Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 4/1


Happy April maniacs!

I did back and triceps STS disc #5 for the second time. I burned 411 calories. I like back and tricep days- on STS I consider that the closest thing I get to an easy day. I did NOT do extra cardio so I'm proud of myself. Hard to control that urge!

Sonya: I doubt you would lose strength either. I know the first 4 weeks are endurance based, but remember you are basing your weights on your own person 1RMs. So you might be lifting lighter than you are right now, but you would also be lifting heavier weights for an endurance workout than you ever have due to your recent strength gains. Plus, change is good! Your muscles may even get STRONGER in mesos 2/3 because you switch things up for a few weeks. :eek:

Have a great day! I'll be around. :)
Today was my only true cardio day of the week. Had an excellent workout and met two of my goals: Travel 4 miles and burn over 500 calories. I did both!

I did one of my Cardio Coach mixes, it has 4 challeges on it and I did well with every one of them.

1 hr. 5 minutes
5 minutes below zone
24 minutes in zone
36 minutes above zone
552 calories burned!!!
4 miles travelled!!!!

:eek: :eek:

I'm starving. I was really hungry all day yesterday too. I might need to adjust my calories a bit.
Good Morning Maniacs!!!

Today I am gonna do Cardio Coach #7 and ab work from C&W.
I posted yesterday's workout yesterday.:p


That is really good how you brought it today! WOW! Feeling so hungry to is a very good sign that your body is really kicking in and your making changes!


That is a good burn too!
I have a head cold so hard to do anything, but I did manage Step Blast and Abs tabata style. Workout was 1:05 and burned 459 calories.

20 seconds on - 10 sec restonly rested about a minute before going to next exercise.


Hanging Leg/Knee Raises
8 sets/9-6 reps

SB Roll Out
8 sets/8-7 reps

Patti & Debbie
- Nice workouts!
Debbie: Woo hoo on 500 calories! I am sure my GoWearFit is going to give me lower calorie burns than my HRM and it is going to piss me off. :mad: Nothing makes me happier than a nice high burn!

Linda: Good for you for Step Blast with a head cold! Be nice to yourself today- tea and a book or something. :)

Charlotte: I did C&W abs on Monday and I had ab DOMS! It was great and totally unexpected.

Must say I had a proud food moment- MIL brought over Cold Stone ice cream cupcakes for dessert last night. They didn't even look good- those kind of things always look better than they taste and then I would have been mad at myself for giving in all night. Ugh. So I said no thanks and had an orange.

I did a little math and I only ate according to my plan 70% of the days in March. That is NOT good enough. My goal for April is 95%. I'm really focused lately and I want to continue with that- when I eat well I get such good definition. I want that to continue! :)
Good Morning!

I lied yesterday. I was going to do an easy steady but instead, did CC#4 with warm up on arc, Challenges 1 and 3 on the bike for 7 miles, and challenge 2 on the rower and jump rope for one of the 2 minute parts of that challenge, cool down on TM (can you tell yet that I am a girl who needs lots of variety?!). Calorie burn was 565, MAX HR 180, AVG HR 150. Good news is my legs are not too tight today - did an extra long cool down on the TM and I think that helped.

Patti - I cannot wait for you to get your new toy so you can report back! I am trying to get a friend to get one b/c she wants to lose weight. However, I don't know how good she will be with recording calories. How does that part of it work? I think one would be neat too and it might help me eat more but then again, I would have to record calories, as I understand it, and that makes me too mental. I guess if I just tracked the main meals and snacks, it might be ok. Who knows. Congrats on the cupcakes ;)

Debbie - awesome job!!!

Linda - thanks for the site yesterday. I wasn't sure if there was one better than another. I will save it for the future.

Diane Sue - any news?

Sonya - I don't see you losing muscle either. You could always supplement with plyo legs as long as the days were far enough apart. Somewhere, Cathe mentioned that as a viable option. I did add a little extra for the legs in between but not much - not enough to probably do anything but enough for me to feel better :) For Meso 2, I do not have that feeling. And even though in Meso 1, I didn't have the DOMS that I have with 2, after that recovery week, as soon as I started working out, the muscles really popped and I am much stronger so Meso 1 did do a lot.

Char - I am doing that ab work today - I wanted something different...thanks for the idea!
I am thinking of doing the coremaxes again. I just don't get a burn at all when I do ab ripper anymore or the P90X plus ab workouts. I am trying to find something different to shock them more. So far, the ab work from 4DS does a good job, but eventually I will get use to that too. So if anyone has any other ideas, let me know.
Nice workouts so far, everyone! We kick ass! :eek:

Linda - How was doing abs Tabata style? Did it hurt?

The Hanging Leg/Knee Raises were brutal. Hence why half of them were leg raises and half were knee raises. Also quit early on a few sets and was also touching my feet down a lot by the end. The SB Rollouts weren't as bad but was definitely feeling by about set 6, next time I might try a different exercise.
Morning Maniacs! This morning I did Yoga Shatki's Solar Flow 1. I skipped all the hard stuff... I just can't bend like that, lol. I will do Cardio Coach #8 after work.

Later... Running out of time as usual.
Workout is done. I did STS disc 37 week 1 strength legs. This one has 2 1/2 minutes rests between sets. I used the Bowflex for part of it. I then did Low Impact Circuit timesaver cardio premix and Rainbeau Mars Yoga Dawn 11 minute bonus workout. I burned 324 calories doing legs and 410 calories doing cardio and yoga. I had to take the children to school. Didn't get much sleep last night because we had to leave so people could look at the house and by the time dinner was done and I had taken care of some things it was late.

STS legs weights went like this:
squats using the Bowflexw/up set#1 160# 12 reps; 1/uo set 2 200#10rep
squats Bowflex 1 set 8 reps 220#; 3 sets 8 reps 260# resistance
stiff legged deadlift 4 sets 8 reps 100# barbell
front squat 4 sets 8 reps 1 set 85#; 3 sets 80# barbell(not sure that I can do this with my Bowflex. I will have to experiment.
static lunge with barbell 4 sets 8 reps 85#

Dallys, I remember trying to do some of those moves on Yoga Shatki and grandchildren got the giggles. You should have seen me doing the headstand with my feet on the wall. Can't imagine me doing it without the wall.

Patti, good for you on the ice cream cupcakes. I am not sure I could do that. Not with the ice cream involved. I wouldn't care so much if it was just cupcakes.

Shana, the only news so far is dh did not get the job and I think the interview was a total waste of time. He had heard from a friend about a week ago that the existing deputy chief said he was told he had the job already. So why they went ahead and interviewed is beyond me.
The last person that looked at our house drove quite a ways to see it because she saw pictures and it was more what they had been looking for. They liked it and had some questions for the realtor to ask. We will see what happens. May be storing stuff.
The Hanging Leg/Knee Raises were brutal. Hence why half of them were leg raises and half were knee raises. Also quit early on a few sets and was also touching my feet down a lot by the end. The SB Rollouts weren't as bad but was definitely feeling by about set 6, next time I might try a different exercise.

I don't care for the SB rollouts. I never feel them. I may try this tomorrow if I work my abs. Thanks!
Debbie, I never cared for SB rollouts either. I always did barbell rollouts instead. Now with the STS abs circuits I have been doing the rollouts on the SB. When doing STS abs circuits SB workout I have felt like I worked hard enough I just do the rollouts on the ball. If I really try I can sort of feel it:confused: Did you get your computer problems fixed?? DH has his in the shop. They are clearing everything out of it. He thinks it started when he got on face book. Got a bad virus:( We have been sharing my laptop a lot the last few days.
Debbie, I never cared for SB rollouts either. I always did barbell rollouts instead. Now with the STS abs circuits I have been doing the rollouts on the SB. When doing STS abs circuits SB workout I have felt like I worked hard enough I just do the rollouts on the ball. If I really try I can sort of feel it:confused: Did you get your computer problems fixed?? DH has his in the shop. They are clearing everything out of it. He thinks it started when he got on face book. Got a bad virus:( We have been sharing my laptop a lot the last few days.

Hi Diane! I have never been able to master the rollouts and I've never tried the barbell rollouts, although I know you do them alot. I need to try the abs circuit workouts from STS, I haven't even checked them out yet.

Yes, we got the hard drive changed out and reloaded. Everything went well. I had to key in about a month's worth of classifieds but it wasn't a big deal. I'm glad it went as well as it did.
Debbie, glad you got it fixed. I know that stuff is frustrating. You should try ab circuits. Cathe has some tough stuff on there:D

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