I had a poor nights sleep, my back and hip hurt so bad I just could not get comfortable and I refuse to take anymore pain medicine. I used CBD cream but it did nothing! Standing I am fine, it is the sitting or laying down which causes the pain. The pain moved around my lower back yesterday so I think I am going to rule out anything regarding the kidneys. Since walking is ok for me, I went out and did a 5.1 mile walk up and down hills and I did fine, actually it loosened it up a bit. Walk time was 1 hour 45 minutes, I burned 866 calories and my heart rate was 143/189. One hill was about 3/4 of a mile and it was a killer!!! I had a repair man come yesterday to put a new motor in my air conditioner so I will see if that works today since it will be getting hotter this week. I go to the chiro on Tues, I cannot wait!
Diane, I drank close to 2 gallons of water yesterday and I am the same today so I think my bladder and kidneys are ok, I think my low back it out and has a spasm on top of it. I am so sick of this pain the last 4 years, I am not sure what causes it. I have eliminated a lot of things over the years trying to figure out what is causing these issues and I still get pain, could it possibly be the way I sleep? Nice job on the workout yesterday, you are really doing well lately.
Belinda, I feel I am going to be like you using super lite weights if I cannot figure out why my back goes out all of the time. Super frustrating! I have now lost a bunch of weight and i am so happy, boy, being over weight really effects my head in a bad way and my mood. I have tried to go vegan as much as I can over the last 2 weeks and I do feel better, but I eat cheese and and egg if I want to because I like them.
Make it a great day.