Tuesday was nothing for me, but cleaning house but sure nice to get that all finished. Halle was home from school because she woke up with her throat swollen and sore, and swine flu, strep and a stomach bug are going around her school - nice, huh? So, we stayed in. She began to feel better later in the day and seems to be fine since. Her first triathlon (a kid's race) is this weekend so she better be well!! I had a chat with her about how the immune system works - a little science mixed in for the day.
Yesterday, I did STS legs, Meso 1, week 3. I will be so glad when this meso is over with. That said, it is certainly effective - I am feeling it today. So strange that last time, I did not feel it so much. I am basically using the same weights. Oh well. Then I did ab work. Of course, it would have been P90X week for me, but Mark, as you know, took my DVDs in the end. He has not done anything the whole week

I know he has been busy with work but if he knew it was busy, and he wouldn't make time, then I wish he would have left them here. I just kept quiet when he said he hadn't done anything. Of course, I will make sure he tries to figure a way to get the DVDs copied onto his computer. And, on the upside, I will be that much closer to the end of Meso 1 since I did it 2 weeks in a row

Now, I think I will do it next week too, just to be finished.
My eating has been good, as far as macros are concerned - I have just not been eating enough, as usual. I really think I would explode if I ate the calories I am supposed to eat. I did find this milk at HEB called Mootopia. It is lactose free, which I need, has very few sugars and 12 grams of protein per 8oz, and they have a skim. My body just craves the milk. They also make a chocolate which is supposed to be an excellent recovery drink. I drink it mixed with the plain, and add some Cheerios sometimes. For now, I am staying away from the protein powder, even though I had just bought a humongous jar of the stuff not long ago. Dang. I need to start using it in recipes. And I seem to do ok as long as I don't drink it all at once.
Oh joy - no school tomorrow! I need the sleep.