Hardcore extreme

Cathe, In case you are still working on that one last, but VERY important DVD, I'm going to put in another vote for Jenna's idea. I really hope you consider it.

I mean jettagirl9, not sure how I got Jenna.
Susan C.M.:D
I looove the terminator dvd.If the hardcore extreme workout are similar to the terminator dvd I will loove it too.For cardio I would love a hard intense cardio workout with a mix of IMAX 3 and kickmax.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.:)
I love Jillybean's idea and also the idea of 60min. of hardcore cardio. Thanks for asking for our input.

I like Jetta's idea but I want longer workouts, not just 60 min. The Terminator is one of my favourite workout....The length (90 min) of Bodymax would be nice to see in the Extreme DVD...
I vote for Jetta's idea. Tough cardio circuit.

I think the Muscle Max, Explosion Step and Cardio Max Mania is a great idea!}(
I'm changing my mind (typical woman, huh?)-I would rather have more than 60 minutes of tough cardio.

I really like Jetta's ideas
I like Jetta's ideas too, not to mention that the names are quite good too! ;) BTW, what I love about the Terminator dvd is the length of the workouts--love those extra long killer workouts!
I like one hour plus intense cardio workouts, then circuits including cardio at least 30 minutes and upper, and circuits at least 30 minutes and lower, so one could get a complete workout and do it as an upper and lower split
Diane Sue
I would love to see workouts similar to Terminator: super intense circuit based workouts that are between 70 and 80 minutes long. I find I do Terminator very regularly.
I would like one circuit to be similar to Bootcamp but with longer cardio intervals (pulling cardio from kickbox, IMAX3 and the high step hardcore dvds).
I would like the second workout to be similar to the Gauntlet (in terms of the balance between cardio and weights).
I would prefer the third to not be an all weight based workout, please throw in some cardio like in the Viper.

I'm really looking forward to doing all of these new workouts. Thanks for all your hard work Cathe! Have a Merry Christmas!
Great idea Alhambra.You have a beautiful name. I would love to see workouts similar to terminator.I am a spanish terminator junkie.;-) .I love the extralong workouts.Have a great weekend. I love your options for the three workouts.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.:) :)
>I would like to see 3 workouts consisting of:
>1. All weights
>2. All cardio
>3. A mix of the two (a circuit workout)
>For those with a programmable DVD player, we can make a
>plethora of other workouts from these three.

I agree! This is what I want!!!}(

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