Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 3/7

Today was Legs. I went lighter then usual because 1. My thighs are getting too thick again and 2. My right knee is bugging me. I also wanted to concentrate on good form and good contractions.

10 minutes on treadmill at a slow jog.

1 minute rest between each set.

65# - 15/15 (warmup)
75# - 3 sets/10 reps

Bulgarian Split Squats:
65# - 3 sets/10 reps
***Next week these come out. I'm sick of doing them.

Reverse Lunges:
25's - 3 sets/10 reps
***These come out next week too.

Elevated Deads:
75# - 3 sets/10 reps

That is all.... Tomorrow is my rest day and then next week starts the 2nd month of this program.
Hi Debbie! Enjoy your weekend and rest day tomorrow.

Finished with Kelly Coffey Meyer's Cardio Kick Step Boxing- burned 725 calories. I always forget what terrific cardio that DVD is- hard but it doesn't FEEL hard. :) I love that!

DH and I start STS tomorrow instead of Monday in the early morning. I thought that way if we have to pause a lot and get in the swing of things, better to do it Sunday in the afternoon than early on a Monday. I'm slightly apprehensive for some reason- I guess concerned that I won't enjoy working out with DH or that I won't like the program or something. Weird. I'm sure it will be fine.
This morning I did STS disc 15 cycle 2 back and biceps. My arms were quivering when I went to write my last stuff in my workout log
I then did 4Day Split Bootcamp cardio only premix, STS abs circuits weights and plates, and finished with Tracey Staehle's yoga solutions post total body weight training. Lots of balancing in this premix. I don't think I have done it before. Total calories burned today was 907. Calories doing disc 15 was 390, calories for Bootcamp cardio was 294, abs circuits was 111.
Back and biceps:
w/up, lat pulldowns with band, t pull with band, y's with band all 12 reps
pulldowns overhand bowflex 200# resistance 12 reps
pulldowns bowflex medium grip 190# resistance 12 reps
pulldowns bowflex reverse grip 190# resistance 12 reps
added 1 set chin ups like Cathe with legs crossed 12 reps
dumbbell 1 arm row 36# 12 reps, 37.5# 12 10 reps, 37.5# 8 reps, 37.5# to failure 10 reps
barbell rows 65# 12 reps, 65# 10 reps, 65# 8 reps, 65# 10 reps to failure
barbell deadlifts 75# 12 reps, 75# 10 reps, 75# 10 reps to failure(I went lower today since I did these at 92# yesterday on legs)
barbell curl 48# 12 reps, 48# 10 reps, 48# 8 reps, 48# 8 reps to failure(this was really tough for me for some reason I had to stop through a couple of Cathe's reps and push to go further she does this hold and lower slow at the :eek:)
seated alternating curls 21's 12 reps, 21's 10 reps, 21's 8 reps( I felt weak here too)
preacher curl double arm on stability ball(dropped weight even lower because I was really feeling spent:confused:) 16# dumbbells 12 reps, 10 reps, and to failure 11 reps
Hey Maniacs! Yesterday was CLX Lean Circuit #3 and today was Empire State (Just got this off the yaya swap) I did shoulder drills during the rests, and then did the joint mobility section. This was a fun workout. Seemed little easier than some of the others Aos workouts.

Dang gotta run, Carma having bowel probs!!!!!!!!!:eek::eek:
I love Saturdays! I slept until 8:00! :eek: ...and I get my cheat meal today! We are having friends over to watch the UFC fight and I am going to thouroughly enjoy sampling all those fattening appetizers!

Today I will work legs.

So remember I told you I had to issue a lay-off notice to a teacher AFTER the fact. Well, get an email from Director saying there was a mistake and he shouldn't have gotten one afterall! OMG! I am sooooo thankful he gets to keep his job (he is one of my PE teachers and awesome!) but it caused me stress and I'm sure alot of stress and anxiety for him. At least it was a happy ending for him.....hopefully it will be for my other 15 teachers too!

Dallys...hope Carma feels better.
Diane Sue...glad you were able to take a nap!
Patti...good luck working out w/DH :p Have fun w/STS.

Have a great Saturday!
hello ladies - how are you all?

I love Saturdays also! Today was upper body. I did really good -

Superset 1
chest press 3 sets 15 reps 20s
Dumbbell rows 3 sets 15 reps 25s

Superset 2
Chest flyes 3 sets 15 reps 15s
Cable rows 3 sets 15 reps bands

incline walk for 2 minutes

Superset 3
triceps station dips I DID 12 REPS - 3 sets - personal best here
Bicep curls 12 resp 20s

Superset 4
triceps lying ext 3 sets 15 reps 15s
crazy 8s 3 sets 10s

incline walk on TM 2 min

Superset 4
shoulder press - 3 sets 15 reps 8s
hanging ab raiser 15 reps

Superset 5
lateral raise 3 sets 15 reps 8s
9:00 and 3;00 abs
floor wipers holder 15 lb dumbbells
Hi again! I said earlier that I thought Empire State was easy, but boy are my abs feeling it now. I could hardly get off the couch! I love workouts that sneak up on you like that. :cool:

Anyways, false alarm about Carma. She just tracked in some "poop". She has had a bit of a "problem" this last week though, so the yard is a mess. Dh panicked like it was ALL-OVER the house. Oh, the drama sometimes.

Sounds like everyone is enjoying their Saturday. Don't forget Daylight savings tomorrow.:)
Ally, great workout:D

Dallys, glad Carma didn't have a problem. Walking it back in is Puddles thing. Then I have to clean carpet and feet. Bathed the puppies today. Hope that you have a great day. Wish you were around because I could torture you with my dog's claw trims;) They are good about me putting them in the shower and toweling them down with lots of treats. Puddle does not want any till it is over and then she is wound up. Mudd will hang for more treats. Empire State feel easier but if you do the double kettlebells and really work it hard you can burn some calories. I love the core segments. They make them hard. Try the Manmaker and you will have a different opinion and it is short.
Hey Maniacs!!!

Very nice day here. Went to my meditation class and then for a long walk with one of my friends there and then had lunch together. Got home and went into Yoga X and then made the meditation alittle longer at the end. Very lovely day here.

Now I am wandering when everyone is coming home as I am still alone with the dogs. :confused:
Ally, great workout:D

Dallys, glad Carma didn't have a problem. Walking it back in is Puddles thing. Then I have to clean carpet and feet. Bathed the puppies today. Hope that you have a great day. Wish you were around because I could torture you with my dog's claw trims;) They are good about me putting them in the shower and toweling them down with lots of treats. Puddle does not want any till it is over and then she is wound up. Mudd will hang for more treats. Empire State feel easier but if you do the double kettlebells and really work it hard you can burn some calories. I love the core segments. They make them hard. Try the Manmaker and you will have a different opinion and it is short.
I bet our dogs would all get along. It would be fun for them to play together and I'd for sure take care of your dogs nails for you, you could even come over and give them baths in my tub, I'm easy that way :cool:. I was thinking that same thing about Empire State, the double kb thing. I'm sure it would make it more intense. I was also thinking that the manmakers were going to be tough!

Hey Maniacs!!!

Very nice day here. Went to my meditation class and then for a long walk with one of my friends there and then had lunch together. Got home and went into Yoga X and then made the meditation alittle longer at the end. Very lovely day here.

Now I am wandering when everyone is coming home as I am still alone with the dogs. :confused:

I'm jealous of your day! Even the nobody home thing. I would love to just hang by myself on the weekend, just once!

My daugther showed me the bridemaids dress she is assigned to wear at my neices wedding....HORRIFING is all I can say!:eek: It's black and totally non-form fitting and looks like a waitress uniform with that icky material and all! I think I'd accidently burn it or something.......
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Charlotte, if I were you I would do some reading or online searches with my spare time. Family will show soon. Sounds like a really nice day.

Dallys, I scrubbed Puddles paws then put more shampoo on my cloth and scrubbed more. She gives me each paw. She still took off with her happy romp and left foot prints all over the carpet. Then I had to clean. Mudd goes to the shower for the treats and to hang while I clean up the mess. She is pretty easy. I am so afraid of the nail trims. Bill purchased the pedi paws thing. I think I caught Mudd for a couple of seconds. Then she had throaty noises which I really do not think is growling. I think it is a sound she makes when she is experiencing anxiety. I have heard her growl and she sounds like she is cujo coming after someone. I would love to have you do their claws. My Vet seems unsure. I try to get them to stay and be quiet. He does a lousy job. Nails are jagged and too long. He does it quick though. When I took Puddle to have her spayed I had them(another recommended vet by mine) trim them really short. Mudd has almost a year worth of claws. She was the easy puppy though.
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I posted yesterday and lost it before I was finished - DARN IT!!! :mad: So, as an FYI, don't try to load the spell checker mid message... I had some personal stuff in there but it is gone from me now.

Debbie - you are welcome about what I posted - it is completely true, woman!! Laura said you are helping her too - she appreciates that.

Sonya - YIPPEE for the good news :) And congrats on the compliment - that was awesome. Enjoy your yummies tonight!

Pattie - good luck with STS. It is so much fun. The first one I did took longer than it should have but then you get it down.

Charlotte - so glad that you got to enjoy YOUR day :)

Diane Sue - I did not even know you were moving. All the best with that - no wonder you are stressed.

Dallys - I need to do Empire State. I think I am going to try it Spring Break during my recovery week from STS. May not be much recovering though... :)

Ally - fun workout you did! What are floor wipers??

Yesterday for me was Disc 9, legs. My legs were already sore so it was a struggle but I did it! Today is cardio and abs. I think I will do the TM and some biking. The arc and stepmill are too hard on my legs for the state they are in now :eek: Tomorrow is a rest day. Oh, Thursday was Low Max - only had time for the first 4 sections but man, that was fun. I had forgotten that I enjoy that one. It is definitely on the list for the full thing next week.

Have a great evening everyone!
Hi Shana. I foulnd floor wipers on the web - after a round a bout thing. Me and DH had watched 300 - and I was curious who the actress was who played the queen. Anyway, I googled it and there were all these websites for the 300 workout - so of course I had to look at them and one of the exercises was the floor wiper - but in the 300 workout, you are supposed to do it holding a 135 # Barbell - if you google it, there is a demonstration by the Turbulenace Traning fellow.
Dallys, I scrubbed Puddles paws then put more shampoo on my cloth and scrubbed more. She gives me each paw. She still took off with her happy romp and left foot prints all over the carpet. Then I had to clean. Mudd goes to the shower for the treats and to hang while I clean up the mess. She is pretty easy. I am so afraid of the nail trims. Bill purchased the pedi paws thing. I think I caught Mudd for a couple of seconds. Then she had throaty noises which I really do not think is growling. I think it is a sound she makes when she is experiencing anxiety. I have heard her growl and she sounds like she is cujo coming after someone. I would love to have you do their claws. My Vet seems unsure. I try to get them to stay and be quiet. He does a lousy job. Nails are jagged and too long. He does it quick though. When I took Puddle to have her spayed I had them(another recommended vet by mine) trim them really short. Mudd has almost a year worth of claws. She was the easy puppy though.
I'm fast at clipping nails also. Sometimes that's the only way. If a dog is a bugger at getting it's nails clipped, I always ask if they've previously had a vet do it, because vets are terrible at it (at least around here) and seem to make the dogs nervous for life. If I start one from a puppy and nobody else messes with it, I usually have no problem later on. Carma has a Cujo growl too. She does it if we push her on her chest sometimes. Like pushing her into the back seat of the car. It's kind of scary and I have to pretend I'm still boss and get mad at her.

I posted yesterday and lost it before I was finished - DARN IT!!! :mad: So, as an FYI, don't try to load the spell checker mid message... I had some personal stuff in there but it is gone from me now.

Dallys - I need to do Empire State. I think I am going to try it Spring Break during my recovery week from STS. May not be much recovering though... :)
I use firefox and it has a built in spell checker.:D You need to do some of these kb workouts. It's a must!

Dh just fed me some brussel sprouts. Sick, yuck, ewy! Spit them out. Last time he made them they were good. Oh well.
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I am already feeling my hamstrings. I think this series is
really helping me go beyond where I was sort of stuck with my weights.

Shanna, still stressing over the job but I thin dh will do good. Interview should be next week. I can leave out portions of my workout due to moving. I just would like to know where I will be so I can pack and get those workouts in. I am sure in the end I will get it all in.
Hi Shana. I foulnd floor wipers on the web - after a round a bout thing. Me and DH had watched 300 - and I was curious who the actress was who played the queen. Anyway, I googled it and there were all these websites for the 300 workout - so of course I had to look at them and one of the exercises was the floor wiper - but in the 300 workout, you are supposed to do it holding a 135 # Barbell - if you google it, there is a demonstration by the Turbulenace Traning fellow.

I just googled those floor whipers! LAWDY Looks like some fun there!:eek:
Ally - smack - those look awesome!!! I don't seem me holding more than my body weight over my head but I can modify like you did - awesome! Thanks for the info :)

Dallys - I have only done Providence - I've done it a few times though. I have all of their workouts so I should branch out :) You have gotten me geared up for Empire State now!

Diane Sue - I have completely missed out somehow. So you DH is switching jobs? How far away will you be moving? And about STS - I am not as far along as you, but I know what you mean. They are getting more intense and I am feeling it every time. That is nice! I have started throwing in some leg extension/curls on my machine early in the week as well as some other basic leg work just so I feel better. I like to feel like my legs are staying nice and worked - I am also doing more pushups and chins througout the week b/c those are my weak spots. Back to the job thing and moving - I will be thinking of you both and sending my best wishes for an easy transition all the way around!
Um, floor wipers look like they SUCK. :) It might be fun to try those sometime.

Shana / Diane Sue: Thanks for making me feel like I will like STS. I'm excited to work hard and see what I can do.

Charlotte: Nice day there! I would love to have the house all nice and quiet for a while. The kids are running through here screaming right now.

Have a great night everyone!
Shanna, I probably would be able tgo go heavier on lower body but am working up after the knee problems. Loved the upperbody today. Mesocycle 2 is basically 10-12 reps with 3 sets and 1 set to failure with some added intensity. I am finally gaining back strength that I thought that I lost over the last few months of surguries, injuries, and illness. Still fighting some stress but I know it will workout eventually. The new job if dh gets it is 2 hours away from where we are. I will not be taking care of grandchildren if this happens.

Patti, I am sure that you will love STS. Check out the book for set ups. Makes a little more since than the workout cards. It went better this week because there were trisets of 3 and today was 3-4 sets. Not so many changes.
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Hello ladies! I must ask you all a question. I was chatting with bf about working out and he told me not to work my chest because it will make my boobs go away. He's wrong, right? I told him he was, but I want to know what you all think.

Yesterday I did Push Pull followed by two sections from Tracey Staehle's Core Blast.

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