Linda, that is funny about your dd being a brute in the making. Even my dd's worked out with me to Cathe and (should I say Kathy Smith) whom I still think draws a lot of women. ) One dd was worried because I sold all of my workout vhs tapes and she loved the Kathy Smith. I had a workout of hers on record LOL I really do mean a record. I think that my family has finally, after many years, succombed to the fact that I like workout things more than anything else for presents. Birthday tomorrow and I think I may get some workout clothes, maybe a pullup bar for the door. I think DH is sort of at a loss LOL He had me order Cathe's Shock Cardio at the start and expected them to be here. It always take so much longer

. And the funny thing is this year I do not really care. OK I think I got long winded LOL
Debbie, I was hoping lowering cardio would work. I guess not. I would much rather do weights than cardio myself. I might seem like a cardio junkie but it keeps me where I want to be. I just have to hunt for things that I find sort of fun to do.