12 reps
straight arm pressdown/seated rows #2 seated floor option heavy black tubing 12 reps
double bar inverted rows #1 used the fit tower option 8 reps
single bar chin-up Fit tower 8 reps
double bar inverted rows #12used the fit tower option 8 reps
overhand pull -up switched to tubing row option heavy because of no neck support 8 reps
kneeling 1 arm row R/L #1 20# db 10 reps
kneeling 1 arm row R/L #2 20# db 10 reps
Barbell Pull over/banded pull aparts #1 15# dumbbell/green tubing 10/12 reps
Barbell Pull over/banded pull aparts #2 15# dumbbell/green tubing 10/12 reps
barbell Pendlay Row/shrugs #1 (uses 2 risers for bar)row 45#/12# dbs for shrugs 8/10 reps
barbell Pendlay Row/shrugs#2 (uses 2 risers for bar)row 45#/12# dbs for shrugs 8/10 reps
barbell Pendlay Row/shrugs#3 (uses 2 risers for bar)row 45#/12# dbs for shrugs 8/10 reps
banded close grip pulldown #1 seated using fit tower option green & black tubing 12 reps
banded close grip pulldown #2 seated using fit tower option green & black tubing 12 reps
seated T band pulls blue tubing 12 reps
superman swimmers (I hate these) My dog thought when arms are extended she needed to stick her head underneath to get a hug. No idea how many.
Thanks Belinda - I picked up Paul's 10 DVD set for $15. We'll see - I'm sure its dated but he was a good instructor!

I did 2.0 Body parts legs this morning.

Have a great 4th of July everyone!
Today I did Penny 45 min Standing Low Impact Cardio & Abs. It was super set workout. 2 rounds 40/15.

My right shoulder is giving me some grief. I bowled the other night and probably aggravated it more. Today it feels better, but I know that if I do a weight workout tomorrow, it will probably feel achey. I'll see how it goes. I plan to avoid heavier weights for awhile. Tomorrow morning Michelle Briehler has a live 60 min Cardio and weights session. I really want to do that. I love her cardio and weight workouts. They are so fun. I have feeling my bicep is causing the problem. I think I strain a little with 15 lbs.

Belinda, Yes I decided to do Michelle's paid streaming for the summer. I like that its through YT. Its only $5/mo. I haven't ordered anything from Total Fitness or Collage in years. I forget about those sites. The thought of spending money on older dvds doesn't appeal to me anymore. I've kept the older dvds I will do, but for the most part, I like newer stuff and YT. I am one that has never understood the lovefest for the Firms. I always thought that they were hokey.

Good workouts everyone! Have a good 4th.
Good Evening,

I went for a late walk wasn’t going to because it’s in the 90’s again but I feel disgusting can’t even look at myself in the mirror. We had to get a prescription from the vet for our poor Sophie she doesn’t handle fireworks very well. I am really letting this tachycardia control my life but I need to take it back.
Today I did Pure Strength Back, Biceps and Abs. OMG, I haven't done this workout since Nov. 2016!!! Had a really good workout, this is one of the first workouts I bought from Cathe. Oldie but goodie!!

T-Bar Rows w/u
: 15# - 16 reps
T-Bar Rows: 25# - 3 sets/10 reps
Barbell Rows: 30# - 3 sets/10 reps
One Arm Row: 25# - 3 sets/10 reps
Barbell Shrugs: 15's/12's - 2 sets/20 reps

Barbell Curl:
25# - 2 sets/10 reps
Seated Alternate Hammer Curls: 12's - 20 reps
Seated Sweep Curls: 12's - 24 reps
Negative Curls: 20# - 2 sets/10 reps
Concentration Curls: 12# – 2 sets/12 reps


I actually did the concentration curls. I hate those because they really irritate my elbows. They felt ok today, though. I love the T-Bar rows and glad I held onto my T-bar that goes onto my bar. Then I did the Ab work which is old school but very effective. I remember loving this ab work and still do.

Workout was 48 minutes, burned 322 calories, HR was 119/153. Compared to the last time I did this in 2016, I burned 232 calories and my HR was 90/127. LOL on the difference. Not too drastic so I guess that's good!!

I don't have time for personals again, sorry. My DH is home and we need to run to the store. I am reading all your posts, though, and everyone is having some great workouts!!
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ood morning,

Walk outside + STS UB 2 is done. I will get a stretch done.

Saw my Orthodontist yesterday, she she added about 3 more month to my threatment. I got rescanned, in a few weeks I will get new trays.

Debbie - I love Pure Strength Workouts. Great job this morning.

Roxie - don‘t be so hard on yourself. Hang in there. Sorry about Sofhie.

Doreen - you are so welcome! Can‘t beat the price.

Cam - I hear you on new workouts and YT workouts. I still like my dvd‘s. I think eventually a lot of YT instructors are going to streaming. I think the workouts are all the same. Glad you enjoy Michele workouts. That‘s a good price too for streaming. I had a conversation about my dvd‘s with my DD the other day, she ask why I still keep and do DVD‘s? She thinks I should do streaming instead, lol

Diane - great job on your workout yesterday, I can‘t wait to start the Body Parts next week.

Happy 4th of July!
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My daughter and granddaughter picked up my grandson yesterday. I am so terribly sore. I kept waking up with pain in the front of my shoulders as well as back and neck. Then I got up with a bad headache. It took me awhile to get it to settle down. I decided not to do chest today and have a rest from weights. I will see how I feel tomorrow. Today I did CDorner Low Impact Steady State Cardio dance, 46 minutes, 243 calories, heart rate 134/163, 4,402 steps. Then I did her Total Body Stretch from today which at the end through all of their laughing and her saying it was a terrible stretch I finished with them I do not recommend. Basic stretches with lots of chatting and laughing. This was 21 minutes, 27 calories, 101 steps. Total time was 67 minutes, 270 calories, 4,503 steps.
Yesterday I did a 1.5 hour bike ride in the morning before getting ready for a bbq with my sister and family.

I was dragging this morning and must have slept horrible between thunderstorms and fireworks. So I did STS 2.0 standing abs 1 and 2. I enjoyed them both as they felt more like "movement" than a hard ab workout. Good recovery workouts.

I rip all my DVDs to my server - so its almost like scrolling youtube to pick a workout! I think someone asked me once how I do that - I use a program called "Handbrake". Sometimes it won't work if the DVDs are chaptered weird. Like PIYO - there were like 100 different chapters that the program "read" but none of them were the complete workout. Sometimes if there is music/no music option the program reads 2 workouts to rip.
Sorry I have been MIA lately, too many guests at our house and no time to post my workouts. Monday, I did Cathe Live All in Upper Body and yesterday I did a 5-mile beach walk with my husband and puppy. After a 5-mile walk, this darn dog is so ready to roll today I cannot believe it. Where does this energy come from. Today will be a rest day, I got poor sleep due to fireworks going off till all hours of the morning.

Today my son's friends are going home so I might be able to get into the gym room tomorrow! I had two guys on blow up beds in my gym room for the past few days so It was hard to get any kind of workout in, especially early in the morning.

Way to go to all of you who have worked out over the past few days! Sometimes it can be difficult to get them in during the holiday, so way to go to all of us that were able to do it.

Have a wonderful day. I have so much laundry and house cleaning to do that I feel slightly overwhelmed.

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