Debbie - they were just there - i did a search and they came up - i think XS was the only size they had for that price. It says XS fits a 5 to 6 inch wrist so it should fit fine.
I am so glad your Dad is ok. I am telling you, I have been thinking so much about things these days. My husband's Dad died last year of a heart attack - he was only 63. It has been a tough year for DH. My Dad is 85 - and has Alz - I think it would have been easier to have lost him earlier. He is no way himself. he dosen't know we are is his kids. It is so sad to see. it kills me. It is like he is gone but he is not. Anyway, just part of life I suppose.
Take care and I will keep an eye for more discounts on versa grips.
Thanks Ally! I never thought to look on ebay for those.
I'm sorry to hear about your dad, that has to be so hard. My grandma had dimensia and she did the same thing, didn't know us, etc. She was 100 years old, though. But it was still hard. Hugs to you and I will pray for your dad as well.