Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 1/13

This morning was cardio so I chose Cardio Coach #5. For some reason I'm enjoying my cardio for a change. I really pushed myself this morning. I was definitely the lion this morning and I slaughtered that gazelle. Those of you who do this workout, know what I'm talking about.

Cardio stats:
55 minutes total
7 minutes below zone
22 minutes in zone
29 minutes above zone
469 calories burned
3.25 miles travelled

Love these calorie burns.

Snow is really coming down here again. I guess we are technically in winter finally. It's so pretty outside. :D
Go Debbie! I need more Cardio Coach workouts- I always like them. I'm just in a step phase right now. I did IMAX 2 (love that workout), plus about 10-15 minutes of Steady State Step (got a bit confused on it this morning). I burned 616 calories.

I'm reading my BFFM- very interesting so far. Man it's a long book.

Have a great day! I am off to take DD to preschool and then errands with small boy. Later!
Good Morning Maniacs!!!

Well we don't have any snow. It is just dag gone cold and that is it! We have a humidifier in our room so my skin is not so itchy and bothersome from the dry cold weather.

Yesterday I did Cardio Coach Press Play. I did not realize it was 70 mins long as it has been only one other time I did this workout and was a long time ago. Let me tell you, I was sweating big time!

Burned 558 cals
Time 70 mins
Traveled 7.5 miles

There were about 20 sprints? I lost count. I was going 13-15mph for each sprint for a min. That is what I had to do to get my heart rate where it needed to be at.

I have to look at the rotation and see what I am doing today and then will post the workout.


Great workout! You cannot get enough, can you? hehe:eek:


Yup, that was me too yesterday! hehe. Know what you mean. Great job! The cardio coaches are real burners, huh?
This morning I did BM2 Cardio Blast premix. Then Stretching with The Ball #2 from Cathe's Total Body stretching and adding a few extra to target tight areas. Workout was 1:20 minutes and I burned 654 calories.

- What is "Steady State Step"

- Great workout! CC 5 is one of my favorites! Need to try one again one of these days.

Char - Those are some crazy speeds, nice job! No snow here either just cold.
Morning! Here is yesterday's workout:

Chest & Tri's
Pyramid and Gym Style

Dumbbell Flyes: 15’s/20’s/25’s/20’s/15’s – 12/10/8/10/12 reps

Dumbell Press: 15's/20's/25's/20's/25's - 12/10/8/10/12 reps
Repeated but only did the up pyramid : Flyes and Press – 15’s/12, 20’s/10, 25’s for flyes/8 but then for bench press used 65# barbell – 10/10

Gym Style:
72 Drop Set of pushups
***Took longer rest then Cathe…but completed them all!

Double Arm Kickbacks: 8's/10's/12's/10's/8's - 12/10/8/10/12 reps

Overhead Dumbbell Extension: 20#/25#/25#/25#/20# - 12/10/8/10/12 reps
Repeated but only did the up pyramid using 20#/25#/30# - 6 reps w/30#

Gym Style:
Close Grip Barbell Press: 65# - 3 sets/8 reps; last set had a bonus of 4 reps of 4 cts. up/4 cts. down.

Planning on doing cardio coach #4 today.

Deb...love that feeling when you are just on it and kick some a$$!

Hi Patti, Char and Linda :)

Good morning :D

Well, yesterday was a REAL wake up call. I went to Beachwood Mall to buy a pair of jeans (nothing is fitting) and oh.....boy! that alls :eek: I can say. It is time for me to get busy all the weight I picked up has made its' home in my thighs:(:(:(:( My bag:):eek:

This morning, I did Butts and Guts. I tell ya, it has been a loooooooong long time, since I did the orginal workout, I prefer the premixes. BTW, yesterday finally got Chalean Extreme workouts.

Nice workouts everyone;)

Debbie: I'm glad you got your freaking snow :) maybe it will be all gone tomorrow, huh:eek: I'm loving your Hrm.

Back to work!
Small break in the morning craziness, so here I am again. :)

Linda: I love the cardio from BM2- such a fun step routine. Steady State Step is a workout from Tracey Staehle- below is a Collage link to it. It's a nice workout- fun choreography but it takes a bit to get the moves down. Hey, who am I kidding? If you can do Amy Bento's ASC then I think you're all good for this. :)


Sonya: Nice workout and wow on the close grip benchpress weight!

Teddygirl: Don't you hate it when your pants betray you like that?? No worries, B&G will help get it off. :)

Charlotte: Yeah, I'm a little crazy. CCPP kind of intimidates me but I figure I'll buy it eventually.

Off to get small boy another snack- can't fill him up, he must be growing again.
Patti - Thanks for the link. I will have to check it out (like I need more DVD's:p) I love BM2 especially the finished combos add-on. I think I could probably do just that part over and over again for 60 minutes.:p!
I had planned on doing AOS Empire State Kettlebell workout today but didn't get up early enough to get it in before my grandbaby arrived. I can't do the swings with her in the room. I will do it tomorrow. I did tomorrows workout today. I skipped the Circuit Zone upper body work though since I got some upper work in yesterday with light weights doing Traceys Boost Your Metabolism workout. Workout today was Tracey Staehle's Strike Zone and I burned 471 calories . Then I did MIS Upper, abs,and stretch. Flexible Warrior Yoga swim segment. Total calories burned today was 779 50% fat.
MIS Upper
Push ups 2 sets 16 reps no weight
Barbell bench press 26# 2 sets 16 reps
dumbbell flys 10# dumbbells 2 sets 16 reps
1 arm row 25# dumbbell LR 16 reps 4 sets ( I repeated these)
Barbell Row 2 sets 1 underhand 12 reps 50#, 1 overhand 16 reps50#
reverse flys 15# dumbbells 2 sets 12 reps
barbell upright row( I used dumbbells because these hurt my shoulder more with a barbell) 1 set 12 reps 12's, 1 set 12 reps 12's
barbell overhead press 1 set 12 reps, 1 set 8 reps 35#
dumbbell lateral raise 1 set 12 reps 15# dumbbells, 1 set 16 reps 15#
barbell crazy 8's 1 set 35# 24 reps; 1 set 35# 20 reps
hammer curls 1 set 20# dumbbells 12 reps, 1 set 24 reps alternating 20#
tricep french press 2 sets 12 reps 40# barbell
triceps dips 45# barbell 1 set 24 reps, 1 set 16 reps
triceps kickbacks 1 arm 4 sets 12 reps each arm 15# dumbbell
abs no weight
Morning Maniacs! Today is a rest day. It's hard to take a real rest day anymore. I'm forcing myself. I bet I get antsy and do something later though. I really should take Carma out somewhere so she can get a good run in.

BTW, yesterday finally got Chalean Extreme workouts.
Yeah! I can't wait to hear what you think.

Great workout!

Well we don't have any snow. It is just dag gone cold and that is it! We have a humidifier in our room so my skin is not so itchy and bothersome from the dry cold weather.

Yesterday I did Cardio Coach Press Play. I did not realize it was 70 mins long as it has been only one other time I did this workout and was a long time ago. Let me tell you, I was sweating big time!
I have a humidifier going too. My skin is like a crocs right now! Press play is a good one. It's fun to mix up with 2 different machines.

I'm reading my BFFM- very interesting so far. Man it's a long book.
It is a big book. Mine is printed one sided too, so it looks extra huge. I should go get it reprinted.

I was definitely the lion this morning and I slaughtered that gazelle. Those of you who do this workout, know what I'm talking about.

Snow is really coming down here again. I guess we are technically in winter finally. It's so pretty outside. :D
A couple days ago I was riding with the horse in CC#2. Funny, how Sean can make you see things while he is torturing you. Glad you are getting snow. Hey, if it's going to be cold, you might as well have snow, right?

Suz- Dh and his friend are already getting antsy on the bike riding. Dh already booked rooms for the Fat Tire Festival in April. There is also a Tour De St. George in March! OMG! It's coming, get those padded shorts on and ride is all I'm saying!

Linda- I'm still waiting for that Empire State to go on sale. The sale this week is those heavy ropes. They look cool, but can you imagine swinging a bell on one of those in your house? :eek:

Diane Sue- Yeah, no swinging with the baby! Especially with a rope! Did you see that video?


Linda- I'm still waiting for that Empire State to go on sale. The sale this week is those heavy ropes. They look cool, but can you imagine swinging a bell on one of those in your house? :eek:

I watched that video and thought the same thing. I am not sure I could imagine swinging that thing to jump it either. But I do think you could go to the local tractor supply place and get a piece of rope for much less:p
Linda - that was my thought, exactly...or Home Depot or something. Good grief.

Dallys- luckily, Office Depot called and asked if they could print BFFM 2 sided - that thing is a monster still!

I have a question: on PUB, the flyes are with the fat end of the DBs out. That makes my shoulders feel too much of the movement. I check my form all of the time but it bothers me still. The other way does not. What am I doing wrong, or is it just my weird body??
Anyone watching Oprah lately? What is wrong with her???? I was watching yesterday about her talking of "embracing your body" (accepting yourself to be overweight, etc.) The theme of the show was, "It is o.k. to let yourself go and not care about yourself on the physical level just as long as you feel happy on the mental/spiritual level". Sorry, but that just ticked me off!!! That is all our society needs to keep hearing. More pat on the backs and alright to let yourself go. If I did not brush my teeth because I was too busy feeling all spiritual and whatnot, then my teeth would soon fall out. If I did not want to bathe because I am too happy at the moment, then I would surely stinketh. If I was 200 pounds, then I would surely be overweight. I would surely soon enough have encountered some health problems. Would I not? Is this o.k???? I was sad to see Erik, the winner of the Biggest Loser on there yesterday and looking like he gained another 75 pounds or so after he worked so hard to take off the weight? Why did he bother? Makes me feel like some do this just for the money and not for themselves, but what he is doing for himself now by gaining the weight is not good, but alas...they are all promoting "embracing your body". I think it is craziness to accept the laziness! Sorry, don't get it.
Anyone watching Oprah lately? What is wrong with her???? I was watching yesterday about her talking of "embracing your body" (accepting yourself to be overweight, etc.) The theme of the show was, "It is o.k. to let yourself go and not care about yourself on the physical level just as long as you feel happy on the mental/spiritual level". Sorry, but that just ticked me off!!! That is all our society needs to keep hearing. More pat on the backs and alright to let yourself go. If I did not brush my teeth because I was too busy feeling all spiritual and whatnot, then my teeth would soon fall out. If I did not want to bathe because I am too happy at the moment, then I would surely stinketh. If I was 200 pounds, then I would surely be overweight. I would surely soon enough have encountered some health problems. Would I not? Is this o.k???? I was sad to see Erik, the winner of the Biggest Loser on there yesterday and looking like he gained another 75 pounds or so after he worked so hard to take off the weight? Why did he bother? Makes me feel like some do this just for the money and not for themselves, but what he is doing for himself now by gaining the weight is not good, but alas...they are all promoting "embracing your body". I think it is craziness to accept the laziness! Sorry, don't get it.

Oprah drives me crazy. The only reason she is saying all this is because she CAN'T LOSE WEIGHT AND KEEP IT OFF! It's impossible for her. And so it's ok for her to spoo this garbage on TV. I'm shocked she didn't have Queen Latifa on, her beliefs are similar. I'm heavy but I'm happy. What a bunch of BS!

You know, ever since Tom Cruise was jumping all over her couch I haven't been able to watch Oprah anymore. She changed since then and I just don't like her anymore.

And how many shows is she going to do now with "it's ok to be overweight as long as you love yourself"? I know of four so far. :rolleyes:
I don't mind Oprah sometimes, depending on her show that day. I certainly watch much less than I used to. Here is what struck me as odd. She has blamed her weight gain on her thyroid problems, which led to other health issues. So, here she was, gaining weight like crazy, eating entire bags of chips (!), not working out, etc. If you are having that many health issues (she listed a number of problems on a show with Dr. Oz last week), then your thyroid is SERIOUSLY out of whack. Bottom line, according to her, the weight gain is due to her thyroid. OK - I have a thyroid problem too. Found that out when Mom practically forced me to the doctor - I was cold all the time, completely lethargic, had hear palpitations, gained some weight - plus just quit losing baby weight. I am now on two medications and will be for the rest of my life. To my knowledge, the thyroid does not heal itself! Oprah sat there on national TV and said she had gone off all meds!!! Well, that makes no sense, and seems dangerous b/c to go off thyroid meds is not safe and I don't think she was even on them, personally b/c I never heard it mentioned, but she is basically letting it be assumed that she was on them (b/c that is what you do when you have thyroid problems, for the most part, aside from more radical procedures) and healed herself somehow and is now off "all medications." To all of the viewers with half of a brain who hear that, and are on thyroid meds, they may just think it is safe too - it is totally not safe. She has gone sort of kooky.
I don't mind Oprah sometimes, depending on her show that day. I certainly watch much less than I used to. Here is what struck me as odd. She has blamed her weight gain on her thyroid problems, which led to other health issues. So, here she was, gaining weight like crazy, eating entire bags of chips (!), not working out, etc. If you are having that many health issues (she listed a number of problems on a show with Dr. Oz last week), then your thyroid is SERIOUSLY out of whack. Bottom line, according to her, the weight gain is due to her thyroid. OK - I have a thyroid problem too. Found that out when Mom practically forced me to the doctor - I was cold all the time, completely lethargic, had hear palpitations, gained some weight - plus just quit losing baby weight. I am now on two medications and will be for the rest of my life. To my knowledge, the thyroid does not heal itself! Oprah sat there on national TV and said she had gone off all meds!!! Well, that makes no sense, and seems dangerous b/c to go off thyroid meds is not safe and I don't think she was even on them, personally b/c I never heard it mentioned, but she is basically letting it be assumed that she was on them (b/c that is what you do when you have thyroid problems, for the most part, aside from more radical procedures) and healed herself somehow and is now off "all medications." To all of the viewers with half of a brain who hear that, and are on thyroid meds, they may just think it is safe too - it is totally not safe. She has gone sort of kooky.

Wow, she has gone nutso. That is dangerous to say on national TV. She has so many followers that think she walks on water. I hope no one gets hurt from all this. Very scary.

And if she did have a thyroid problem and this is the reason for her gaining back all that weight plus some (yea right) then how was it that she lost all that weight a few years back? She has talked herself into believing that that is why she gained back the weight because it's easier to do that then to workout and eat right.
Char....couldn't agree with you more about Oprah. When I hear that type of garbage it gets me! The sad thing is that there are sooooo many people who almost worship her and hang on her every word.....if Oprah says or does it then it must be gospel...good grief! :confused:

Shanna...I have thyroid disease too. (hypo). Got it after the birth of my son, so have had it for 16 years. Gets irritating when people blame their weight problems on thier thyroid. I know that is a factor BUT it is controllable!

Diane Sue....nice workout. You lifted some heavy weights today girl!

Patti...thanks, my chest is my weak area so I am trying to work it. Had my DS spot me on the presses, just in case, but I was ok.....but only 8 reps!

Ok since I am new to Cardio Coach so can someone please school me on Cardio Coach Press Play and Cardio Coach w/Candance?....are these also part of Sean's workouts?
And I mean for the people who can DO SOMETHING about their weight. I know there may be certain situations that limit some people from losing weight, but the bottom line is that IF YOU CAN, THEN YOU SHOULD! If you are capable, then you are able, etc.
Ok since I am new to Cardio Coach so can someone please school me on Cardio Coach Press Play and Cardio Coach w/Candance?....are these also part of Sean's workouts?

Sonya, Press Play was a compilation of different workouts, I don't think it's offered anymore on Sean's site.

CC #6 with Candace is part of Sean's workouts but Candace does the coaching. And I have to say, this one is almost my favorite. I love the way she does this workout. It's the same way Sean does them, but it's a female voice you hear. She has only done one workout and I hear she is now out on her own doing her own workouts but I haven't found them or ordered any.
Char....couldn't agree with you more about Oprah. When I hear that type of garbage it gets me! The sad thing is that there are sooooo many people who almost worship her and hang on her every word.....if Oprah says or does it then it must be gospel...good grief! :confused:

It's so true! If Oprah says it's ok to be fat and let yourself go, then by golly we shouldn't have to try anymore either.:rolleyes:

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