Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for January!

Today I walked 1.75 miles on my treadmill and then did Yoga Stretch. I cannot believe how much better I feel after doing that stretch. I seriously need to start doing that at least twice a week. Finding time is always the issue.

Diane Sue - LOL on that watch!! Funny how technology now tells us how we should live. Yikes!!!
Today's workout was Total Body Hamme, 43 minutes, 201 calories. It had the option of Hammer Build Up from the deluxe set but since I have done that several times I went with Total Body Hammer. The thing I miss with Total Body Hammer is that it has no specific arm work or core work where Build Up does.
I followed it with X 10 cardio blast with the warm up and stretch, 25 minutes, 189 calories.
Total Body Hammer
rnd 1 all 3 movess 10,8, 6 reps then repeat all maybe adding moe weight
Bench press 24.5 # each hand 10,8,6 reps lowered to 22 # each hand next 3 sets 10,8,6
squat 39.5# each hand 10,8,6; 10, 8, 6
reverse grip row 27# each hand 10, 8, 6: 10, 8, 6
rnd 2
Incline fly 22# each hand, 10, 8,6 ; 10, 8 6
Reverse lunge 27# each hand 10, 8 , right ; 10, 8, 6 left
wide pull up 10, 8, 6, ; 10, 8, 6
rnd 3
military press (seated) 17.5# each hand, 10, 8, 6; 10, 8, 6
split squat right 25# each hand 10, 8, 6 ; left 10, 8, 6
posterior delt fly (1 arm)right 15#, 10, 8, 6; left 10, 8, 6 15#

Debbie, I kind of get tired of my device including the computer trying to think for me. I say no and it comes back again and again. I allowed my fitness pal to do stuff and it is always reminding me what my fat goals are or if I am over my limits, or that food ie coconut milk if high in saturated fat. I kind of want to punch it in the face if it had one. :p
Today I did Cardio Coach #3 and had an excellent workout. I really did well with this one today. I then did the stretch from Gym Style Legs. That is a good lower body stretch that Cathe does in that one.

Workout was 40 minutes, ran. 2.81 mile and burned 281 calories.

Diane Sue - LMAO!!! Myfitnesspal does the same to me. OMG. I hate when I see I went over my fat intake, I always have good fats so I don't worry about it so much. It does keep me on the straight and narrow, though, I have to say that.
Today's workout was Chisel Agility followed by 15 minute glute chisel, 56 minutes, 399 calories. I also did Kelly Coffey's Athletic Conditioning 2 premix low impact, 17 minutes that included the w/up and stretch, 123 calories. This really was 3 rounds of the strength work. I only used the 10# Kelly was using. Total time 73 minutes and calories burned 522.

Debbie, I always use healthy fats too. Does dark chocolate count ;)
Today I walked on my treadmill for 1.75 miles and then did Yoga Stretch. Feels good to stretch, I hope I can keep up with that when doing the full body rotation starting next week. Time is always the issue, however.

Diane Sue - Your dang right dark chocolate counts!! :)
Today's workout was Hammer Conditioning and 10 minute ab hammer, 42 minutes, 232 calories. I just realized looking at the rotation that I have only done this once and that was near the start of the rotation. It is in the second half several times. It is weights but seems to have a bit of a metabolic feel to it. I finished off with Les Mills Pump Step, 30 minutes, 249 calories and Flow 20 minutes, 61 calories. Total time spent, 92 minutes and calories burned 542. A birthday party for my grandson tomorrow and family day Sunday. It will be a busy weekend :D
Hammer Conditioning went like this:
all sets are done 12 reps
rnd 1
clock push up crunch 12 reps right
side lunge row right 20# each hand
repeat on left
rnd 2
fly lunge twist right 8# (this is done standing one arm fly then the lunge with a twist holding the weight)
sumo squat press 17.5# each hand
repeat on doing the right side
rnd 3
burpee renegade upright row 12# each hand
stiff leg deadlift crunch right 17;5# each hand
repeat on doing the left side
rnd 4
plank raise tap crunch 12 reps right arm raise
reverse lunge curl kickback right 15#
repeat on left side

Debbie, a good long yoga feels so nice. I was doing some evenings before bed but for some reason when Christmas season came I got out of the habit. I was busy with projects and just too tired. I slept so much better though and didn't wake up feeling stiff in the mornings.
Today was Chisel Cardio and I added on STS med ball no partner abs. Workout was 48 minutes, calories burned 323.

Roselyn, where are you ?
Quick check in because I'm running late.

I started the Full Body Rotation again. Had a great workout. Love this rotation!!

3 sets/5 reps - 1 minute rest between each set

Bench Press - 75#
Barbell Row - 60#
Leg Press Station - 155#
Stiff Leg Deadlifts - 60#
EZ Barbell Curls - 40#
Close Grip Bench Press - 65#

Then I walked on my treadmill for 1 mile.

Roselyn - Yea, where are you?

Hope you all have great workouts today!!!
Today was Hammer Power. I raised my weight on this today. Had a great workout. 38 minutes, 226 calories. I then did Ripped with Hiit Low Impact 2 with abs 1 and stretch , 40 minutes, 285 calories. Total time was 78 minutes and calories burned 511.
Instead of the 10's for light. 12's medium, and 15 heavy like last time I did 12's light, 15's medium, and 20's heavy. I was really sore last time and a bit afraid of the cleans and jerks very heavy. I am getting more comfortable with doing this with dumbbells :)

Debbie, nice job on those weights!

Roselyn, how is your Dad? I hope everything is okay.

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