Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 1/13

Toasty: How do you like Press Play workout?:)

OMG!!!!!!!!!!! I have to say it is probably up there with Imax 3 I think. I did not expect to be doing sprints at 14mph over and over again.:eek: So yeah, I think it is some good stuff. Mostly have been going on elliptical and doing my own thang, but I really feel like doing that particular cardio coach was alot more of a workout in comparison...dang, I have been missing out! I smelled like the kitty litter box when I was done. You know your burning fat when you reek of ammonia. :p. It is all so glorious, but I may have to clean that shirt 10x's now. hehe
I hope Sonya doesn't mind me copying her workout just because I did about the same, but only a few things different...

Chest & Tri's
Pyramid and Gym Style

Dumbbell Flyes: 15’s/20’s/25’s/20’s/15’s – 12/10/8/10/12 reps

Dumbell Press: 15's/20's/25's/20's/25's - 12/10/8/10/12 reps
Repeated but only did the up pyramid : Flyes and Press – 15’s/12, 20’s/10, 25’s for flyes/8

Did not do bench.

Gym Style:
72 Drop Set of pushups
***Took longer rest then Cathe…but completed them all!

Double Arm Kickbacks: 8's/10's/12's/10's/8's - 12/10/8/10/12 reps

Overhead Dumbbell Extension: 20#/25#/30#/25#/20# - 12/10/8/10/12 reps

Gym Style:
Close Grip Barbell Press: 70# - 3 sets/8 reps

Did Ab Ripper X earlier

Time to shower with Killer Beez (soap) and eat dinner.
Help...I have a question: on PUB, the flyes are with the fat end of the DBs out. That makes my shoulders feel too much of the movement. I check my form all of the time but it bothers me still. The other way does not. What am I doing wrong, or is it just my weird body??

Patti - My thyroid issues started after the birth of my daughter. I can always tell when it needs to be checked too. I don't understand Oprah's deal - I am on Synthroid and Cytomel and will be forever, I guess.
I don't mind Oprah sometimes, depending on her show that day. I certainly watch much less than I used to. Here is what struck me as odd. She has blamed her weight gain on her thyroid problems, which led to other health issues. So, here she was, gaining weight like crazy, eating entire bags of chips (!), not working out, etc. If you are having that many health issues (she listed a number of problems on a show with Dr. Oz last week), then your thyroid is SERIOUSLY out of whack. Bottom line, according to her, the weight gain is due to her thyroid..

I've never actually watched Oprah, but I must say, even if she has a thyroid problem, eating whole bags of chips certainly isn't going to help the issue!

It's not good to be overweight, pretty much like it's not good to smoke. I agree that people should love themselves, because each person is so much more than just their body, but you should also want to improve yourself, develop yourself, whether that be your mind or body, and keep yourself healthy! Sure, it's work, but it's worth it!

Anywayzers, I did the leg blast premix from Butts and Guts. Gotta get to work now, but I'll more than likely do abs and calves later.
I don't think you can get Candace's workout anymore on Sean's website. Just to save you when you go look there, unless they added it again. Just FYI -

Still - need help with the chest thing...anybody? :)
I haven't done PUB for a while, but I don't recall those hurting; maybe it shifts the emphasis just a tad and targets an undeveloped area?

I just finished the part of my workout I didn't get to earlier. I did calves and core from Lower Intensity Step off the 4DS group.

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